A Question of Bigotry


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I've heard many times that Christians or Conservative individuals are bigots. I've heard the counterclaim that Liberals and Homosexuals are as such themselves. But I simply wish to pose a couple of questions: Using the logic that a Christian or Conservative is bigoted and anti-gay, would the Liberals be just as bigoted and anti-Christian? How can one sit there and accuse the other of being bigoted, while not acknowledging their own bigotry in return?

Yes, I know, someone in this thread is bound to say, "Well Christians and Conservatives are inherently bigoted! We are tolerant!" Well, that poses another question. Are you really? If a Christian can be accosted for speaking his mind on homosexuality, namely people like Phil Robertson or Brendan Eich, but a homosexual can be praised for shoving it in his face; is that not intolerant, or bigoted? And likewise, another will say, "No! Liberals and homosexuals are inherently bigoted! We are tolerant!" The same I ask, are you really? How can you be tolerant when you wish to deny someone equal protection under the same laws that govern you and I, simply because they are gay? Is that not intolerant or bigoted as well?

One side wishes for equality and tolerance, as does the other. Both sides say the are tolerant, but in reality they are not. Both sides want equality, but in reality they only want a society more favorable to their worldviews or religious beliefs. From my vantage point, neither side has any room to maneuver. Both sides are just as bigoted as one another. The views each side holds does not justify the behavior they exhibit towards one another. Tolerance is a two way street. You can't demand tolerance, you must earn it. So, it is a matter of: are you a bigot or not?
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When they accuse us of being bigots, racist, homophope etc

Many people need to try and PRETEND they don't have any of those traits and you'll find a fake..WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS from what I've seen, they LEFT are the biggest of all those and sexist, haters of their fellow country men and women and the LEAST TOLERANT of any people no matter who they are

take Rush, fox news, Palin, Bauchmann, Herman Cain, and the beat goes on...Joey called Condi Rice a black toten for the Republican party...to them now blacks, latatino, Asians can belong to any other party but theirs OR they will spread around we hate them...You see you can't hate the law breaker without in the minds for Politics that means you hate them Mexicans too.they leave their plantation, they are called every vile name they can come up, uncle tom, traitor to his color, race, their party.
you see we aren't the United States of America anymore. this administration isn't looking out for you, he has to take care and bring in another 30 million people because they mean more to him than you...He is going to flood our wefare, and break you legal citizens backs...Anyone find it odd they could round up 200 armed agents to go raid a AMERICAN citizens ranch but they can't put them same armed guards on our boarders?

face it folks, you've been sold out by Obama, radical enviormentalist , you now get to be taxed to pay for others countries pollution, jobs are gone, hope is gone, we are gone...enjoy
but, they truly do care for the poor and guess where you'll be heading, INTO THE poor

Everyone person in this country has some prededites against someone

it's those who want to pretend they are saintly human beings who pretends, is fake, a phoney, liar, ashamed of who they are if they try to feed you they aren't any of the above
I see hypocrisy on both ends, actually. More of it from one end, but nonetheless, there it is. For example, Carl Demaio.

Christians and Conservatives are called bigots, yet gay rights groups and gay rights activists decided to turn their backs on him, simply because he was Republican.

Conservatives are called racists, but liberals ignore their actions towards Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, Herman Cain and Allen West.

Conservatives are called misogynists for not supporting choice, but yet in California, liberals would much rather endorese gender based abortion practices.

Conservatives are accused of hating the poor, but yet liberals forget that their own policies are only perpetuating the poverty they want purged from society.

One converse example is when states try to ban gay marriage. The founders placed the equal protection clause in the Constitution for a reason. When a law is made, it must apply equally, and the protection of such law should not be denied someone because of who or what they are. That's a no brainer.

Nobody is perfect, yes we're all humans, but for anyone to absolve themselves of any hypocrisy in the matter is simply dishonest.
How can one sit there and accuse the other of being bigoted, while not acknowledging their own bigotry in return?
Because the vast majority of liberals and gay Americans are Christian, where liberals are correct in their criticism of the hate and ignorance that manifests among many Christians where those Christians use their faith as ‘justification’ for their hate.

To be critical of that kind of hate and ignorance is not being ‘bigoted.’

The issue therefore has nothing to do with being Christian, or Christianity, the issue has to do with those hostile toward gay Americans using their faith as a façade behind which to hide, where there are millions of Christians who do not hate gay Americans, and with whom liberals take no issue.

And the same disdain would apply to a Jew or Muslim who might use his faith as justification to hate gay Americans, having nothing to do with the religion, and everything to do with the individual propagating the hate.
I see hypocrisy on both ends, actually. More of it from one end, but nonetheless, there it is. For example, Carl Demaio.

Christians and Conservatives are called bigots, yet gay rights groups and gay rights activists decided to turn their backs on him, simply because he was Republican.

Conservatives are called racists, but liberals ignore their actions towards Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, Herman Cain and Allen West.

Conservatives are called misogynists for not supporting choice, but yet in California, liberals would much rather endorese gender based abortion practices.

Conservatives are accused of hating the poor, but yet liberals forget that their own policies are only perpetuating the poverty they want purged from society.

One converse example is when states try to ban gay marriage. The founders placed the equal protection clause in the Constitution for a reason. When a law is made, it must apply equally, and the protection of such law should not be denied someone because of who or what they are. That's a no brainer.

Nobody is perfect, yes we're all humans, but for anyone to absolve themselves of any hypocrisy in the matter is simply dishonest.

These fail as false comparison fallacies.

Christians and Conservatives who seek to deny gay Americans their civil liberties are correctly called bigots, whereas a non-representative group of gay rights activists who decide to not support Carl DeMaio because he was a republican were not seeking to deny him his civil liberties.

This fails as a false comparison.

Conservatives are called racists when they seek to deny an entire class of persons their voting rights with regard to 'voter ID,' or the due process rights of Hispanic immigrants, whereas no liberal has sought to deny Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, Herman Cain, or Allen West their civil liberties.

This fails as a false comparison.

Conservatives are called misogynists because they seek to deny women their civil liberties.

As for “liberals would much rather endorse gender based abortion practices,” this is a lie and warrants no further comment.

Conservatives are accused of hating the poor because they blindly adhere to failed rightwing fiscal dogma that in fact greatly disadvantages the poor.

As for “liberals forget that their own policies are only perpetuating the poverty they want purged from society,” this is also a lie and also warrants no further comment.

When conservatives seek to deny citizens their civil liberties, and make such an effort part of their acknowledged policy objective,* they expose themselves to legitimate and appropriate criticism. That in no way compares to a liberal saying something unkind about an African-American or gay republican politician, as no liberal is seeking to deny African-Americans or gay Americans their civil liberties.

*Example: The 2012 Texas Republican Party platform advocating for a “Life at Conception Act,” which clearly violates Constitutional jurisprudence concerning 14th Amendment protections and the right of a woman to decide for herself whether to have a child or not absent interference by the state:

How can one sit there and accuse the other of being bigoted, while not acknowledging their own bigotry in return?
Because the vast majority of liberals and gay Americans are Christian, where liberals are correct in their criticism of the hate and ignorance that manifests among many Christians where those Christians use their faith as ‘justification’ for their hate.

To be critical of that kind of hate and ignorance is not being ‘bigoted.’

The issue therefore has nothing to do with being Christian, or Christianity, the issue has to do with those hostile toward gay Americans using their faith as a façade behind which to hide, where there are millions of Christians who do not hate gay Americans, and with whom liberals take no issue.

And the same disdain would apply to a Jew or Muslim who might use his faith as justification to hate gay Americans, having nothing to do with the religion, and everything to do with the individual propagating the hate.

well no wonder you all so miserably...You believe everyone one in this country is filled with hate and ignorance...and the reason way, is you haven't been able to force on people that homosexuality is purely normal and everyone is born that way (which we know isn't true because many have been married for years before deciding they wanted to go the homosexual way And how hatful and ignorant that the majority of people can't stand watching two men getting it on and find it totally disgusting....now I would bet you like to sit an watch dog's fornicate, cows, donkeys, pigs, etc.... because that has to make you much more the enlightened than everyone...California even voted down homosexual marriage and you all crow they are the leaders of the country as far a s things go....and only last thing, your dear leader didn't EVOLVE into AGGREEING WITH homosexual marriage until it was good for his politics and AGENDA...SO now we have to have it shoved down our throats even on a frikken sports game and that is just so TOLERANT OF OTHERS of the majority of people who disagrees with you intolerant hateful ignorant people and you have nothing else, Obama's record sucks to high heaven and now this is being using as a another way to tear down this country by pitting people against people...
Hate and ignorance is every on of you post dear, man how can you live with it day and day out...what a miserable life
I see hypocrisy on both ends, actually. More of it from one end, but nonetheless, there it is. For example, Carl Demaio.

Christians and Conservatives are called bigots, yet gay rights groups and gay rights activists decided to turn their backs on him, simply because he was Republican.

No, they turned their backs on him because he didn't support the issues they cared about. I know that this might come as a shock to you, but gays care about other issues.

Conservatives are called racists, but liberals ignore their actions towards Mia Love, Deneen Borelli, Herman Cain and Allen West.

Okay. Let's look at this list.

Mia Love lost in 2012 because her fellow LDS wouldn't vote for her. Not because of what "liberals" did.

Allen West lost because when he got to Congress, he did a not of nutty things.

Herman Cain wasn't done in by liberals, he was done in by a lot of women he apparently groped.

Never heard of Deneen Borelli, but apparently the NAACP disinvited her because of things she said.

Conservatives are called misogynists for not supporting choice, but yet in California, liberals would much rather endorese gender based abortion practices.

No, we just don't want the government sticking their nose in other people's business to address a non-existent problem. While sex selection abortions are common in places like China and India, they aren't happening in the US.

Conservatives are accused of hating the poor, but yet liberals forget that their own policies are only perpetuating the poverty they want purged from society.

Again, you keep repeating that stuff, but the reality is quite different. Most people on assistance are only on it for a short time. while the "Welfare Queen" is a nice myth, she is exactly that. A myth.

One converse example is when states try to ban gay marriage. The founders placed the equal protection clause in the Constitution for a reason. When a law is made, it must apply equally, and the protection of such law should not be denied someone because of who or what they are. That's a no brainer.

Guy, we've had this argument 50 years ago when people in your part of the country tried to create separate lunch counters and ban interracial marriage. It didn't fly then, why do you think it's going to fly now?

Nobody is perfect, yes we're all humans, but for anyone to absolve themselves of any hypocrisy in the matter is simply dishonest.

I think that hasty generalizations and false premises are a bigger problem for you, TK.
I've heard many times that Christians or Conservative individuals are bigots. I've heard the counterclaim that Liberals and Homosexuals are as such themselves. But I simply wish to pose a couple of questions: Using the logic that a Christian or Conservative is bigoted and anti-gay, would the Liberals be just as bigoted and anti-Christian? How can one sit there and accuse the other of being bigoted, while not acknowledging their own bigotry in return?

Yes, I know, someone in this thread is bound to say, "Well Christians and Conservatives are inherently bigoted! We are tolerant!" Well, that poses another question. Are you really? If a Christian can be accosted for speaking his mind on homosexuality, namely people like Phil Robertson or Brendan Eich, but a homosexual can be praised for shoving it in his face; is that not intolerant, or bigoted? And likewise, another will say, "No! Liberals and homosexuals are inherently bigoted! We are tolerant!" The same I ask, are you really? How can you be tolerant when you wish to deny someone equal protection under the same laws that govern you and I, simply because they are gay? Is that not intolerant or bigoted as well?

One side wishes for equality and tolerance, as does the other. Both sides say the are tolerant, but in reality they are not. Both sides want equality, but in reality they only want a society more favorable to their worldviews or religious beliefs. From my vantage point, neither side has any room to maneuver. Both sides are just as bigoted as one another. The views each side holds does not justify the behavior they exhibit towards one another. Tolerance is a two way street. You can't demand tolerance, you must earn it. So, it is a matter of: are you a bigot or not?

Anyone who holds an inflexible opinion is technically a bigot, regardless of what that opinion is. The differences in interpretation is that some people think the connotative meaning is the real meaning when it is not. It is a huge problem in politics and society, that people cannot check themselves when they do not know the true meanings of the words they use.

Charges of bigotry should never be a reason to threaten freedom of speech.

Recognize incipient fascism when it rears it's head....

’’the title Liberal Fascism comes from a speech delivered by H. G. Wells, one of the most important and influential progressive and socialist intellectuals of the 20th century. He wanted to re-brand liberalism as “liberal fascism” and even “enlightened Nazism.” He believed these terms best described his own political views — views that deeply informed American progressivism and New Deal liberalism."
Liberal Fascism: Wings Over the World Edition ? Crooked Timber
The OP posits the usual equivalency counter argument, you hear it often today. 'I happen to think slavery benefits people and is good for people, you disagree with me, thus you must be a bigot.' That is the extreme point of view but it works in every debate. This is an extreme political correct argument form. But it misses the point of bigotry and it fails even to understand what bigotry is. Lots of examples exist in social science and even experience if you pay attention. I call up for an apartment and when asked my name I give the name Muhammad Williams, the person apologetically says, 'sorry, the apartment has been taken.' A neighborhood is 'deteriorating and someone says, Hispanics are moving in and others say, 'well that's the reason.' Need I give more examples? In one case the person is classified by name and in the other they are classified by ethnicity. That is bigotry. Bigotry is automatic thinking because of bias, prejudice, or ignorance. Simple huh. So here's the hard question, my religion has a negative view of gay people, how do I react? Joan is gay but she seems nice. OK, how you react would then classify you as a bigot. Think about it.

Then there is bigotry of the law and of the society, consider justifications for slavery, or separate but equal, or Jim Crow or... We can take that up next. Is religion an excuse for bigotry? Render unto Caesar.... Judge not lest ....

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

"We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power." Jane Elliot

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
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The OP posits the usual equivalency counter argument, you hear it often today. 'I happen to think slavery benefits people and is good for people, you disagree with me, thus you must be a bigot.' That is the extreme point of view but it works in every debate. This is an extreme political correct argument form. But it misses the point of bigotry and it fails even to understand what bigotry is. Lots of examples exist in social science and even experience if you pay attention. I call up for an apartment and when asked my name I give the name Muhammad Williams, the person apologetically says, 'sorry, the apartment has been taken.' A neighborhood is 'deteriorating and someone says, Hispanics are moving in and others say, 'well that's the reason.' Need I give more examples? In one case the person is classified by name and in the other they are classified by ethnicity. That is bigotry. Bigotry is automatic thinking because of bias, prejudice, or ignorance. Simple huh. So here's the hard question, my religion has a negative view of gay people, how do I react? Joan is gay but she seems nice. OK, how you react would then classify you as a bigot. Think about it.

Then there is bigotry of the law and of the society, consider justifications for slavery, or separate but equal, or Jim Crow or... We can take that up next. Is religion an excuse for bigotry? Render unto Caesar.... Judge not lest ....

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

"We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power." Jane Elliot

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin

I'm sorry, but this is nothing but a deflection, consisting of a petitio principii argument among other things. In some cases you are employing red herrings to supplement your own argument, while insisting on a mild form of argumentum ad hominem in the beginning.

If you would like, please discuss the inherent bigotry both parties posses. The issue of race is a non sequitur. I know exactly what bigotry is. I know that both parties participate in it. One against Christians, the other against homosexuals. What I want to know from you is why liberals believe it is okay to be bigoted to Christians as far homosexuality is concerned? How can he say "I'm anti-Christian because Christians are anti-gay"? Does that not make him a bigot as well?
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There's probably a point to this thread....



Hmm, how can I put this. How can one side accuse the other of being a bigot, when both of them are equally as bigoted? Make sense? Probably not.

Ah, no that's very helpful.

The facts are immaterial: Perception is reality.

If I can make other preceive that YOU are the bigot, then they will ignore me.
How can one sit there and accuse the other of being bigoted, while not acknowledging their own bigotry in return?

Because the vast majority of liberals and gay Americans are Christian, where liberals are correct in their criticism of the hate and ignorance that manifests among many Christians where those Christians use their faith as ‘justification’ for their hate.

To be critical of that kind of hate and ignorance is not being ‘bigoted.’

The issue therefore has nothing to do with being Christian, or Christianity, the issue has to do with those hostile toward gay Americans using their faith as a façade behind which to hide, where there are millions of Christians who do not hate gay Americans, and with whom liberals take no issue.

And the same disdain would apply to a Jew or Muslim who might use his faith as justification to hate gay Americans, having nothing to do with the religion, and everything to do with the individual propagating the hate.


Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
How can one sit there and accuse the other of being bigoted, while not acknowledging their own bigotry in return?

Because the vast majority of liberals and gay Americans are Christian, where liberals are correct in their criticism of the hate and ignorance that manifests among many Christians where those Christians use their faith as ‘justification’ for their hate.

To be critical of that kind of hate and ignorance is not being ‘bigoted.’

The issue therefore has nothing to do with being Christian, or Christianity, the issue has to do with those hostile toward gay Americans using their faith as a façade behind which to hide, where there are millions of Christians who do not hate gay Americans, and with whom liberals take no issue.

And the same disdain would apply to a Jew or Muslim who might use his faith as justification to hate gay Americans, having nothing to do with the religion, and everything to do with the individual propagating the hate.

I have no problem with Christianity or Christians, most of my family and friends are Christians. I was also raised Christian. I wasn't raised to use my religion to hate someone's lifestyle.
If you are a gay Basher or a racist, it does not make me a bigot if I don't tolerate your hate. It's pretty simple.

I will also add this, because the same crowd always claim homosexuals are trying to push their agenda on others. I have just as many gay friends as Christian friends in my newsfeed on Facebook. My gay friends rarely post about gay issues and rights, while many of my Christian friends post about God, Jesus, and their religion. One girl even felt the need to explain why she didn't support homosexuality, and their right to marry in a post(I didn't comment on it). Yet I have never seen my gay friends speak poorly, against, and post that they didn't support Christianity.
I don't care when they post about their religion every five minutes, and I don't claim gays have an agenda when they make a post on the subject every few weeks. See how that works?

You want to know what else I don't see, even less than posts about gay rights and religion, posts about becoming an atheist or agnostic. My non believer friends nor I never post about our views. Yet we are accused of pushing an agenda also. Just food for thought.
In reality, if you don't want to be called a bigot don't spend all day telling everyone how great your beliefs are then proceed to hate others.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
How can one sit there and accuse the other of being bigoted, while not acknowledging their own bigotry in return?

Because the vast majority of liberals and gay Americans are Christian, where liberals are correct in their criticism of the hate and ignorance that manifests among many Christians where those Christians use their faith as ‘justification’ for their hate.

To be critical of that kind of hate and ignorance is not being ‘bigoted.’

The issue therefore has nothing to do with being Christian, or Christianity, the issue has to do with those hostile toward gay Americans using their faith as a façade behind which to hide, where there are millions of Christians who do not hate gay Americans, and with whom liberals take no issue.

And the same disdain would apply to a Jew or Muslim who might use his faith as justification to hate gay Americans, having nothing to do with the religion, and everything to do with the individual propagating the hate.

I have no problem with Christianity or Christians, most of my family and friends are Christians. I was also raised Christian. I wasn't raised to use my religion to hate someone's lifestyle.
If you are a gay Basher or a racist, it does not make me a bigot if I don't tolerate your hate. It's pretty simple.

I will also add this, because the same crowd always claim homosexuals are trying to push their agenda on others. I have just as many gay friends as Christian friends in my newsfeed on Facebook. My gay friends rarely post about gay issues and rights, while many of my Christian friends post about God, Jesus, and their religion. One girl even felt the need to explain why she didn't support homosexuality, and their right to marry in a post(I didn't comment on it). Yet I have never seen my gay friends speak poorly, against, and post that they didn't support Christianity.
I don't care when they post about their religion every five minutes, and I don't claim gays have an agenda when they make a post on the subject every few weeks. See how that works?

You want to know what else I don't see, even less than posts about gay rights and religion, posts about becoming an atheist or agnostic. My non believer friends nor I never post about our views. Yet we are accused of pushing an agenda also. Just food for thought.
In reality, if you don't want to be called a bigot don't spend all day telling everyone how great your beliefs are then proceed to hate others.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Your intolerance DOES make you just as much a bigot as anyone else's intolerance makes them.
So far the biggest bigots I see on this board and in the political spectrum exist on the far left.

I remember when those that disagreed with Obama were called racists.

Oh wait that still happens...
How can one sit there and accuse the other of being bigoted, while not acknowledging their own bigotry in return?
Because the vast majority of liberals and gay Americans aren't Christian, where liberals are correct in their criticism of the hate and ignorance that manifests among many Christians where those Christians use their faith as ‘justification’ for their hate.

To be critical of that kind of hate and ignorance is not being ‘bigoted.’

The issue therefore has nothing to do with being Christian, or Christianity, the issue has to do with those hostile toward gay Americans using their faith as a façade behind which to hide, where there are millions of Christians who do not hate gay Americans, and with whom liberals take no issue.

And the same disdain would apply to a Jew or Muslim who might use his faith as justification to hate gay Americans, having nothing to do with the religion, and everything to do with the individual propagating the hate.

Because the vast majority of liberals and gay Americans aren't Christian, where liberals are correct in their criticism of the hate and ignorance that manifests among many Christians where those Christians use their faith as ‘justification’ for their hate.

That's a faulty premise. Liberals use their so-called 'tolerance' of others to justify theirs. When will you acknowledge that?

The issue therefore has nothing to do with being Christian, or Christianity, the issue has to do with those hostile toward gay Americans using their faith as a façade behind which to hide, where there are millions of Christians who do not hate gay Americans, and with whom liberals take no issue.

I'm one of those Christians who believes homosexuality is sinful. But I also believe they have the same rights as I do. Does that mean I'm hateful? The issue of Christianity is at the forefront of this issue. From what I can tell, liberals will never allow a man to be against something they believe in. Why is it people like Brendan Eich, Phil Robertson, or those two brothers on HGTV are attacked and eschewed from their livelihoods and reputations for stating their beliefs? Carl Demiao is a Gay Republican but he is treated just the same.

I don't think you can justify taking away the freedom of expression from someone just because you think they are hateful. Which is another thing. Dissenting opinions are just that. Do they make that individual person hateful? No. This is nothing but a guilt by association fallacy.

To be critical of that kind of hate and ignorance is not being ‘bigoted.’

Sure it is, without acknowledging that you may be as hateful and ignorant as they are. It's a fact, not a put down, Clayton. Why can't others be critical of what you believe in? Isn't this a bit one sided?

And the same disdain would apply to a Jew or Muslim who might use his faith as justification to hate gay Americans, having nothing to do with the religion, and everything to do with the individual propagating the hate.

Like I said before, I think this campaign against hate is used as a vehicle to vilify others for simply stating what they believe. An effort to strangle discourse on this issue in particular. I see it as nothing but an attempt to hijack thought and opinion.

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