a question for the muslim men



I know this sounds ignorant to some, but is it true that all men believe a woman should be punished by death for committing adultery? Or is it just the law of the Iraq government?
Originally posted by pinkfighter
I know this sounds ignorant to some, but is it true that all men believe a woman should be punished by death for committing adultery? Or is it just the law of the Iraq government?

I don't think this has anything to do with the Iraqi government. I think this emanates from either the Qu'ran or Sharia law. I also believe it changes within different Muslim communities. The article below states that this tradition is only held in a few countries: Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia.

I'm not very knowledgable on this either, but from what I understand, this was not a practice of the Iraq government. And I, as a man, can honestly say I am not in favor of such practices. (jejeje, couldn't resist.)

I don't think this is widely practiced even in the muslim world, and thank god, 'cause if it were, my mail box would be full of Amnesty International petitions.

Thanks a bunch for taking the time to answer my question.
Very few men in my community would view this as an acceptable punishment for women committing adultery. As a matter of fact most would find it completely unacceptable.

However men are allowed to get away with it a lot more from the view of being socially acceptable or not, that is if a man plays away from home it is no big deal so long as he doesn't go around bragging about it, if a woman plays away it is much more talked about gossip wise.

Also adultery (male or female) between individuals within the community is very rare and usually involves a male from the community and female from outside.

These are just my observations of how things are/appear in my community.
Originally posted by Sabir
Very few men in my community would view this as an acceptable punishment for women committing adultery. As a matter of fact most would find it completely unacceptable and over the top.

However men are allowed to get away with it a lot more from the view of being socially acceptable or not, that is if a man plays away from home it is no big deal so long as he doesn't go around bragging about it, if a woman plays away it is much more talked about gossip wise.

Also adultery (male or female) between individuals within the community is very rare and usually involves a male from the community and female from outside.

These are just my observations of how things are/appear in my community.
Sorry about the last post, wanted to edit but must have hit the quote button instead:eek:
Originally posted by pinkfighter

I know this sounds ignorant to some, but is it true that all men believe a woman should be punished by death for committing adultery? Or is it just the law of the Iraq government?

Islam for women is an honorable thing.

"Circumcision is a commedable act for men (Sunnah) and is an honorable thing for women (Makromah)."

Islam tradition says that young girls before puberty should have their female organ removed with a sharp blade or stone and no anesthesia. What a civilized religion the peaceful Muslims really are.....
I have no problem with male circumcision and as far as I understand, it compulsory for Muslim men only.

I have never heard of female circumcision as being compulsory or honourable. It is practised by a very small minority, mainly in Africa and it must stop. In no way is it even remotely accepted as Islamic tradition by the vast majority of Muslims and in those cases in which it is it should be stamped out (with force if necessery IMO).
Originally posted by Sabir

I have no problem with male circumcision and as far as I understand, it compulsory for Muslim men only.

I have never heard of female circumcision as being compulsory or honourable. It is practised by a very small minority, mainly in Africa and it must stop. In no way is it even remotely accepted as Islamic tradition by the vast majority of Muslims and in those cases in which it is it should be stamped out (with force if necessery IMO).

Sabir you might want to take a look at the following site below as stated by the Female Muslim League on their perspective of Islamic female genital mutilation.

There is, however, a more authentic Hadeeth in which Prophet Muhammad is reported to have passed by a woman performing circumcision on a young girl. He instructed the woman by saying:
"Cut off only the foreskin (outer fold of skin over the clitoris; the prepuce) but do not cut off deeply (i.e. the clitoris itself), for this is brighter for the face (of the girl) and more favorable with the husband."

Al-Tabarani, quoted in Al-albani, Muhammad N., Silsilat al-Ahadeeth Al-Sahihah, Al Maktab Al-Islami, Beirut, Lebanon, 1983, vol. 2, Hadeeth no. 722, pp. 353-358 espeically pp. 356-257. See also N. keller (translator/editor), The Reliance of the Traveller by Ahmad al-Masri, Modern Printing Press, Dubai, 1991, e 4.3, p. 59.


It appears that Islam along with many primitive religions and people practice this immoral practice for reasons other than health.
Thanks ajwps,

Those few Muslims who practice female genital mutilation may justify them selves using this hadith.

I was just pointing out that it is practised by a very small minority (still unacceptable of course) and most Muslims do not accept it as part of Islamic tradition.

My understanding is that those women who have had this done find sex very painful. That just disgusts me and for that reason even if it is in the hadith I am against it.
Originally posted by Sabir

Thanks ajwps,

Those few Muslims who practice female genital mutilation may justify them selves using this hadith.

I was just pointing out that it is practised by a very small minority (still unacceptable of course) and most Muslims do not accept it as part of Islamic tradition.

My understanding is that those women who have had this done find sex very painful. That just disgusts me and for that reason even if it is in the hadith I am against it.


You are correct that this is a disgusting and vile practice throughout the third world countries which do this to young girl children.

Whether clitirodectomy is practiced by a very small minority of Muslims or by a large majority of Muslims in some Africian and sub-Saharan countries is tacit evidence that female mutilation procedures are not practiced by civilized countries or religions.

You are correct that it should be stopped but you cannot stop a practice that goes back for eons. It's basic purpose appears to protect men from having their wives stray or from the old Muslim concept that family disgrace is worse than death.

When Islam allows girls and women to be killed because they accidentally expose the skin on their wrist outside of their home is also very primitive thought.

Sabir, can you explain to me two Suras in Qur'an.

They are Sura 52:23-25 and Sura 76:19-20

The Suras may be found at the following site in both English and Arabic:


The message in these Qur'anic verses seem abit strange.
I Had a look ajwp, Yep the message can be seen as a bit strange.

I cant explain the verses to you because I am not in to religion much, not even my own .

I would say that like many religious texts they are vague and open to interpretation. We could discuss those interpretations endlessly with out agreeing anything.

In view of this I would go on what I see around me. I know that the people around me would be nauseated at any suggestion of paedophilia and so I would suggest that they in particular and normal sane Muslims in general would not subscribe to your interpretation of said verses.

Of course this doesn’t mean that paedophilia related acts do not occur in some Islamic schools but this is not because the mullahs are following any scripture. They are just sick b****s and Muslims need to start accepting that this problem exists so that it can be stopped and safe guards put in place.

I accept you explanation that you do not follow this Islamic faith closely and that any verse in any bible are open to different interpretations.

I can't read Arabic and therefore do not know if the interpretations by either of these two Muslims are correct or have the meanings that they imply.

Have a great day.....
I did not read everybodys posts, so forgive me if I'm repeating.

As far as Shariah law goes (to my little knowledge of it).

If a man and women are married, and one of them commits adultery, the punishment is death. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. Not only woman.

However, to my understanding, 4 witnesses must have seen the act happen for this conviction to be upheld. If 4 credible witnesses can't be produced, they're free to go unscathed. In fact, I think the accusers will be penalised for it in some way.
Since, nowadays, this would be almost impossible to occur (4 witnesses to see the act) - this penalty (I would think) would be few and far between. If an Islamic state would ever exist.

Pure FYI.
Originally posted by ajwps
Originally posted by Sabir

I have no problem with male circumcision and as far as I understand, it compulsory for Muslim men only.

I have never heard of female circumcision as being compulsory or honourable. It is practised by a very small minority, mainly in Africa and it must stop. In no way is it even remotely accepted as Islamic tradition by the vast majority of Muslims and in those cases in which it is it should be stamped out (with force if necessery IMO).

Sabir you might want to take a look at the following site below as stated by the Female Muslim League on their perspective of Islamic female genital mutilation.


It appears that Islam along with many primitive religions and people practice this immoral practice for reasons other than health.

This is not an authentic hadeeth.
Originally posted by the truth hurts
This is not an authentic hadeeth.

Maybe you can answer a question that hasn't been able to be answered here before. Why would someone be in fear for their life if they decided to leave the islamic faith?
Sabir you might want to take a look at the following site below as stated by the Female Muslim League on their perspective of Islamic female genital mutilation.

There is, however, a more authentic Hadeeth in which Prophet Muhammad is reported to have passed by a woman performing circumcision on a young girl. He instructed the woman by saying:
"Cut off only the foreskin (outer fold of skin over the clitoris; the prepuce) but do not cut off deeply (i.e. the clitoris itself), for this is brighter for the face (of the girl) and more favorable with the husband."

Al-Tabarani, quoted in Al-albani, Muhammad N., Silsilat al-Ahadeeth Al-Sahihah, Al Maktab Al-Islami, Beirut, Lebanon, 1983, vol. 2, Hadeeth no. 722, pp. 353-358 espeically pp. 356-257. See also N. keller (translator/editor), The Reliance of the Traveller by Ahmad al-Masri, Modern Printing Press, Dubai, 1991, e 4.3, p. 59.

Sorry. I meant this is not an authentic hadeeth.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Maybe you can answer a question that hasn't been able to be answered here before. Why would someone be in fear for their life if they decided to leave the islamic faith?

Hey... You finally want to talk. Okay.
I don't know too much about that. Give me a bit, and hopefully I'll be able to answer it.

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