a question: do you think sending jobs

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Over seas should be made illegal?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I was reading another thread and a poster implied Congress had a vote on it or something and made it "legal"

What about "your jobs" leaving for another County ? Another state ? Should that be made illegal also, after all it is "your jobs" ?
Opinions please...
Over seas should be made illegal?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I was reading another thread and a poster implied Congress had a vote on it or something and made it "legal"

What about "your jobs" leaving for another County ? Another state ? Should that be made illegal also, after all it is "your jobs" ?
Opinions please...

Do you think sending jobs over seas should be made illegal?

How would you do that?
Open up shipping containers to see if they contain jobs?

a poster implied Congress had a vote on it or something and made it "legal"

Sounds like a liberal idiot.
They say lots of stupid stuff.
I read this before btw in letters to the editor in the 90s, someone was real upset that a company left the high tax northwest suburbs of Chicago to a County away with lower taxes and incentives.
Over seas should be made illegal?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I was reading another thread and a poster implied Congress had a vote on it or something and made it "legal"

What about "your jobs" leaving for another County ? Another state ? Should that be made illegal also, after all it is "your jobs" ?
Opinions please...

But American love sending jobs overseas.

They vote for scumbag politicians who have created a massive regulatory confiscatory police state.

Over seas should be made illegal?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I was reading another thread and a poster implied Congress had a vote on it or something and made it "legal"

What about "your jobs" leaving for another County ? Another state ? Should that be made illegal also, after all it is "your jobs" ?
Opinions please...
The idea that jobs are "shipped overseas" is an absurd excuse for the fact that most Americans no longer have the skills to be competitive in world markets.

It is a fiction.
Unless you want the US to clam up into isolation from international trade I don't see how it is possible to enforce (much less define) the act of sending jobs overseas.

If my company makes cell phones and I buy $8 widgets for the phones from a company in Arizona, then discover another company in Germany will sell the same widgets for $5 then I'd switch manufacturers. Is that simply smart supply chain management or could I then be blamed for shipping any jobs lost in Arizona to Germany even if I never employed any of them? If I don't switch widget suppliers you can be sure someone else will, and it doesn't have to be a domestic competitor.
Americans send high paying jobs overseas because they buy cheap crap at the dollar store or Walmart
The idea that jobs are "shipped overseas" is an absurd excuse for the fact that most Americans no longer have the skills to be competitive in world markets.
Skill or cost? The United States is still very productive and efficient in production.

The issue isn't whether Americans can do it, but how much they need to be paid to.
It is so amusing liberals don't want to admit the fact they are the problem for low wages

Hell every one wants a deal, something for nothing, except oops me bad I just sent my job away.
Unless you aren't typing on something made in low wage countries in Asia that isn't irrelevant as a response.

But hey cool story bro, maybe tell it again sometime? I'd like that.
So the issue is how much? So if you get more off of welfare and sit around every day and cry on the internet, that's worth a life? Strange mofos liberals are.
Americans send high paying jobs overseas because they buy cheap crap at the dollar store or Walmart
NOTE: The crap is not inexpensive, only "cheap'.

Most Chinese shit is just an illusion of what it is supposed to be.

Americans are amazing, can't drink tapwater or make their own tea, so they buy the stuff in plastic bottles, which the Chinese recycle and sell back to us as useless crap.

You can hardly find anything that is not Chinese these days.

It happened so fast too.

America better wake up.
NO. The ability to make a living is part of our freedoms remaining.

The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.
John Locke

Over seas should be made illegal?

The reason why I am asking this question is because I was reading another thread and a poster implied Congress had a vote on it or something and made it "legal"

What about "your jobs" leaving for another County ? Another state ? Should that be made illegal also, after all it is "your jobs" ?
Opinions please...

do you think sending jobs

No, I think people should be free to be.
Unless you aren't typing on something made in low wage countries in Asia that isn't irrelevant as a response.

But hey cool story bro, maybe tell it again sometime? I'd like that.
Translation: i dont know how to reply to this thread, so i will attack the messagner
The idea that jobs are "shipped overseas" is an absurd excuse for the fact that most Americans no longer have the skills to be competitive in world markets.
Skill or cost? The United States is still very productive and efficient in production.

The issue isn't whether Americans can do it, but how much they need to be paid to.
The more you pay them not to work, the more will not work.

After almost a century of minimum wage laws, the bottom of the heap is now at the bottom of a bigger heap.

There is no market for semi-skilled, semi-literate people with artificially inflated ideas of their own self-worth.

That is why "jobs are shipped overseas".
Translation: i dont know how to reply to this thread, so i will attack the messagner
Translation: I don't like being called out as a hypocrite so I'll share pointless stories about computers I bought over 30 years ago and pretend it means I'm not also taking advantage of lower prices and the associated movement of jobs overseas.

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