a question about the bush administration

China makes what Bush did look like sex in the champagne room. Why can't liberals think about that instead?

We're not China are we? Why do you think it's okay to compare our behavior to China's?
Mark Twain called it house XXXXXXX reasoning. "I'm better off than those ******* out in the field" affirms acceptance that one is a XXXXXXX and minimizes the natural longing for freedom and equality.

Mark Twain wishes he could had only lived up to his claim. The only this is, everyone knows writes have a small little dang.
today i was thinking about how screwed up in every possible way the bush administration was, and i had a thought. why cant bush be prosecuted for sending human beings to egypt to be tortured? It's no secret that this happened, and furthermore it took me less than 5 minutes on line to find legal precedence to do just that under 18 USC § 2340A. Thats the law under which charles "chucky" taylor was prosecuted for doing THE EXACT SAME THING! and get this, taylor used the exact same justification, "fighting terrorism". your site wount allow me to post a link to an article about the taylor case however you can look it up.
can someone please tell me HOW IN THE NAME OF GOD BUSH IS GETTING AWAY WITH THIS? seriously i want to know,whats the excuse for this? when the democrats had full control of the Federal government FOR TWO YEARS! please i would really like to hear the explanation for this.

Explanation... YOU'RE DERANGED.

There ya go.
China makes what Bush did look like sex in the champagne room. Why can't liberals think about that instead?

We're not China are we? Why do you think it's okay to compare our behavior to China's?

Are you stupid? Can you remember the state dinner? Do you even know what's going on?

So because of some state dinner with China you think it's okay to compare President Bushes rendition (the practice of sending terrorist suspects to other countries for interagation, including but not limited to torturing them for information) to some hidious but unnamed Chinese torture.

Do you think we are on par with China because of a State Dinner?

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