A Question About Burning CD-R's...

no1tovote4 said:
It sounds like you do what I would do in that case. Okay WMP doesn't work right? Let's solve it and get some stuff I wanted to begin with anyway!

Yes I'm a tech freak. My audio/video set up and my computer are always being upgraded as I can afford it. Something not working is a good reason to upgrade sooner than later.

no1tovote4 said:
The NERO Software would probably have solved your issue by itself, but heck nothing like top-of-the-line....

Not exactly. I used my WMP program to burn with, but changed the burn destination to my new Sony. Burned perfect. So the Nero still wouldn't have helped. The internal CD-RW drive in my computer is shot. Not only that, but I wanted to burn DVD's also.
Shattered said:
Something to consider for future reference.. provantage.com usually smokes the hell out of any of Best Buy's prices..even with shipping.. (Am I going to get in trouble for that?)


That's so close to what I paid at Best Buy, I wouldn't quible about the difference, in money. The other big difference to me is, I get to go to the store all drowl all over all the cool stuff. I'm a kid in a candy store at this Best Buy here in Reno. This store is one of ten like it in the country that's a pilot store for Best Buy, where they sell all the usual stuff, but this store is bigger, and they also sell everything else all they way up to some super high end stuff. I love to just GO to this store. The other thing I like about buying from the store is, I get what I want immediately. No waiting. And if something doesn't work out of the box, I can take it right back, there's no hassle returning something through the mail. If that costs a couple extra bucks, heck, I'll pay it.

BUT, Shattered, if the difference in price was dramatic, yes, I'd buy from an online seller. These are a few of my favorites that I always check...http://www.overstock.com/ and http://www.pricegrabber.com/ and http://www.bizrate.com/

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