A President Represents all Americans..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:
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My biggest disappointment of his presidency so far. He had a perfect opportunity, THE perfect opportunity, to at least try to bring people together. Who better equipped, on multiple levels, to do so?

His performance on the economy can be debated, given the global nature of the meltdown. But he has done nothing in this area. The country needed someone to put himself on the line, show some bravery, and he has clearly chosen not to be that person.

Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:

While I wasn't a big Clinton fan.I felt he wanted to work hard for all Americans.
I don't feel that at all with this President.He has such anger for Business,business owners
Capitalism,republicans,citizens who want low taxes,secure borders.

This President is so much a man for democrats and unions and big entitlement programs
cradle to grave government involvement.

I don't feel like this man is looking out for 50% of the country.

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama
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In a word..yes.

Each and every initative that the President has pushed, included conservative input.

Conservatives use to be for eliminating terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.
Conservatives use to be for the indivdual mandate.
Conservatives use to be for fiscal sanity.

Even the stimulus package had a good amount of conservative input. The size and scope were outlined by conservatives. After 2010..Obama extended the Bush tax cuts..in deference to Conservatives.

The underlying problem that Obama has just come to realize is that conservatives simply will not tolerate anyone else but a conservative in the White House.

They impeached the last President who was not a Conservative.
Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:

While I wasn't a big Clinton fan.I felt he wanted to work hard for all Americans.
I don't feel that at all with this President.He has such anger for Business,business owners
Capitalism,republicans,citizens who want low taxes,secure borders.

This President is so much a man for democrats and unions and big entitlement programs
cradle to grave government involvement.

I don't feel like this man is looking out for 50% of the country.

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

Conservatives impeached Bill Clinton. That's after they obstructed his agenda by closing down government, twice.

They hated him. And wanted him out of office.
He's only President of the Blue States. He's lawlessly and recklessly undermining Arizona, trying to convert it to a criminal filled Blue State like he promised to do to Texas
In a word..yes.

Each and every initative that the President has pushed, included conservative input.

Conservatives use to be for eliminating terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.
Conservatives use to be for the indivdual mandate.
Conservatives use to be for fiscal sanity.

Even the stimulus package had a good amount of conservative input. The size and scope were outlined by conservatives. After 2010..Obama extended the Bush tax cuts..in deference to Conservatives.

The underlying problem that Obama has just come to realize is that conservatives simply will not tolerate anyone else but a conservative in the White House.

They impeached the last President who was not a Conservative.

Gotta love that evagelical association of the right
In a word..yes.

Each and every initative that the President has pushed, included conservative input.

Conservatives use to be for eliminating terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.
Conservatives use to be for the indivdual mandate.
Conservatives use to be for fiscal sanity.

Even the stimulus package had a good amount of conservative input. The size and scope were outlined by conservatives. After 2010..Obama extended the Bush tax cuts..in deference to Conservatives.

The underlying problem that Obama has just come to realize is that conservatives simply will not tolerate anyone else but a conservative in the White House.

They impeached the last President who was not a Conservative.

Yeah sure, right off the bat the told the Republicans, I won, sit down and shut up..when they didn't he just became a thug
In a word..yes.

Each and every initative that the President has pushed, included conservative input.

Conservatives use to be for eliminating terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.
Conservatives use to be for the indivdual mandate.
Conservatives use to be for fiscal sanity.

Even the stimulus package had a good amount of conservative input. The size and scope were outlined by conservatives. After 2010..Obama extended the Bush tax cuts..in deference to Conservatives.

The underlying problem that Obama has just come to realize is that conservatives simply will not tolerate anyone else but a conservative in the White House.

They impeached the last President who was not a Conservative.

All true except for the last line; they impeached the last President that was not a Republican.

Anyone who lays all of the blame at the feet of Obama for not bringing TWO sides together--TWO being the operative word there--is not telling the whole story.

I think the American people understand that and this is why Obama is getting his 2nd term.
Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:

While I wasn't a big Clinton fan.I felt he wanted to work hard for all Americans.
I don't feel that at all with this President.He has such anger for Business,business owners
Capitalism,republicans,citizens who want low taxes,secure borders.

This President is so much a man for democrats and unions and big entitlement programs
cradle to grave government involvement.

I don't feel like this man is looking out for 50% of the country.

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

Conservatives impeached Bill Clinton. That's after they obstructed his agenda by closing down government, twice.

They hated him. And wanted him out of office.

shhhhh.... facts confuse them.
Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:

While I wasn't a big Clinton fan.I felt he wanted to work hard for all Americans.
I don't feel that at all with this President.He has such anger for Business,business owners
Capitalism,republicans,citizens who want low taxes,secure borders.

This President is so much a man for democrats and unions and big entitlement programs
cradle to grave government involvement.

I don't feel like this man is looking out for 50% of the country.

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”

Barack Hussein Obama

Conservatives impeached Bill Clinton. That's after they obstructed his agenda by closing down government, twice.

They hated him. And wanted him out of office.

yeah we know, NOTHING is ever a Democrats fault...this is why they believe they can run all over people because they know people like you all will defend them to the bitter end
While I wasn't a big Clinton fan.I felt he wanted to work hard for all Americans.
I don't feel that at all with this President.He has such anger for Business,business owners
Capitalism,republicans,citizens who want low taxes,secure borders.

This President is so much a man for democrats and unions and big entitlement programs
cradle to grave government involvement.

I don't feel like this man is looking out for 50% of the country.

Conservatives impeached Bill Clinton. That's after they obstructed his agenda by closing down government, twice.

They hated him. And wanted him out of office.

shhhhh.... facts confuse them.

when you find a fact in that lets us know
good grief
no, he has not been for all Americans. he's conducted class, race, and economic warfare on half of us since Day one I don't even use the "P" word when talking about him. he's the most UN P person that ever took the office.
no, he has not been for all Americans. he's conducted class, race, and economic warfare on half of us since Day one I don't even use the "P" word when talking about him. he's the most UN P person that ever took the office.

absolutely, how else can he and his comrades in arms "TRANSFORM" the country
It's typical of liberals to think that a sitting President can look into the eyes of a FEderal Grand Jury. raise his hands and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, then flat out lie and get caught and NOT be impeached? It's incredulous.
A President Represents all Americans..

Yea ,sure whatever you say....



I hope the people have woken up from their "dream" of this guy as President and vote him out..

We can't take another four years of this administration
Absolutely not.
Look at the way that he has worked to undermine the people of Arizona.
Now take Obamacare. Obama can see the polls, most show a majority do not want it, yet he pushed it through despite much opposition.
I truly believe Obama just wants to beat his opposition, instead of looking for common ground.
Do you believe Obama has lived up to that aspiration?

As a conservative, I'd say pretty well nope, in fact, mostly the opposite.

Other than sitting at the White House while Bin Laden was whacked, I'm kinda at a loss to remember anything he's accomplished correctly for conservatives....:dunno:

Try some Ginko Biloba...

Obama reaches out to Republicans

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