A pre-scripted political movie starring Hispanics.


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
So these dulps in government, who are completely oblivious everyone is fed up with reckless immigration, ... The left-wing leaders told the Republican leadership they better choose Hispanic candidates if they want to win.

The found Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

How do you make conservative voters vote for your selected candidates? Have them put on an act like they're "radical". Rubio , Tea Party, which he's not, and Ted Cruz the Canadian who will change everything once he's elected, but doesn't show up for any votes.

Ben Carson, which is a Republican "we have a black guy too" candidate, or so the liberals would believe.

I'd also like to add, that ever since the Obama birth certificate issue (which Trump squashed), the liberals have supplied us with candidates with questionable birth backgrounds like Cruz, McCain, and Romney.

It doesn't what the real turn out of Hispanics will be , they believe Hispanic votes are needed.

You have Hillary sending Spanish tweets, Jeb Bush giving speeches in Spanish, and of course Trump, who has the job of angering the Hispanics so they'll vote Democrat in large numbers.

2016 is the pre-scripted "year of the Hispanic"
If 2016 was really the year of the hispanic, then I would think there would be a really hispanic candidate, like one who doesn't just pretend to have strong hispanic roots so that he gets votes.

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