A Poem for Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Here is a question that will stump Donald Trump:
Why do you act like such a big chump?
Bullies and braggarts are not very nice---
Your Mom told you that, at least twice or thrice!

You say you're so smart, but you get so much wrong;
Yet you pound your chest like you think you're King Kong!
You look in a mirror, and think you're a god;
But those who know better call you a nimrod.

You're a snake-oil salesman, a huckster, a fraud---
Your followers drool, and stand there slack-jawed!
But we who see through you are not at all awed;
We'll stop you, Herr Trump, if we can, by dear Gawd!
The butt hurt is really huge with this one! You asswimps get more boring with each passing day! It’s probably a blessing that the server is down most of the time!j
Here is a question that will stump Donald Trump:
Why do you act like such a big chump?
Bullies and braggarts are not very nice---
Your Mom told you that, at least twice or thrice!

You say you're so smart, but you get so much wrong;
Yet you pound your chest like you think you're King Kong!
You look in a mirror, and think you're a god;
But those who know better call you a nimrod.

You're a snake-oil salesman, a huckster, a fraud---
Your followers drool, and stand there slack-jawed!
But we who see through you are not at all awed;
We'll stop you, Herr Trump, if we can, by dear Gawd!
How do you function in life with this much obsession?
That would be going straight up on my fridge ... if you were my five-year-old kid.

The butt hurt is really huge with this one! You asswimps get more boring with each passing day! It’s probably a blessing that the server is down most of the time!j

I sense no butthurt in that lovely work of poetry -
But yes, the server snafu was a welcome break from reading your posts. :)

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