A perspective we may wish to consider

Oh yeah, forget the ultra-liberal democrat.
Interesting comparison. i actually do think we may see another civil war in our life time.
"But one should never underestimate the intelligence of the American people" http://www.bobfarley.org/the president.htm

While that may have once been true, I do not think it applies to the present day U.S.

Everyone is much too interested in sitting on thier couch-potato ass and watching sit-coms or ball games while they swill their daily 6 pack. As long as that ritual is not disturbed, the greatest majority of citizens do not really care what happens.

We are also much to diverse a country with too many different groups pulling too many different ways to ever get anything substantial actually organized and accomplished any more. The sheeple are content to let others run the show.

We used to be a great country but I fear those days are over. Right now, we are coasting on past won laurels and living on past pride.
you know i remember reading that the thing that mad the "Greastest Generation" geat was the fact that they had suffered for 10 years in economic hardships and just at the end of the depression they were asked to wage a great war wich cost nearly 500,000 young mens lives. It has been said it is because of that noble sacrafice and the hardships suffered prior that this generation(my grandfathers generation)the nost willing to except its burden from the world and acepted the wieght of this burden. I think today and most of the people i know grew up in the 90's. A very affluent decade and many of them, I believe could not even come close to sholdering the burden my grandfather and his generation shouldered. I believe now and I am very sad by this that if WW2 would have broken out now adays people would be blaming american policy for japans attack and would be protesting involvment in Germany. My generation, not all but most(no offence), are a bunch of pinko pussies who are too scared to pick up the saber and fight the fight that our generation has been asked to fight. I know the burden that has been thrown at my generation. I have chosen to answer this call and carry my share of the wieght. However most of my friends would never in a million years fight a enemy. They worry about there comfortable lifes and can not think about the country the citizenry, or the greater politic as a whole. Pick up the sword the fight only gets harder as time passes. Don't be scared look at what our grandfathers(some of your fathers) were asked to do. They did it, not many of them probally actually wanted to serve. Many probally had good lives. but they served none the less. THis war is for survival. It is being fought in Iraq. It is being fought in Afganistan. It will be fought in many more countries it will be fought for many more decades. Do the right thing look inside your sleves and ask what would the "Greatest Generation" do if they were asked to carry this burden.
Like I said, America used to be a great country. Now it is full of whiney-assed cry-babies who want to be politically correct and get all emotional over the other guy's "cultural" differences. The only people I'd trust these days to defend America are those guys wearing Special Forces/Ranger/Seal uniforms and that's only if the politicians didn't hog tie their hands behind their backs.

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