A peaceful revolution


Jul 6, 2011
Hi All,
I'm getting the impression that some people here think I'm a violent revolutionary. That's not the case, I would like to be a peaceful revolutionary. Let me give you an idea...

Here are some millionaires in action - New York City's MTA, Metropolitan Transit authority, that runs the bus lines and subways. About 4 million people ride the buses and subways every day, the fare is now $2.25 per trip. Just about everyone makes a round trip - to and from work, to and from school, etc. That's 36 million dollars a day! Imagine what you could do with that money - per day, not per month or year,, per day!

Before 9-11, the MTA has so much money, they did not know what to do with it, so they bought art from the world's leading auction houses and hung the paintings, etc. on the walls of their headquarters offices in the World Trade Center Building. The collection was supposedly valued in excess of 20 million dollars. The World Trade Center fell and all the art was lost. Was it insured? No one is talking. Board members are all millionaires and have lavish offices and limousines with chauffeurs. Imagine how much of that 36 million dollars disappears every day! Once a year the Board cries poverty and threatens to raise the fare and everyone blows their tops...

Me, with my Ghandi-like power would rise and say "Okay, everyone stay home for two working days, no one ride the bus or the subway. It is a simple request without violence.
Could you imagine the effect of such an action? All the businesses would close, no restaurants, theaters, movie houses, department stores, etc.; hospitals would be understaffed, television and radio stations would be crippled, and millionaires would have to do without chauffeurs and servants. Could you imagine the mayor trying to get national guardsmen from other parts of the state to drag people out of their homes and force them to ride the subways and buses. Imagine the chaos in Washington, the United Nations and foreign public opinion. Imagine the buzz at the World Court, in the Hague, Netherlands. I could go on, but you get the picture. Revolutions do not have to slaughter thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Those are the acts of the establishment. Just look at Syria.
A peaceful revolution does not exist. Those in power will want to stop those attempting to seize power hence violence.
36 million is not the profit. 36 million is the revenue, which is needed to pay workers, maintain the system, etc. etc. The rest is profit. And if everything closed, the people hit hardest would be the poor and middle class who are employed in those industries and depend more heavily on their services. The rich will be fine for they likely have large savings and many assets to sell and maintain their wellbeing. Your revolution of the metro sounds like the worst idea I have ever heard and I fail to see the purpose of it. I assume it is motivated by some irrational hatred or fear of the rich.
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Frankly my dear. I do not much give a damn what happens in a corrupt city like NY.
"... a corrupt city like New York."

All cities are corrupt - the bigger the city, the more corruption you have - it's a matter of ratio and proportion. The higher the revenue, the more there is to steal. Percentage wise, New York City is probably no more corrupt than yours.
Ask Bolivar, Che, Fidel and Mandela how well this "peaceful' bullshit works.
You want change ? Buy ammo.
Your masters have a vast number of meatheads with badges and uniforms between you and them.

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