A novel idea for the USMB: Fact checking the cost of illegal immigrants.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
A novel idea for the USMB: Fact checking the cost of illegal immigrants.

Cost of Illegal Immigrants - FactCheck.org

I know Republicans think that fact checkers are liars. Because reality facts just don’t jive with right wing facts.

What’s nice about this article, is that it not only debunks right wing claims one at a time, but also posts actual links.

One of my favorite facts that are pointed out by this article is the number of links right wingers make to Lou Dobbs.
I have noticed that they start with a prejudice and then look for facts to support that. If they cant find any facts they just invent them.
Some Fact check...their "conclusion" is it is "likely" false. In other words they don't know for sure.

For some more recent discussion on estimates of costs/benefits of immigration, see also:

- Politifact on the costs of illegal immigration
- A critique of FAIR estimates by Cato
- An older critique of FAIR
- 2007 CBO analysis of costs of illegal immigration
- On the benefits outweighing the costs associated with immigration in general (here, here, or here)

Prior discussions:

- On the economics of border walls
- A CDZ discussion that includes most of the above links
- On reports about welfare usage by immigrants (from this thread)

Sorry for spamming links, it just seems like a thread about fact checking immigration claims is a good place for it :p Plus it seems like the threads I pick to discuss these issues in always die, so here I am.
I have noticed that they start with a prejudice and then look for facts to support that. If they cant find any facts they just invent them.

That's because conservative dogma is fundamentally wrong and lacking in facts.

I guess, I agree with the gist here, it just grates me no end seeing posters actually write they "invent" facts, or dogma "lacking in facts". I mean, really, humankind can actually invent a lot of things, but never facts, and dogma, particularly of the fundamentalist variety, by definition does not and cannot account for facts. If it did, it were no longer a dogma, but a theory, for instance, of sound governance. Goobers, however, shirk facts, those standing in the way of what they want in particular, and they've given up on sound governance (or any theoretical underpinnings for it) since the Grinch and baby Bush. So, please don't honor them with terms that are no longer applicable to what they are, or stand for.

Okay, that's off my chest now.
One of my favorite facts that are pointed out by this article is the number of links right wingers make to Lou Dobbs.

Most interesting is that the CIS report includes a total net cost estimate to the federal government for illegal immigrants of just under $10.4 billion for the year, after accounting for the taxes these immigrants paid.​

That's their own source contradicting their hyperventilation over their lie of "$338.3 billion." At the very least, it doesn't get any funnier than that.
Depending on the organization that puts out the information, illegals can either be a blessing or a curse. What I do in instances where I try to find the truth is to use logic to come to a reasonable conclusion.

I doubt there is a person on this board that believes our own working poor are an economic benefit to our country. When our own poor take much more than they contribute, why is it so hard to believe that an illegal won't be the same drag on the economy?

Experts tell us that without an education, we are doomed to make substandard wages, yet some here seem to believe that these uneducated people will somehow be a plus to our economy. Why?

Of course, the working poor are a benefit to the country. Only question is, to whom goes the benefit? The fact that we don't value a clean environment in a hospital or in the bureau, orderly stuffed shelves in the supermarket, or our elderly mom kept fed and clean, or cheap lettuce, and thus won't pay a decent wage for any of that, doesn't mean they, and their work, are not a benefit.

Those who know the price of everything, and the value of nothing, are unlikely to realize that it's exactly undocumented immigrants, exploited and taken advantage of to the hilt, who hold a giant mirror right before our faces, for us to recognize who we are. Oh, and, also how careless and disrespectful of other humans we have become, while we all, in a variety of ways, benefit from both the working poor and undocumented immigrants without realizing, or caring for, it, or them, for that matter.

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