CDZ A new War Between the States?

Reality check time;

Article 4 Section 3;

"Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."

Reality check: South Carolina didn't care about any of that nonsense when it seceded the day after Lincoln won the election: neither did the six other states that followed before Lincoln's Inauguration.

Ask the Soviet Union if it broke apart by legal means in 1991. Or whether Ireland got its independence "legally."

Nations never form and reform legally: people would stop it. They just do it very, very quickly, and often violently.
Dublin Down

The fact that Ireland was under the iron rule of England for 800 years signifies massive cowardice and the lack of knowing how to fight intelligently by the few brave Irishmen. The same can be said of the USA today.
Reality check time;

Article 4 Section 3;

"Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."

Reality check: South Carolina didn't care about any of that nonsense when it seceded the day after Lincoln won the election: neither did the six other states that followed before Lincoln's Inauguration.

Ask the Soviet Union if it broke apart by legal means in 1991. Or whether Ireland got its independence "legally."

Nations never form and reform legally: people would stop it. They just do it very, very quickly, and often violently.

So this is the 'ignore the Constitution' theory?

Might work...probably will not. Too much money is involved. Even doing it Constitutionally is a streach, given the money flow and assumed liability problems. The accounting nightmares alone will kill the idea.
It doesn’t really ignore the constitution. Rather, the constitution was predicated on the notion...
In Congress, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We are in a cultural civil war since 2000, and the tide is beginning to recede for the far right conservatives.
We are in a cultural civil war since 2000, and the tide is beginning to recede for the far right conservatives.
The culture war has been going on since the early 70s – the consequence of Vietnam, Roe, Watergate, the rise of the Christian right, and the advent of gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil rights, among other events and changes.
I imagine that the current level of political vitriol and animosity exceeds anything our country has experienced since the Civil War. For the sake of discussion, would there be any way to split the U.S. into separate countries?

A simple division along Red State/Blue State lines reminds me of the India partition which resulted in an unworkable East and West Pakistan separated by thousands of miles. Would an American partition of its East and Left Coasts prove similarly unworkable?

Perhaps they could join with Canada and form a contiguous Socialist Workers paradise?
the only way to separate us would be if every major city became it's own state.

In nearly every blue state, it's only blue b/c it's overrun by a cities population.
There are really two Americas whether we like to admit it or not. You can see quite clearly in an election map of the counties that go red and those that go blue.

The blue areas are the big cites. Red areas everything else except for a couple of Indian reservations in New Mexico.

The big cities are populated by welfare queens, minorities, illegals, recent immigrants from only god knows where and a splattering of limousine Liberals.

As a rural/suburban American living on a street not named Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd I have very little in common with somebody living in these big city crap holes.

No amount of political correctness can bridge the gap between red and blue America. We are not all Americans.
The problem with this pretext is "red states" and "blue states" do not exist. Every state has diversity in its population and it would be impossible that they didn't.

"Red" and blue states" exist only in the abstract concept of the Electoral College and the retarded way it's set up. If that EC were representationally set up they would all be purple states, some more red and some more blue. But there's no such thing as a monolith state.

I think for many on the far right, they like to imagine either a war where they get to shoot other Americans without fear of prosecution or a perfect right wing world- where Don the Con tweets the news each day, Fox News is the only media allowed(as long as they parrot Don the Con) and that those who disagree with their white Christian values will be forced to leave the 'Blue region' and they can have the 'pure society' that they so very clearly want.
There are really two Americas whether we like to admit it or not. You can see quite clearly in an election map of the counties that go red and those that go blue.

The blue areas are the big cites. Red areas everything else except for a couple of Indian reservations in New Mexico.

The big cities are populated by welfare queens, minorities, illegals, recent immigrants from only god knows where and a splattering of limousine Liberals.

As a rural/suburban American living on a street not named Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd I have very little in common with somebody living in these big city crap holes.

No amount of political correctness can bridge the gap between red and blue America. We are not all Americans.

I am sorry that not all of you think that you are Americans.

But yes- we are all Americans. Even those of you who refuse to accept all Americans.
Reality check time;

Article 4 Section 3;

"Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."

OF COURSE the States and Congress would have to agree. What did you think I had in mind: Division by Executive Fiat?

I think it was pretty clear from your title what you had in mind- a new Civil War resulting in reshaping America.
I am sorry that not all of you think that you are Americans.

But yes- we are all Americans. Even those of you who refuse to accept all Americans

Even those of you who refuse to accept our duly elected President?
the only way to separate us would be if every major city became it's own state.

In nearly every blue state, it's only blue b/c it's overrun by a cities population.

Each state could decide by majority vote. People who didn't like the results could move.

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