A new species of spider with the gift of camouflage


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
There a other scary thing i went a few time in Mexico .


This spider uses the ground to camouflage itself. Jorge I. Mendoza.

Paratropis tuxtlensis is a new species of spider from Mexico belonging to the family Paratropididae, whose members have unique camouflage abilities ...
The latter is no exception to the rule since it is able to be confused with the ground as indicated by its description published in the journal ZooKeys ...
Paratropis tuxtlensis lives in the San Martin volcano reserve, located in the Gulf of Mexico ...
Unlike other spiders, it does not dig burrows but rather camouflages between rocks and soil ...
She can cover her whole body with soil particles that are encrusted in the glandular pores of her exoskeleton ...
To perfect the adhesion, it secretes a kind of glue that keeps the particles.
When she feels a threat, it does not move, even when it tickles a little. Tells Alejandro Valdez-Mondragón, his discoverer ...
"The specimens were taken from a tropical rainforest under rocks. The spiders have remained perfectly immobile, it is undoubtedly a defense mechanism "he adds. Thus disguised, Paratropis can escape predators and catch its prey, usually small insects ...


A Paratropis entirely covered with sand.Jorge I. Mendoza.


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