A New rule for Congress


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Congress is supposed to be a place for debate. Listen to all sides and make a personal decision you were put in ofice to do.

I have watched CSPAN and see those empty seats all the time. Can't tell me they are doing the nation;s business when they are absent from debates. Congressmen (and women) show up for their speech and then what? They leave, never to hear the other side's points. Is this bipartisan actions on the part of anyone?

Or are they merely party puppets putting sppeches on record that no one reads.

I would like to see the role of Congress people being present for all debates andhow they vote in each major newspaper in the nation. Maybe it will limit the time they spend with lobbyists.

I'd like to think that they are getting paid to listen and a quorum of 95% of legislators must be present for the entire session before a vote is taken.
They make their own employment rules. Look at your workplace and imagine it if the workers made the rules and decided the bennies and salaries. There it is.

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