A new call for more Islamic wars (wahhabism rising)


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
It looks like things may be heating up even more in the Middle East. My memories take me back to recall this morning how other people for some reason always are looking for someone to fight their battles for them. This whole mess in the ME has been that away and yet those rich elitist of the UAE seem to want to stay in the background while they pick a fight and let someone take the hits for their issues and problems. Africa is getting pounded from all angles and the black race baiters here are foolish enough to bite and buy into how its merely the white man who has caused their problems but I have yet to hear these race baiters on USMB sat a whole lot about how Arabs are the ones who even today keep enslaving the blacks in Africa. Why is that?

From the Africa News Portal:

"the highest wrshfạnh" demands the release of the sword of Islam (Saif al-Islam) and the return of displaced Azizia

Jamahiriya News

The Supreme Council called for the activation of the amnesty law, the release of prisoners, prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and the return of displaced persons. In a statement issued by the Ministry of Justice in the interim government, the council called for the release of prisoners and prisoners of conscience, especially for Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi, who described the statement as "the son of the homeland" and "the leader of national reconciliation." Of former officials.

The statement praised the position of the battalion Abu Bakr Siddiq, stressing that it was a summit in Asala and did not weaken in front of the temptations, and maintained the prisoners in their possession. In its statement, the Council called on the militias that stormed the plateau a few days ago to release all the detainees and hand them over to their families.

The Supreme Council of Reshvanha reiterated that it distanced itself from all political disputes and personal disputes, declaring that the village opens its doors and extends its hand to all citizens of the citizens of the city of Tripoli. The Council also reaffirmed the right of internally displaced persons and internally displaced persons to return to their homes and called upon all political, legislative, executive, judicial, supervisory and political components to shoulder their responsibilities towards the homeland and the citizen.

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