A Metaphor for Obanomics: Obama's Limo "Stuck"


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
What a perfect metaphor / symbol for Obamanomics! Obama's unwieldy Limo "Beast" was stuck trying to exit the U.S. Embassy in Dublin.

Less ostentatious vehicles are able to traverse through the exit with ease. But just like his economy cratering Big Government agenda, the Beast Limo is too large to maneuver.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPmu1D43NQk]YouTube - ‪Barack Obama's 'beast' limo gets stuck on Dublin embassey ramp‬‏[/ame]

and another view here:

RT.ie Extra Video: President Obama's car gets stuck leaving the US Embassy in Dublin - Video - RT News Player
And now he has found the technology to make his limo bow to foreign nationals? It was only a matter of time.
I wonder how many MPG The Beast Limo gets?

I'm guessing not more than 8.
*yawn* rightwingnuts think the president should walk.


poor boe-toxic. so angry... so much fauxrage.

Dont take it so emotionally. Were just havin some fun. Did we offend you with our jokes? Did we hurt your feelings? Its obvious that we his something because you made an assumption based upon, well, ...... nothing. However, thanks for posting. I love a liberal that cant take a joke.
Well, since Kennedy's time they have been more and more armor plated. The thing flies with him wherever he goes.

Back before Lee Harvey Oswald, presidents rode convertibles

It is 5" thick armor and glass that can handle a RPG round. So it weighs a bunch.
Well, since Kennedy's time they have been more and more armor plated. The thing flies with him wherever he goes.

Back before Lee Harvey Oswald, presidents rode convertibles

It is 5" thick armor and glass that can handle a RPG round. So it weighs a bunch.

And enter from the middle of no where. I understand though. Pickens are small around this forum lately.
I remember Jimmy Carter hiking the whole way from the Capital to the white house.

People thought that was goofy too. There just is no pleasing folks, so why try?
The moonbats just hate it when life presents metaphors and symbols for their Failed Policies.

Fortunately, for the rest of us, Karma is Very Amusing.
The moonbats just hate it when life presents metaphors and symbols for their Failed Policies.

Fortunately, for the rest of us, Karma is Very Amusing.

I dont know about karma but the people who gave us Bush derangment syndrome are now giving us How dare you make a hrmless joke about my dear leader syndrome. Its out of control really. What the left doesent understand is that they only add to the humor of the situation. Its not that they did it on purpose. But they did nevertheless.
The moonbats just hate it when life presents metaphors and symbols for their Failed Policies.

Fortunately, for the rest of us, Karma is Very Amusing.

I dont know about karma but the people who gave us Bush derangment syndrome are now giving us How dare you make a hrmless joke about my dear leader syndrome. Its out of control really. What the left doesent understand is that they only add to the humor of the situation. Its not that they did it on purpose. But they did nevertheless.

I refer you to this:


And to quote myself:

So, I came across a quote this morning that epitomizes the nastiness of leftwing Moonbats:

"Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that Humour excites in those who lack it."

George Saintsbury, A Last Vintage

About Last Night:

Note: the Red is a commentary identifying the object of the hostility.

I've often noted the absolute lack of a sense of humor in the rabid left - and their vitriol when someone of a different persuasion makes a punny or a funny about their Idols.
Sure. We'll give you the limo on the speed bump. Because after all, it was clearly a mistake made personally by Obama himself.

Just give us this:

YouTube - ‪Bush hits a wrong door‬‏

Yet another validation to my point. The left simply cannot take a joke. Its a disease.

It's sad. A good laugh makes life much more enjoyable, and is good for one's health.

At least Bush could laugh at himself, something The One seems congenitally unable to do...something he shares with his followers.

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