A Message From The Democrats About Your Children


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
They know better than you.

Texas teacher Anthony Lane has laid the agenda bare of what public schools are doing in regards to the LGBT agenda.

The English teacher at Willis High School recently took to Facebook to denigrate parents who believe that it is improper to have events featuring drag queens at the school.

“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids,” he wrote.

Get your kids out of public school.

Texas Teacher Scolds Parents Protesting Drag Queens in School: 'You Don't Know What is Best for Your Kids' - Big League Politics
Ours have never attended public schools...and won't.

The moment some left loon teacher tries to tell me what's best for our children? She'll rue the day she met me
They know better than you.

Texas teacher Anthony Lane has laid the agenda bare of what public schools are doing in regards to the LGBT agenda.

The English teacher at Willis High School recently took to Facebook to denigrate parents who believe that it is improper to have events featuring drag queens at the school.

“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids,” he wrote.

Get your kids out of public school.

Texas Teacher Scolds Parents Protesting Drag Queens in School: 'You Don't Know What is Best for Your Kids' - Big League Politics

Part of the bullshit notion that it takes a village to rear a child. Horse feathers it takes a village to raise a village idiot but it takes parents to rear a child.
They know better than you.

Texas teacher Anthony Lane has laid the agenda bare of what public schools are doing in regards to the LGBT agenda.

The English teacher at Willis High School recently took to Facebook to denigrate parents who believe that it is improper to have events featuring drag queens at the school.

“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids,” he wrote.

Get your kids out of public school.

Texas Teacher Scolds Parents Protesting Drag Queens in School: 'You Don't Know What is Best for Your Kids' - Big League Politics

Part of the bullshit notion that it takes a village to rear a child. Horse feathers it takes a village to raise a village idiot but it takes parents to rear a child.

The left always proclaims they know what is best for children...but forget to look and see how theirs turned out
They know better than you.

Texas teacher Anthony Lane has laid the agenda bare of what public schools are doing in regards to the LGBT agenda.

The English teacher at Willis High School recently took to Facebook to denigrate parents who believe that it is improper to have events featuring drag queens at the school.

“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids,” he wrote.

Get your kids out of public school.

Texas Teacher Scolds Parents Protesting Drag Queens in School: 'You Don't Know What is Best for Your Kids' - Big League Politics

It's all part of the progressive mindset of "We know what you need better than you know what you need"
They know better than you.

Texas teacher Anthony Lane has laid the agenda bare of what public schools are doing in regards to the LGBT agenda.

The English teacher at Willis High School recently took to Facebook to denigrate parents who believe that it is improper to have events featuring drag queens at the school.

“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids,” he wrote.

Get your kids out of public school.

Texas Teacher Scolds Parents Protesting Drag Queens in School: 'You Don't Know What is Best for Your Kids' - Big League Politics

Part of the bullshit notion that it takes a village to rear a child. Horse feathers it takes a village to raise a village idiot but it takes parents to rear a child.

Yeah a bunch of trembling faggots cowering in a cry closet with a coloring book and crayons.
I have no problem with gay people, I support gay marriage and if men want to dress up as women and go to a club where they do that sort of thing, that's fine with me.

They represent an extremely tiny percentage of the population, however, and are not at all representative of the gay community, either. What is occurring in schools has one purpose, and one purpose only -- for the administrators to feel good about themselves by signaling their politically correct virtue. There is obviously no NEED to have drag queens at school, and especially inasmuch as they aren't even representative of the gay community at large, the whole Shabazz is just a dog and pony show.
I have no problem with gay people, I support gay marriage and if men want to dress up as women and go to a club where they do that sort of thing, that's fine with me.

They represent an extremely tiny percentage of the population, however, and are not at all representative of the gay community, either. What is occurring in schools has one purpose, and one purpose only -- for the administrators to feel good about themselves by signaling their politically correct virtue. There is obviously no NEED to have drag queens at school, and especially inasmuch as they aren't even representative of the gay community at large, the whole Shabazz is just a dog and pony show.

There's more to it than that.

This is all part of an agenda that seeks ultimately to normalize and legitimize pedophilia. They are specifically trying to groom children to see sexual deviance as normal and proper, and the public in general to accept sexual exploitation of children.

It is no coincidence that while faggots make up less than 4% of the population, they make up almost half of all child molesters. They represent the vanguard of child molestation.
I feel the same way about religious private schools. Try to teach my kid about my Christian religion and I'm down their throats immediately. I am the only person who can properly teach it to them. But a parent does have the right to withhold their child from religious classes correct?
The only thing I can figure out why the teacher would say that is because she is the mother of the drag queen
This stuff happens in about .00000001 percent of schools. Not too worried about it if it doesn't directly affect my family. In fact no concern unless it directly affects my family. Priorities.
Wow, what a shit show.

Whenever a parent, volunteer or other individual comes in contact with kids for any reason, they generally have to go through a back-ground check at our school. The mere fact that this individual got in with out even having to give a real name, in the age of mass shootings and pedophilia? :cuckoo:

". . . Inman said a parent contacted him after the event and asked him to do something. He said although he is a CISD trustee, he has three daughters that attend WHS and wanted to find out more about the event.

“I put numerous calls into the administrator’s office, which of course they made it abundantly clear they will not talk about it,” Inman said.

Inman said he does not have a problem with Adonis-Deveaux but does not approve of them being allowed in front of children.

“I’ve got a problem when somebody with a false name enters a school and has advertised himself as an adult exotic dancer for men … Nobody would be allowed in a school under those circumstances,” Inman said.

According to several screenshots posted to Facebook, WHS did include the event on its monthly calendar, called “Drag Queen/Makeup Class.” However, Inman said Adonis-Deveaux is not a licensed cosmetologist.

“As a parent, I have a right to know who’s in that school building,” Inman said.. . ."

Conroe ISD trustee defends critiques of Willis High School drag queen event


They know better than you.

Texas teacher Anthony Lane has laid the agenda bare of what public schools are doing in regards to the LGBT agenda.

The English teacher at Willis High School recently took to Facebook to denigrate parents who believe that it is improper to have events featuring drag queens at the school.

“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids,” he wrote.

Get your kids out of public school.

Texas Teacher Scolds Parents Protesting Drag Queens in School: 'You Don't Know What is Best for Your Kids' - Big League Politics

I actually laughed out loud when I read this. Not because it's funny really, but because the teacher is such a blooming idiot. To no one's surprise: the FB post has been taken down. I'm sure he will not last as a teacher, and you know this too.

Deep down, you also all know that schools are not filled with teachers coast to coast shipping in drag queens because "we know what's best for your kids". Or if you believe that, you're really far gone.

Sadly, we DO see parents who do not know or do not care what's best for their kids. This does not take the form of them not exposing their kids to drag queens (!). This takes the form of not meeting their basic needs, or over-meeting their basic needs, or sexually abusing them, or whatever. 'Course, no one really wants to have THAT uncomfortable conversation--much easier to just haggle about the .000000006% of kids in this nation who have been exposed to drag queens in school. So I guess let's do that.
“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids,”

A sentiment shared by others ...

A father of two children made a complaint that one of his sons was molested by another boy. The other boy was trying to kiss one of his sons.

The teacher paid no attention to the complaint until the parent of the boy went to the principal, and the parents of the other boy were called and so forth. Finally the problem was solved.

By chances of life, the family with the two boys went to a restaurant, and walking to the parking lot, the father of the boys saw the teacher with another man, inside a car kissing and pampering one to another.

He found out why that teacher paid no attention to his complaint.

Again, the best is to start schools for gays only, where teachers and students classified themselves as gays can study in peace and in their best environment.

This is no similar to white and black student schools, because race is by birth, while homosexuality and the similar are BEHAVIOR.

In many places the best students of public schools are sent to a different school, and no one complaints "discrimination". They go to those schools because their excellent achievement having high grades and also good behavior.

Then, it should be no problem making schools just for gay students. Here we also can know how true is about their number, if they are correct when they say "society" rules, when they probably are just a small group and not the majority.

That teacher of this topic implied "majority" in his statement, and I doubt that majority in society are on his side. This issue must be included in a ballot, let The People decide.
A father of two children made a complaint that one of his sons was molested by another boy. The other boy was trying to kiss one of his sons.

The teacher paid no attention to the complaint until the parent of the boy went to the principal, and the parents of the other boy were called and so forth. Finally the problem was solved.

By chances of life, the family with the two boys went to a restaurant, and walking to the parking lot, the father of the boys saw the teacher with another man, inside a car kissing and pampering one to another.

He found out why that teacher paid no attention to his complaint.

Again, the best is to start schools for gays only, where teachers and students classified themselves as gays can study in peace and in their best environment.

This is no similar to white and black student schools, because race is by birth, while homosexuality and the similar are BEHAVIOR.

In many places the best students of public schools are sent to a different school, and no one complaints "discrimination". They go to those schools because their excellent achievement having high grades and also good behavior.

Then, it should be no problem making schools just for gay students. Here we also can know how true is about their number, if they are correct when they say "society" rules, when they probably are just a small group and not the majority.

That teacher of this topic implied "majority" in his statement, and I doubt that majority in society are on his side. This issue must be included in a ballot, let The People decide.

Children before adolescence do not identify as homosexuals, nor with any other form of sexual perversion, unless some morally-defective, perverted piece of subhuman shit is filling their heads with that crap.

Putting them in schools just for “homosexual children” misses the point. Those are children who are being sexually manipulated and abused. They don't need a school that reinforces the abuse; they need to be protected from their abusers.

“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say."

My god that is despicable but understandable coming from the filthy ass Liberals that believe in collectivism instead of individualism.

Every time a stupid Liberal opens his or her mouth they sound like an idiot.
“I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say."

My god that is despicable but understandable coming from the filthy ass Liberals that believe in collectivism instead of individualism.

Every time a stupid Liberal opens his or her mouth they sound like an idiot.

It’s worse than that. Part of their manifesto is the deliberate destruction of the family.
It’s worse than that. Part of their manifesto is the deliberate destruction of the family.

That was one of Marx's goals, as stated in his Communist Manifesto. He saw marriage and family as relics of the sort of “bourgeois” society that he wanted to eradicate. He wanted a society based on a variation of “free love”, in which people would not form permanent marital relationships, but would just screw whomever they wanted, whenever; and in which children were to be raised by the collective society rather than by their parents.

You can certainly this, if you look closely enough, in the agenda of the modern left wrong; in their efforts to undermine marriage and family as the basis of society, to eliminate standards of sexual morality, to undermine the authority of parents over their children, and even to sexually manipulate and brainwash children.

The modern homosexual/transssexual/pedophile movement is the vanguard of social Marxism.
And no matter how wrong it may be or how small a minority seeks to rule the majority.....

"All that is required for evil men to prevail is for men who call themselves "good", to do nothing"

Have you done anything lately?

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