A message from my GOP Congressman


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
I received this message from my republican congressman today. Has he been living on Mars? Does he forget that gas prices were higher under W? What a fabricator of lies,

May 24, 2012

Dear Friend,

Throughout our many travels across the 5th District, small businesses and families have consistently echoed that high rising fuel prices are negatively impacting them. In the past three years, fuel prices have doubled in the absence of a responsible energy policy, putting a tight squeeze on American families and small businesses, and leaving many across the 5th District hurting as Washington fails to enact common-sense solutions like the Keystone Pipeline.

No empirical data will demonstrate just how tight the squeeze is until you speak with the families and small business owners who can tell you firsthand what price increases at the gas pumps mean for their production and for their livelihood. The below video echoes what recent news reports have told us – that the failure to increase domestic supply to meet domestic demands is taking the breath away from our families and small businesses both in the 5th District and across the country. You may watch _ _ _ _video HERE or click on the photo below.

Oh, and I have tried to unsubscribe from Mister Forgetful for the last 6 months. I guess his staff is as technically inept as he is forgetful.

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