A Message from Jon Stewart's forums


The Great Lord of Wales
Oct 6, 2012
Hello all!

I'm Anthony! I've been looking for a decent forum group with whom I can share a bevy of political ideas with since the The Daily Show and The Colbert Nation forums got shut down.

I really missed the camaraderie and often heated debates of the various minds there.

I google searched "fun political message board" and this website was top on the list! I looked it over and decided to join.

Say hi! :)

... and if someone can explain "reputation points" and how that works, I'd appreciate it.
Welcome Andy... :welcome:

Hope ya have fun, because thats what it should be.

All the while, if ya can learn something... that makes it that much better.

Also, wear your big boy pants, because it can get a bit ugly at times.
Welcome! - There are no hand holding moderators here. So don't hold back & let it rip. We don't PG filter for the faint of heart.
Hello and welcome. I enjoy Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert myself. Check out the Reputation 101 thread-it's a sticky under intros and it explains it all right there.

It's a feedback system of sorts. Just be careful with too many negs on the same person.

If you have any questions, ask away.

Enjoy your time here :)
Hi Anthony! Welcome to the board. As to the rep points, if you like a post, just click on the thumbs and make a comment if you wish and click submit, others will do the same when they like your posts and you can watch your reputation grow!
Hello all!

I'm Anthony! I've been looking for a decent forum group with whom I can share a bevy of political ideas with since the The Daily Show and The Colbert Nation forums got shut down.

I really missed the camaraderie and often heated debates of the various minds there.

I google searched "fun political message board" and this website was top on the list! I looked it over and decided to join.

Say hi! :)

... and if someone can explain "reputation points" and how that works, I'd appreciate it.
Reps don't mean shit! Go away!

I'm sorry. I'm pissed off the Laker game isn't televised and I need to take it out on someone.
Hello all!

I'm Anthony! I've been looking for a decent forum group with whom I can share a bevy of political ideas with since the The Daily Show and The Colbert Nation forums got shut down.

I really missed the camaraderie and often heated debates of the various minds there.

I google searched "fun political message board" and this website was top on the list! I looked it over and decided to join.

Say hi! :)

... and if someone can explain "reputation points" and how that works, I'd appreciate it.

Here you will find some reasonable libs and conservatives. But the debates can still be sharp and caustic.

Sadly, you will also find idiots like Matthew who demand proof that "blacks" are "our equals." And there are tons of idiots like Truthmatters and rdean who are mere liberal talking points bleating their hack bullshit with no concern for credibility, honesty, integrity, actual facts or logic.

Have fun.
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