A longtime commercial fisherman talks about the real Sarah Palin

Dewey points out that Sarah Palin was a very capable Govenor.

Why did she quit on Dewey and her other supporters in Alaska.

Being a quitter over rides her capabilities. We need politicians we can depend on.

She took on the CONSERVATIVES in Alaska to get a windfall profits tax on oil in AK. That was her single biggest accomplishment.

When elected govenor of Alaska she committed to serve the people of Alaska for four years. That included dealing with all problems seen and unforseen.

As govenor or any other elected position you do not finish your pet project and quit.

She has shown to be a quitter with a personal agenda that was more important than the people who elected her. She is a charismatic selfish opportunist.

She's a cult figure now. She's crossed over into that world with a stream of followers behind her.
Dewey's first item supports what I've been telling cons for over a year, much to their howls of protest.
Palin was a RINO. She's only since morphed into a rightwinger to fit the mold her cult created for her.

I never heard of her until she ran and I can't see how she is a RINO when she has been endorsed by R. Limbaugh and if she was a RINO; WTF do you care for?
She took on the CONSERVATIVES in Alaska to get a windfall profits tax on oil in AK. That was her single biggest accomplishment.

When elected govenor of Alaska she committed to serve the people of Alaska for four years. That included dealing with all problems seen and unforseen.

As govenor or any other elected position you do not finish your pet project and quit.

She has shown to be a quitter with a personal agenda that was more important than the people who elected her. She is a charismatic selfish opportunist.

She's a cult figure now. She's crossed over into that world with a stream of followers behind her.

Its always interesting how the left projects their own flaws onto others in everything they do because just following a canidate doesn't mean you are a part of cult.
Dewey points out that Sarah Palin was a very capable Govenor.

Why did she quit on Dewey and her other supporters in Alaska.

Being a quitter over rides her capabilities. We need politicians we can depend on.

She took on the CONSERVATIVES in Alaska to get a windfall profits tax on oil in AK. That was her single biggest accomplishment.

When elected govenor of Alaska she committed to serve the people of Alaska for four years. That included dealing with all problems seen and unforseen.

As govenor or any other elected position you do not finish your pet project and quit.

She has shown to be a quitter with a personal agenda that was more important than the people who elected her. She is a charismatic selfish opportunist.

Dewey's first item supports what I've been telling cons for over a year, much to their howls of protest.
Palin was a RINO. She's only since morphed into a rightwinger to fit the mold her cult created for her.

What do you mean by a right winger? That term confuses me. Do you mean she is pro-life? Yes she is. Do you mean that she believes in smaller and more efficient government? Yes she does. Do you mean that she wants business's to keep more of their money so that they can grow and expand the economy, thereby creating jobs. Yes she does. Do you mean that she wants to lower taxes on individuals so that they have more to spend, save and invest. Yes, she does. Do you mean she is a Christian. Yes, she is. Do you mean that she thinks the federal government needs to tighten their belts. Absolutely she does. If that's a right winger to you, then count me proud to be one. She has not changed one bit, she is exactly the same as she was before.

I am very dissapointed in you NY Carribeen, I thought you would take the time to read her book and aquaint yourself with the facts before you posted. Obviously not.

Read her book? If I wanted to hear the cacophonic rantings of a delusional chick of limited intellect

I'd have stayed married.

OK - that's just FUNNY!
btw - if you look to she what she ACTUALLY did in regards to pork (hired lobbiests to seek MORE, lobbied FOR the bridge to nowhere before denouncing it BUT accepting the money and just using it elsewhere, etc ..) you would no longer believe that tripe about "campaigning against pork."

It's very easy to SAY you've done something even though you haven't. That explains Palin's adversarial relationship with the media - they don't just swallow her crap like her brain-dead sheep do - they actually check it out for truth.

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