A Long-Running Gag


Sep 23, 2010
The Iran Deal is, and always was, about giving the United Nations authority over the American people.

The game was rigged against Americans from the start:

U.N. To Let Iran Use Own Experts to Inspect Alleged Nuclear Work Site
BY: Morgan Chalfant
August 19, 2015 3:01 pm

U.N. To Let Iran Use Own Experts to Inspect Alleged Nuclear Work Site

REALITY CHECK: United Nations inspections, and inspectors, are a joke. The punchline is: The IAEA shared a Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. Apparently, John Kerry did not know that United Nations inspections is a long-running gag in that Hans Blix was head of the UN’s IAEA from 2000 to 2003. Blix himself is the Swedish meatball who was in charge of inspections in Iraq under Saddam Hussein.

Iran will go nuclear regardless of the US Congress because the United Nations, the state department, and this president insist on it. If Congress approves of the Iran Deal the United Nations wins while America loses.

In the unlikely event Congress overrides the Chicago sewer rat’s veto the United Nations still wins because the UN gave Iran what it wanted from the UN all along.

Either way, Iran has every reason to support the United Nations in the future —— now certain that the UN Security Council will reciprocate by supporting everything Iran does. China and Russia guarantee it. In short: Everybody benefits from the United Nations except the U.S. of A. and its nervous allies.

Just a reminder that it was two UN-loving traitors who made the Iran Deal possible. Unless your eyesight is so bad you cannot read skywriting you should be able to read the sly looks on the faces of the two sneaks handing their country to the United Nations:


Ben Cardin Bob Corker

Incidentally, have you noticed that media always says “IAEA” —— they never say, or write, “United Nations” when reporting about inspections. Try any sentence both ways:

On the other side of Capitol Hill, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, Tennessee Republican, said, “This type of unorthodox agreement has never been done before by the IAEA and speaks to the great lengths our negotiators took to accommodate the ayatollah despite repeated assurances from the administration that this deal is not based on trust.”​

Now say it this way:

On the other side of Capitol Hill, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, Tennessee Republican, said, “This type of unorthodox agreement has never been done before by the UNITED NATIONS and speaks to the great lengths our negotiators took to accommodate the ayatollah despite repeated assurances from the administration that this deal is not based on trust.”

U.N. side deal lets Iran lead its own nuclear inspections
By Dave Boyer
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Iranian inspectors will control review of secret nuclear site - Washington Times

NOTE: Senator Corker is a little late with his objection when he was the guy who fixed it so the Senate needed 67 to override the president’s veto:

Published on Apr 22, 2015

Rush Limbaugh (4/21/15): "The Corker bill puts a limit on the Senate, 30 days, in order to come up with 67 votes to say "no." Essentially what the Corker bill does, instead of Obama having to get 67 votes that agree, the Corker bill says the Senate has to come up with 67 votes to disagree."​

Finally, John Kerry is by far the worst secretary of state in America’s history. That is quite an accomplish when you match him up with Madam Short Legs and Hillary Clinton. I truly believe that Kerry wanted to be secretary of state more than he wanted to be president just so he could prove he was a successful diplomat to his father. Fortunately for John Kerry, the State Department suited his penchant for treason. Then-Senator Kerry did not require special skills to be a traitor in a nest of traitors. Secretary of state required a master’s degree in treason.
The Iran Deal is, and always was, about giving the United Nations authority over the American people.

The game was rigged against Americans from the start:

U.N. To Let Iran Use Own Experts to Inspect Alleged Nuclear Work Site
BY: Morgan Chalfant
August 19, 2015 3:01 pm

U.N. To Let Iran Use Own Experts to Inspect Alleged Nuclear Work Site

REALITY CHECK: United Nations inspections, and inspectors, are a joke. The punchline is: The IAEA shared a Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. Apparently, John Kerry did not know that United Nations inspections is a long-running gag in that Hans Blix was head of the UN’s IAEA from 2000 to 2003. Blix himself is the Swedish meatball who was in charge of inspections in Iraq under Saddam Hussein.

Iran will go nuclear regardless of the US Congress because the United Nations, the state department, and this president insist on it. If Congress approves of the Iran Deal the United Nations wins while America loses.

In the unlikely event Congress overrides the Chicago sewer rat’s veto the United Nations still wins because the UN gave Iran what it wanted from the UN all along.

Either way, Iran has every reason to support the United Nations in the future —— now certain that the UN Security Council will reciprocate by supporting everything Iran does. China and Russia guarantee it. In short: Everybody benefits from the United Nations except the U.S. of A. and its nervous allies.

Just a reminder that it was two UN-loving traitors who made the Iran Deal possible. Unless your eyesight is so bad you cannot read skywriting you should be able to read the sly looks on the faces of the two sneaks handing their country to the United Nations:


Ben Cardin Bob Corker

Incidentally, have you noticed that media always says “IAEA” —— they never say, or write, “United Nations” when reporting about inspections. Try any sentence both ways:

On the other side of Capitol Hill, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, Tennessee Republican, said, “This type of unorthodox agreement has never been done before by the IAEA and speaks to the great lengths our negotiators took to accommodate the ayatollah despite repeated assurances from the administration that this deal is not based on trust.”​

Now say it this way:

On the other side of Capitol Hill, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, Tennessee Republican, said, “This type of unorthodox agreement has never been done before by the UNITED NATIONS and speaks to the great lengths our negotiators took to accommodate the ayatollah despite repeated assurances from the administration that this deal is not based on trust.”

U.N. side deal lets Iran lead its own nuclear inspections
By Dave Boyer
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Iranian inspectors will control review of secret nuclear site - Washington Times

NOTE: Senator Corker is a little late with his objection when he was the guy who fixed it so the Senate needed 67 to override the president’s veto:

Published on Apr 22, 2015

Rush Limbaugh (4/21/15): "The Corker bill puts a limit on the Senate, 30 days, in order to come up with 67 votes to say "no." Essentially what the Corker bill does, instead of Obama having to get 67 votes that agree, the Corker bill says the Senate has to come up with 67 votes to disagree."​

Finally, John Kerry is by far the worst secretary of state in America’s history. That is quite an accomplish when you match him up with Madam Short Legs and Hillary Clinton. I truly believe that Kerry wanted to be secretary of state more than he wanted to be president just so he could prove he was a successful diplomat to his father. Fortunately for John Kerry, the State Department suited his penchant for treason. Then-Senator Kerry did not require special skills to be a traitor in a nest of traitors. Secretary of state required a master’s degree in treason.

Nobody cares.

You know it. I know it. They know it.

It's like a death wish. Except they are too full of themselves to realize that part.

That could be proven by allowing Obama to run for a third term. They would still vote for him. And we would look up into the sky at God and say "How can this be?"
Rep. Jerrold Nadler on Friday became the first Jewish member of the New York delegation to back the Iran deal, . . .


"I firmly believe that we have an important opportunity now to build on and fortify the United States' historic and enduring commitment to Israel's security," he wrote.​

Nadler’s first loyalty is to the United Nations —— not to Israel or to his country. Proof: Anybody who says the United Nations is not guaranteeing nuclear weapons for Iran is a liar. Nobody is dumb enough to believe that the JCPOA will stop Iran from wiping out Israel before Muslims eliminate Jews worldwide with the blessings of the United Nations:

"After carefully studying the agreement and the arguments and analyses from all sides, I have concluded that, of all the alternatives, approval of the JCPOA, for all its flaws, gives us the best chance of stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon," he said of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.​

I have to believe that Nadler is a bigger liar than Taqiyya the Liar who never told the truth about anything:

Obama has struggled to muster support for the deal among Jewish Democrats in Congress considering Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's vehement opposition to the deal. But in his letter to Nadler and several other wavering Democrats, Obama tried to reassure them that he would take strong economic or military action to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon if Tehran fails to hold up its end of the agreement.

"As I have repeatedly emphasized, my administration will take whatever means are necessary to achieve that goal, including military means," he wrote. "Should Iran seek to dash toward a nuclear weapon, all of the options available to the United States – including the military option – will remain available through the life of the deal and beyond."

House Dem endorses Iran deal after letter from Obama
By Susan Crabtree • 8/21/15 10:55 AM

House Dem endorses Iran deal after letter from Obama

Nadler Putting his trust in a lying president, and in the United Nations, makes him a fool of the worst kind because he is a Jew who would believe everything the Nazis tell him while they were herding Jews into concentration camps. Indeed, Nadler is worst than an appeaser because he can say no:

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Winston Churchill
Certainly a long-running post. Mot worth reading enough to make one gag, but hey...
"The Iran Deal is, and always was, about giving the United Nations authority over the American people."

The thread premise fails as another ridiculous lie from the right; delusional, paranoid, and completely devoid of merit.

That most on the right predicate their opposition to the Iran accord on lies, as opposed to facts and the truth, is both sad and telling.
The thread premise fails as another ridiculous lie from the right; delusional, paranoid, and completely devoid of merit.
To C_Clayton_Jones: As usual, you defend Taqiyya the Liar by attacking the messenger instead of making your case by explaining why the Iran Deal is good for Americans.
That most on the right predicate their opposition to the Iran accord on lies, as opposed to facts and the truth, is both sad and telling.
To C_Clayton_Jones: Here is the unvarnished truth in simple terms —— not the scare tactic lie the president puts out about war being the only choice if he is not allowed to betray Americans for their own good:

Muslim governments in the Middle East do not believe the government in Iran, nor do they believe Taqiyya the Liar and a known traitor, John Kerry. Even our allies know the liar and the traitor made a deal with a government that nobody believes.

They next went to the United Nations that most Americans despise.

Next, the lying sack of shit, and the traitor, went to Congress and asked Democrats in both Houses to believe them —— AND DEMOCRATS FALL FOR IT WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THE DEAL CONTAINS!

Parenthetically, I oppose euthanasia under every circumstance. If self-defense is not enough to scrap the Iran Deal, I will make an exception for everybody that is responsible for handing weapons of war to a sworn enemy.
Republicans opposing the Iran Deal should hang a big poster of this cartoon on their side of the aisle:

There is no better way to scare up votes than to put a threat of war on your opponents:

"Let's not mince words: Murmuring about 'money' and 'lobbying' and 'foreign interests' who seek to drag America into war is a direct attempt to play the dual-loyalty card.”

Critics say Obama flirts with anti-semitism in defense of Iran deal
By Charles Hoskinson • 8/23/15 12:01 AM

Critics: Obama's defense of Iran deal flirts with anti-semitism

The strategy comes right out of the mouth of the community organizer’s mentor. Turn a nuclear Iran into a constructive alternative to a terrifying war:

RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Saul Alinsky

RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Saul Alinsky

Blame Israel is the final play before Congress votes.
Defeating the Iran Deal is almost impossible thanks to REPUBLICAN Senator Corker. The first mistake in overcoming Corker’s betrayal is in thinking that Democrats regret anything:


. . . if Obama is left with a deal that is opposed by a majority of either the Senate or the House, the Democrats will be stuck with it. They will then be on the defensive with every hostile move Iran makes with the $150 billion the mullahs are going to get.​

The second mistake is opposing the details instead of opposing Vietnam War traitor John Kerry. At good look at Kerry —— instead of fighting the details in his treaty-non-treaty that most Americans already oppose—— is more than enough to reject the Iran Deal:

In this deal, not only the Senate but the House must muster the votes to block the deal or it goes through automatically. If a resolution of disapproval is then vetoed by Obama, the deal still goes through.

But if Obama is left with a deal that is opposed by a majority of either the Senate or the House, the Democrats will be stuck with it. They will then be on the defensive with every hostile move Iran makes with the $150 billion the mullahs are going to get.

Why Democrats will soon regret ‘victory’ on the Iran deal
By Seth Lipsky
August 26, 2015 | 8:46 pm

Why Democrats will soon regret 'victory' on the Iran deal

Sad to say, more than enough senators will be reluctant to vote against two of their own kind —— former senators John Kerry and the Chicago sewer rat —— the consequences be damned.

Iran will go nuclear regardless of the US Congress because the United Nations, the state department, and this president insist on it. If Congress approves of the Iran Deal the United Nations wins while America loses.
The second mistake is opposing the details instead of opposing Vietnam War traitor John Kerry. At good look at Kerry —— instead of fighting the details in his treaty-non-treaty that most Americans already oppose—— is more than enough to reject the Iran Deal:
Nothing seems to matters when the traitor is a Democrat:

This is a little-known story from Kerry’s presidential bid.​

Insight Magazine reporter and author Kenneth Timmerman charged that the Kerry campaign had violated the law by taking contributions from Susan Akbarpour, a pro-regime fund-raised who was neither a citizen nor possessed a green card at that time.​

During a presidential debate, Democrat candidate Kerry suggested that the U.S. should provide nuclear fuel to Iran.

Greenfield calls the Iran deal by its real name: treason.​

August 27, 2015
Iranians are buying Democrat Congress (they already bought Kerry, Clinton, and Biden)
By Karin McQuillan

Blog: Iranians are buying Democrat Congress (they already bought Kerry, Clinton, and Biden)

Perhaps the Iran Deal is no more complicated than this:

Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason. Ovid (47 B.C. - A.D. -17)

August 27, 2015
Iranians are buying Democrat Congress (they already bought Kerry, Clinton, and Biden)
By Karin McQuillan

Blog: Iranians are buying Democrat Congress (they already bought Kerry, Clinton, and Biden)

The sewer rat should appreciate diplomacy when unconscionable becomes a synonym for treason:

President Obama last week trumpeted that he was able to find 36 retired flag officers who supported his agreement to "give diplomacy a chance." The media explained away this paltry number of signers by saying that "retired brass avoid firm positions on Iranian nuke deal."

We proved the lie to that excuse. Four to five volunteers from around the country in less than a week got 190 generals and admirals to sign a letter that urges Congress to reject the JCPOA because "this agreement will enable Iran to become far more dangerous, render the Mideast still more unstable and introduce new threats to American interests as well as our allies."

The flag officers called the removing of sanctions and the releasing of billions of dollars to the regime "unconscionable."

August 27, 2015
190 generals and admirals sign letter to Congress: Reject the defective Iran deal
By Carol Greenwald

Blog: 190 generals and admirals sign letter to Congress: Reject the defective Iran deal
United Nations charity hustlers are not satisfied with the usual ripoffs. Chuck Norris touched on UN parasites shaking the can for more money:


And, to add injury to insult, guess who will pay for those Iran inspectors to investigate their own nuclear facilities? You guessed: the American taxpayers have to pay more than $10 million a year.

Reuters reported, after the IAEA said it has a severe funding shortfall and would need extra monies, the U.S. mission in Vienna said in a statement: “The United States is committed to working with all (IAEA) member states to ensure the agency has the resources it needs to verify Iran’s nuclear-related commitments under the (July 14 agreement).”

Obama's 6 biggest lies about Iran nuke deal
Posted By Chuck Norris On 08/30/2015 @ 12:56 pm

Obama’s 6 biggest lies about Iran nuke deal

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