A letter from a recently laid off Arts Teacher.

Not an art teacher. Just a teacher who decided to use art as a way of teaching.
In other words; she refused to teach what the school was paying her to teach; and the way the school wanted it taught.

So she got fired.

Good riddance. :cool:

This is one of your most transparent trolling efforts yet. You don't even make sense. You just try to be mean. You're pathetic. LOOSUH.
Education is local. If the local jurisdiction cannot support her position then she must go.

My system hires new teachers every year. The taxpayers have decided to support a first class education for their children which includes highly qualified teachers, top-notch facilities, and rigorous curriculum. We have endured millions in cutbacks and two years without pay raises but as the number of students increases, so does the number of teachers. Public school systems do not exist to provide jobs for people with low-need skills.
And here we have the divisive issue in front of us again. On one hand a group of people believe that “Small Government” is the problem, “Small Government” is why this Art teacher was laid off… In so that group pushes for Bigger Government because that’s where the funding come from, right?

The issue is these people don’t understand math, oddly. Government, state and federal have managed to run such massive deficits for so many years now that it’s catching up with us. The reason there is not enough money to pay an art teacher is not due to cuts, but to overspending. Yes Clinton with his Republican congress in fact ran deficits, they just raided SS to pay down their annual.

Reality is the annual deficit is growing, not shrinking. Some claim if we just cut military spending that would cure the problem but that brings up the point about this big government group being bad at math.

At around 1.5 Trillion dollar deficit (annually) cutting a whole 300 Billion out of military (MASSIVE CUTS btw) would still leave you well over a Trillion in debt, annually. So taking that “savings” that is really “less debt,” not savings, and finding other areas to re-spend the (borrowed/printed) money puts us right back where we were, in massive debt.

The logic of the Big Government or Bigger Government group is that you spend to stimulate the economy, well that is welfare and welfare creates dependency. You never really get to the “good times” where you save money because the welfare becomes standard and even during the “good times” new programs are created because of all this money!

This is how the art teacher ends up losing her job. Because the rule of saving money during the good times is literally impossible to enforce, because temporary welfare becomes a never ending program that keeps demanding (and getting) more money.

Follow the constitution and you oddly have the newest form of Government the world has seen to date. Keep pretending using old ideas that have failed time and time again will yield better results this time will destroy the lives of tens if not hundreds of millions, as it always has in the past.
I am trying to find the article, to wit; at a higher ed. proff. teachers conference, where in pretty much all of them admitted they were/had been or are unwitting accomplices in the destruction of their own establishment wide curriculum, in that, they have been the losers in the last 50 years regards the shrinking of traditional lib arts disciplines

Dilution/dissolution of their depts. budgets due to a new focus on 'social cultural' degrees, allowance of the huge multiplier at work regards asst proff. teaching many many more classes, while the Professor does the new publish or perish routine i.e. 'research', fund raising using the new humanities, or axe grinding curriculum as the selling point.

its sad, we will pay a high price for this, well, in fact, I think we already are.
"Eliminating all formal art instruction and professional development destroys the chance for this generation of children and youth to develop into the kind of inventive thinkers that will help our society achieve."

What a complete load of utter lies.

What a world you have created at LAUSD where the participants have little voice. I can sense the learned helplessness in these children as it dawns upon them that the quality and well being of the staff that teaches them matters not to those in charge. They understand now exactly how your bureaucracy and society view them and it is an understanding that comes with insecurity and dread for the coming year.

So when she was crying this out, she never thought of the shitty teachers that we can't fire b/c of her union?

Dear god, it's like we should weep when anyone gets fired.

She needs to grow the fuck up and realize that the world didn't come to an end and her career path in not important.
That bimbo didn't explain why she was fired. Something about society not liking art.

Was it budget cuts? Was it to give more time to English and Math because the dumb Afros are falling so far behind? I don't think society stood up and said "Art fart, who needs art!"

Was she an art teacher? The bimbo didn't even make clear what her position was. I'd say an art teacher is very desperation in an ELEMENTARY school. The regular elementary school teachers can easily teach art at this low level.
How is teaching art a luxury, and how was becoming an art teacher a poor decision?

Because of budget cuts she lost her job. Schools cut the luxury classes first, art, music, then sports programs, surprisingly, even schools try to keep core subjects. She chose to be an art teacher, she got let go, it was her decision to be an art teacher. The thing speaks for itself, she chose poorly, res ipsa loquitur.

I began as a theatre teacher, and when I became a credentialed classroom teacher

A regular classroom teacher, let go because she integrated arts into her class. She taught the core subjects but the school didn't think she was valuable enough.

Not an art teacher. Just a teacher who decided to use art as a way of teaching.

Why wasn't she valuable enough? What did she do, or not do, that would have made her more valuable? Maybe using art as a teaching method didn't go over very well.
It's a powerful read.

My principal hugged me yesterday as I left school after hours. It was a deep hug of regret and understanding. She does not want me to go, although it has become clear that I will be going, and no longer be under her watchful and guiding eye. She does not choose to let me go, nor does she choose to keep putting papers in my mailbox that say, "RIF teacher" and "Displaced". She won't have to after June. After June, my ten year relationship with Canterbury will end. I began as a theatre teacher, and when I became a credentialed classroom teacher, I continued to volunteer with the theatre program while teaching full time and raising my own children. I have ELD 2-5 students in my program and children receiving RSP services as well as parent volunteers with limited English and fluent English. We all act, paint, build sets and celebrate Canterbury Elementary School's community together by putting on original plays.

The art teacher at Canterbury does not want me to go either, because I integrate art lessons into my classroom. I use clay and glaze to teach chemistry, geology and botany to kindergardeners. I teach setting, character and story structure using water colors. Many teachers at my school do this. They are willing to be trained and absorb the new. They know that it is through training in the arts and teaching through art that tolerance, good character, problem solving and higher level thinking are instilled in children. If our society wants scientists and mathematicians who think out of the box and keep us competitive with other countries, then infusing arts instruction into our schools is more vital than ever. Eliminating all formal art instruction and professional development destroys the chance for this generation of children and youth to develop into the kind of inventive thinkers that will help our society achieve. I have two children in LAUSD being directly affected by this trend. Through the years I have noticed that the science and math teachers with a wide scope of life experiences and artistic interests and training have engaged my own children much more fully than the teachers who have a narrow scope of their subject and their students. My arts training began as a toddler and continued throughout my entire life, and I am a better elementary school teacher because of it. It gave me the multicultural outlook I have today.

I should be teaching next year at Canterbury Avenue Elementary School. The principal, the parents and the students want me to stay. What a world you have created at LAUSD where the participants have little voice. I can sense the learned helplessness in these children as it dawns upon them that the quality and well being of the staff that teaches them matters not to those in charge. They understand now exactly how your bureaucracy and society view them and it is an understanding that comes with insecurity and dread for the coming year.

Cooperate, collaborate, create!

Yes, leave the libs in charge long enough and the result will be "trickle up poverty" for everyone. We should vote for the fraud again!
Frankly this kind of whineing and bellyaching is disgusting. People lose their jobs every day, some who are better at what they do then she was as a teacher. They shut up and do something instead of writing woe is me letters "I teach your CHIIIILLLLDLRRREEEENNNN". She's not special, not wonderful, not unique. She is no more entitled to her job than anyone else is to theirs. Almost everyone has lost a job at one time or another, suck it up and take care of yourself. Like everyone else does.
I got two things out of this letter:
  1. Her feeling sorry for herself.
  2. Her feelings towards the importance of art education.
While I feel she needs to "suck it up" (as Katzndogz put it), I believe she definitely made a good point in stressing the importance of art in the classroom.

Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best
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I got two things out of this letter:
  1. Her feeling sorry for herself.
  2. Her feelings towards the importance of art education.
While I feel she needs to "suck it up" (as Katzndogz put it), I believe she definitely made a good point in stressing the importance of art in the classroom.

Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best
Why should you care?

Remember, you are a self proclaimed nihilist.

Just sayin............
I got two things out of this letter:
  1. Her feeling sorry for herself.
  2. Her feelings towards the importance of art education.
While I feel she needs to "suck it up" (as Katzndogz put it), I believe she definitely made a good point in stressing the importance of art in the classroom.

Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best
Why should you care?

Remember, you are a self proclaimed nihilist.

Just sayin............

1.) I don't think you understand what nihilism is.
2.) I don't know what I am.

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