A Lesson in Socialism

Notice that D. C. police never shows up at the White House!

See how dysfunctional: Some neighborhoods really are!

And then there's the schools, (apparently)! Comparing and Contrasting: The Liberal Cops in Massachusetts do show up, in Cambridge, which is probably proud of their schools! Liberals know about pride--and proper police work.

Somehow, all this was lost on the. . .fine upstanding. . .(well, jackal-holes, or somethng), reporting on this incident, in the news. How can there be racial intolerance charges at Harvard University(?)!?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Where does a Cambridge, MA, school teacher send his kids to school, at any rate!?! According to Pat Buchanan--himself, personally, (and right there on a TV Talk Show)--Harvard University itself is mainly for Jewish people! Anyone can guess where Minister Farrakhan, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Rev. Billy Graham(?): Are never going to be sending their kids, or their kids! Probably, the Holy Father knows about this! Wait until the Archbishop (of Canterbury) finds out!
Let me be clear. I'm annoyed by arrogance and by those who style themselves as intellectuals, since so often, their alleged intellects can't even enable them to change their oil properly. But what annoys me more in this instance is this analogy. I've rebutted it before, so it's not merely a case of its utter absurdity and inapplicability to socialism. It's more a matter of its repetition and lateness here, which again illustrates to me that no amount of rational persuasion can do anything to economically ignorant rightists. This, frankly, is beneath me and anyone interested in a legitimate discussion of the topic. :rolleyes:
It's a common practice in colleges to grade on a curve.

I took pride in ruining the curve for others. After all i was working a full time night job, was cleaning houses on days I didn't have class and on weekends and had a kid on the way and these snot nose whining pansy ass so called adults whose parents were paying for school and who did nothing but carouse and party would complain that I aced a test when the next best score was a 76 and therefore ruined their chances of getting an A on the curve

Boo Fucking Hoo was my reply

I especially liked when the idiot professor would give me a 120 on a test.

I asked him what was going on I was not able to get higher than a 4.0 so what good did giving me a 120 do?

he said that it allowed him to give the other students grades that would approach a more "natural distribution"

I told him he was cheapening my effort and submitted at least half a dozen written complaints to his department head and the dean to no avail of course.

So in a nutshell that's is what's wrong with our education system. And we wonder why our kids perform like shit compared to the rest of the world.

I've never understood the grading on a curve. I suppose it's useful if you've got a cohort and you're trying to place them in terms of the transition from primary school to secondary school but US educators invented the idea of mastery learning which requires critertion-referenced testing, why grade on the curve in university when an individual is trying for mastery of a topic?
I'm not an advocate of socialism/

Neither am I an advocate of grading on curves.

But grading on a curve isn't socialism.
Same logic? How? Grading on the curve seeks to force a normal distribution on a cohort of people. Socialism is about communal rather than private ownership of the means of production.
I'm not an advocate of socialism/

Neither am I an advocate of grading on curves.

But grading on a curve isn't socialism.

Technically, no, but it's the same logic.

Grading on the curve is the same logic as the collective ownership of vital industries?

In what way, exactly?

(editors note: didn't notice Diuretic's post before I responded. Great minds question alike, I suppose)
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