CDZ A Lawful And Peaceful Revolution

With natural law and the constitution being consistent, it is quite clear Americans not only have the lawful right, but they also have the instinctual basis to make agreement upon constitutional intent which is the rightful basis for a lawful and peaceful revolution.

Aside from that, ALEC Is working for an Article V convention, and we know it's not going to be constitutional if it's their idea. Accordingly, Americans need to demand PREPARATORY AMENDMENT so they can be involved as "the rightful masters if the congress and the courts" to assure that all amendments have constitutional intent as required.

It is insane to enter into the most important political event in Americas history without preparation.
I would lie sincere Americans to notice that josf has given up his subterfuge in this thread, and is now working the thread that asserts that an Article V convention is a "con".

Well it is IF you do nothing and do not involve yourself with it. We've been manipulated to the point where unity is going to be very difficult to create, and without it the corporations with the infiltrated government are going to destroy the natural law principles that the constitution is based on.

This thread shows HOW that agenda of constitutional destruction is laid out.

226 Years Of Congressional Nonfeasance Ended-A hidden threat US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

There is a structure that is insidious. Congress after 226 years starts obeying the constitution by counting applications from states. This as ALEC shows its relationship to Convention of States, which there was no relation 3 years back. Levin is positioned to present TWO different, conflicting viewpoints to TWO different audiences. One is state legislators invited by ALEC, (ALEC has been lobbying state legislators for 20 years +), the other, the public attending that is worried about a runaway convention.

This structure indicates that a HIJACKING of the convention is very possibly planned.

ACCORDINGLY, the lawful and peaceful revolution structure in this thread, empowered by our UNITY, enabled by our simple agreement upon the purpose of free speech. This thread here show how hard covert agents are working to prevent an understanding of how we can use constitutional intent to unify and oppose the con job that ALEC is planning.

Freedom of Speech Has An Ultimate Legal Constitutional Purpose Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Notice the complete lack of accountability between jose and pratchett. How can this consistency be so dominant? It cannot be with genuine, sincere people.

And I know we have quite a few of those here, so try and read between the lines and see what I'm exposing and bringing for use to use in protecting our rights and freedoms.
"I would lie sincere Americans..."

I don't know what that means.

"... josf has given up his subterfuge in this thread..."

That is false on two counts. That is a personal attack on a forum member. That is against the rules. That is not the original topic. That is a diversion.

" working the thread that asserts that an Article V convention is a "con"."

I am studying, and reporting, on Elliot's Debates Volume I, as the record recording Debates leading up to the original Con Con Con Job was moving from an idea, to actions, and then to fruition. I have yet to get to the part where anyone debated the idea of writing an Article V in to the fraudulent Constitution of 1787.

If attacks on me personally continue in this Topic, then, as a matter of demonstrable fact, I am inspired to correct the false records reported in the personal attacks.

If attacks on me personally do not continue in this Topic, then, as a mater of demonstrable fact, I can avoid any further contact with the one who chooses to disobey the rule of forum law, where my voluntary action is to avoid this Topic so long as there are no more obvious, demonstrable, personal attacks upon me.

I still think, as I've stated in the beginning of my contact in this Topic, that many possible methods of defense, some better than others, is preferable to no defense whatsoever, and, many is preferable to only one risky one.
"I would lie sincere Americans..."

I don't know what that means.

"... josf has given up his subterfuge in this thread..."

That is false on two counts. That is a personal attack on a forum member. That is against the rules. That is not the original topic. That is a diversion.

" working the thread that asserts that an Article V convention is a "con"."

I am studying, and reporting, on Elliot's Debates Volume I, as the record recording Debates leading up to the original Con Con Con Job was moving from an idea, to actions, and then to fruition. I have yet to get to the part where anyone debated the idea of writing an Article V in to the fraudulent Constitution of 1787.

If attacks on me personally continue in this Topic, then, as a matter of demonstrable fact, I am inspired to correct the false records reported in the personal attacks.

If attacks on me personally do not continue in this Topic, then, as a mater of demonstrable fact, I can avoid any further contact with the one who chooses to disobey the rule of forum law, where my voluntary action is to avoid this Topic so long as there are no more obvious, demonstrable, personal attacks upon me.

I still think, as I've stated in the beginning of my contact in this Topic, that many possible methods of defense, some better than others, is preferable to no defense whatsoever, and, many is preferable to only one risky one.

"I would lie sincere Americans…"

It's a typo. Due to 17 years of the deprivation of justice I'm posting on a phone most often.

The only alternative is obscured by the fact that you may have lost context by not using the quote feature.

If you are not agreeing with the natural law purpose of free speech, your continued posting in the thread is a defacto attack of dilution or confusion of content.

Get used to it. The psyops America is confronted with is not simple. Either you must become simple to escape it by agreeing and accepting the purpose of free speech, or be logically condemned to be a part of the psyops by default.

You can only distinguish your sincerity by agreement and acceptance Gods law of the purpose of our naturally utilized freedom to share knowledge. Those with God will recognize you as also with God.
"The only alternative is obscured by the fact that you may have lost context by not using the quote feature."

That is another personal attack on a forum member. That is an accusation of wrongdoing, instead of discussion of the original topic. That is a public published libel against me personally. That is cause for me to act in my defense. If someone "lost context" as the personal attack accusation (couched as a fact instead of an alleged wrongdoing) then said "lost context" could be proven by some reasonable process intended for the purpose of proving the facts instead of dictating falsehoods as if falsehoods were facts.

" are not agreeing with the natural law purpose of free speech..."

Someone spends their time and energy creating, publishing, and maintaining the Clean Debate Zone, a public access web based forum, and speech here is "free" in the sense that there are rules that can be followed, such as the rule that is agreed upon to NOT publish personal attacks, and so long as the rules are followed, there is then speech that is free from personal attack done by people who care NOT to follow simple rules, as the obvious choice to NOT follow simple rules is to censor (shoot the messager) the messages offered by people offering messages freely, where messages are free from personal attacks.

" a defacto attack of dilution or confusion of content..."

When the subject matter published is demonstrated to be a personal attack then that is the "content" which precisely is NOT the original topic. Blaming the target of a personal attack for defending against personal attack is one thing, and another thing involves the one responsible for the personal attack blaming the one defending from personal attack for the fact that the one responsible for the personal attack is the one NOT following the rules which suggest that personal attacks are NOT the subject matter here in the Clean Debate Zone, because the choice to employ personal attacks cause, by that willful choice to inspire flame wars.

If all I do here in this topic is defend myself by restating the obvious breaking of rules by the OP, and ask the OP to politely return to the original topic instead of continuing with repetitive personal attacks, then how in any way am I guilty of not sticking with both topics authored by the OP?

1. The Original Topic
2. The "original dilution or confusion of content" arriving in the form of the original personal attack, the second personal attack, the third personal attack, all authored by one and the same author of the original topic who also authored the change of topic from the topic to me personally, which is against the rules.

"The psyops America is confronted with is not simple."

The "psyops" in this Topic is simple. You cannot, or will not, deal with the information offered in the form of competitive alternative defensive ideas and actions that can work alongside what you consider to be the one, the only, possible path to reach a possible goal you have in mind, and instead of dealing with that information you invent falsehoods that you then claim are things done wrong by the author of the messages that constitute competitive, alternative, defensive ideas and actions that can work alongside what you consider to be the one, the only, possible path to reach a possible goal you have in mind.

"....agreeing and accepting the purpose of free speech..."

The forum rules are simple enough. No personal attacks means no personal attacks. Personal attacks inspire some people to defend against personal attacks by returning "eye for an eye" and other such knee jerk reactions to personal attacks, which then create flame wars, which are also against the simple rules that are in place so as to maintain free speech that is free from personal attacks and flame wars.

If there are no more personal attacks aimed at me personally in this Topic, then I have reasoned out the futility of my participation in this Topic aimed at offering a competitive viewpoint on the subject of an Article V process according to the fraudulent Constitution of 1787.

If there are more personal attacks aimed at me personally in this Topic, then I have no reason to return here to offer a competitive viewpoint on the subject of an Article V process according to the fraudulent Constitution of 1787.

Free speech is not free in an economic sense of having no cost born by anyone anywhere. Those who fund this public access Forum pay those costs, and they wrote the rules that ought to be followed or there is in that wrongdoing an incremental end of free speech.
Wow heavy case of blah, blah, blah.

Nothing you wrote compared with the intent of the framers defined and set forth which relate to the purpose of free speech enabling unity adequate to alter or abolish.

I mean, you've not said how you contribute to the defense of the intents behind the 1776, 1787, 1792 documents, as you label as you might. Nor have you spoken reasonably to my accusation that you have a plan, no strategy for protecting our natural rights. Which rights are ideal, we cannot relinquish biologically over time.

Seriously, you've got no credibility because you've got nothing at all behind what your assertions are, or that Americans with focus on constitutional intent can recognize, except the citizens grand jury under common law, which a lawful and peaceful revolution could permanently make effective, seems to irritate you.

Do you have a problem with Americans working to use the written documents of 1776, 1787, 1792, defining the intents of the framers as best serve our safety and happiness?
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Hyperbolic, unfounded nonsense.

There is no need for a 'revolution,' the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exist and function now as intended by the Framers.

There is no part of the United States, which would be acceptable to the Founding Fathers or Framers of the Constitution.

The United States is in free fall, utterly untethered from any sense of the principles on which the United States and it's foundational moorings defining America...

Indeed, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any point in our Nation's history

Absurd from its face to its hollow core.

For starters, the United States has fewer people within its citizenry than at any time in its history, who have the slightest understanding of what rights are, from where they come or how they are sustained. They live pay check to paycheck, tied to meaningless tasks, with absolutely no sense of what freedom is, let alone the means to be such. And what little sense of freedom remains, is slipping away at every increasing rates.

The argument that you have represented is symptomatic of profound ignorance and more likely an even more profound deceit, born from foreign ideas, which are hostile to the principles that define America. And there is no means for any individual advancing such to have the slightest kinship, with anything even remotely at kinship with America.

In my experience such fecklessness is advance by the lowly European socialist, posing as a US Citizen... for the purpose of deceitfully influencing the ignorant product of US Progressivism, here in the United States and this site is LOADED with 'em.
Hyperbolic, unfounded nonsense.

There is no need for a 'revolution,' the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exist and function now as intended by the Framers.

There is no part of the United States, which would be acceptable to the Founding Fathers or Framers of the Constitution.

The United States is in free fall, utterly untethered from any sense of the principles on which the United States and it's foundational moorings defining America...

Indeed, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any point in our Nation's history

Absurd from its face to its hollow core.

For starters, the United States has fewer people within its citizenry than at any time in its history, who have the slightest understanding of what rights are, from where they come or how they are sustained. They live pay check to paycheck, tied to meaningless tasks, with absolutely no sense of what freedom is, let alone the means to be such. And what little sense of freedom remains, is slipping away at every increasing rates.

The argument that you have represented is symptomatic of profound ignorance and more likely an even more profound deceit, born from foreign ideas, which are hostile to the principles that define America. And there is no means for any individual advancing such to have the slightest kinship, with anything even remotely at kinship with America.

In my experience such fecklessness is advance by the lowly European socialist, posing as a US Citizen... for the purpose of deceitfully influencing the ignorant product of US Progressivism, here in the United States and this site is LOADED with 'em.

Agreed. How many instances of violation of the constitution can be found? I've lost track. No point in keeping track

C_Clayton_Jones wrote:
"' the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exist and function now as intended by the Framers."

It's like he does not know what happened following the civil war and how the infiltrations of the federal government which pushed for war, finally showed why in 1871.

What is sad is that some states followed the federal. Meaning that a lawful and peaceful revolution is that much more needed because the states themselves have become subject to the infiltration.
Hyperbolic, unfounded nonsense.

There is no need for a 'revolution,' the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exist and function now as intended by the Framers.

There is no part of the United States, which would be acceptable to the Founding Fathers or Framers of the Constitution.

The United States is in free fall, utterly untethered from any sense of the principles on which the United States and it's foundational moorings defining America...

Indeed, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any point in our Nation's history

Absurd from its face to its hollow core.

For starters, the United States has fewer people within its citizenry than at any time in its history, who have the slightest understanding of what rights are, from where they come or how they are sustained. They live pay check to paycheck, tied to meaningless tasks, with absolutely no sense of what freedom is, let alone the means to be such. And what little sense of freedom remains, is slipping away at every increasing rates.

The argument that you have represented is symptomatic of profound ignorance and more likely an even more profound deceit, born from foreign ideas, which are hostile to the principles that define America. And there is no means for any individual advancing such to have the slightest kinship, with anything even remotely at kinship with America.

In my experience such fecklessness is advance by the lowly European socialist, posing as a US Citizen... for the purpose of deceitfully influencing the ignorant product of US Progressivism, here in the United States and this site is LOADED with 'em.

Agreed. How many instances of violation of the constitution can be found? I've lost track. No point in keeping track

C_Clayton_Jones wrote:
"' the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exist and function now as intended by the Framers."

It's like he does not know what happened following the civil war and how the infiltrations of the federal government which pushed for war, finally showed why in 1871.

What is sad is that some states followed the federal. Meaning that a lawful and peaceful revolution is that much more needed because the states themselves have become subject to the infiltration.

Oh... rest assured, it knows.

It isn't here to engage in open and honest debate. It is here to advance deceit.

It's here to defraud the debate with hollow, pie in the sky messages to lull the ignorant into going back to sleep.

The President of the United States openly sold weapons, gave cash and otherwise aided, abetted and promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States... this after he openly imported MILLIONS of indigents from south of the boarder, setting them into the welfare system, even as he is providing driver's licenses, for which the first order of business in obtaining such is to REGISTER THEM: NON-CITIZENS ... TO VOTE.

This after he illicitly used the power of his officer to preclude US Citizens from peaceably assembling, through the use of the powers of the IRS to prevent those people from organizing political opposition to him and his cult.

The evidence of the crimes that is a matter of public record is WAY more than enough for a reasonably objective justice department to issue indictments... WAY more than enough for the Legislature to Issue articles of Impeachment.

But yet... there comes no indictment and no articles of Impeachment. And that is because as a mass-delusion that is inexplicably preventing people from realizing WHAT THEY ARE SEEING HAPPEN RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES.

The fact that as such is happening, we're debating whether or not men should be allowed to marry other men... well that just informs me that what we're witnessing is the rising of nothing short than what we have always known as 'Old Testament Evil'.

And friend, the bad news is, that THAT>>> is BIGGER THAN US!

The Good News is that it's no where NEAR as big as God.

The question remains, will God choose to step in before we burn ourselves down?

My guess is that it's fairly unlikely. And that's because > WE < are the ones who let EVIL UP. So, at the end of the day, we richly deserve the world class ass beating we're about to get.

Of course, there's always hope... for a miracle. And the only chance of THAT, is that 'we' start embracing the principles that define America. Principles that had we adhered to in the first place, would have prevented us from being here in the first place.

God blessed the US... the US has departed from God and in so doing, we dam'd ourselves to life without God. And we're about to discover that THAT looks a LOT like HELL!
Reader, at the end of the day, the US is suffering the predictable consequences of tolerating Foreign Ideas that are Hostile to the soundly reasoned principles that sustain peace and freedom and which otherwise define America.
Hyperbolic, unfounded nonsense.

There is no need for a 'revolution,' the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exist and function now as intended by the Framers.

There is no part of the United States, which would be acceptable to the Founding Fathers or Framers of the Constitution.

The United States is in free fall, utterly untethered from any sense of the principles on which the United States and it's foundational moorings defining America...

Indeed, more Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at any point in our Nation's history

Absurd from its face to its hollow core.

For starters, the United States has fewer people within its citizenry than at any time in its history, who have the slightest understanding of what rights are, from where they come or how they are sustained. They live pay check to paycheck, tied to meaningless tasks, with absolutely no sense of what freedom is, let alone the means to be such. And what little sense of freedom remains, is slipping away at every increasing rates.

The argument that you have represented is symptomatic of profound ignorance and more likely an even more profound deceit, born from foreign ideas, which are hostile to the principles that define America. And there is no means for any individual advancing such to have the slightest kinship, with anything even remotely at kinship with America.

In my experience such fecklessness is advance by the lowly European socialist, posing as a US Citizen... for the purpose of deceitfully influencing the ignorant product of US Progressivism, here in the United States and this site is LOADED with 'em.

Agreed. How many instances of violation of the constitution can be found? I've lost track. No point in keeping track

C_Clayton_Jones wrote:
"' the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law exist and function now as intended by the Framers."

It's like he does not know what happened following the civil war and how the infiltrations of the federal government which pushed for war, finally showed why in 1871.

What is sad is that some states followed the federal. Meaning that a lawful and peaceful revolution is that much more needed because the states themselves have become subject to the infiltration.

Oh... rest assured, it knows.

It isn't here to engage in open and honest debate. It is here to advance deceit.

It's here to defraud the debate with hollow, pie in the sky messages to lull the ignorant into going back to sleep.

The President of the United States openly sold weapons, gave cash and otherwise aided, abetted and promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States... this after he openly imported MILLIONS of indigents from south of the boarder, setting them into the welfare system, even as he is providing driver's licenses, for which the first order of business in obtaining such is to REGISTER THEM: NON-CITIZENS ... TO VOTE.

This after he illicitly used the power of his officer to preclude US Citizens from peaceably assembling, through the use of the powers of the IRS to prevent those people from organizing political opposition to him and his cult.

The evidence of the crimes that is a matter of public record is WAY more than enough for a reasonably objective justice department to issue indictments... WAY more than enough for the Legislature to Issue articles of Impeachment.

But yet... there comes no indictment and no articles of Impeachment. And that is because as a mass-delusion that is inexplicably preventing people from realizing WHAT THEY ARE SEEING HAPPEN RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES.

The fact that as such is happening, we're debating whether or not men should be allowed to marry other men... well that just informs me that what we're witnessing is the rising of nothing short than what we have always known as 'Old Testament Evil'.

And friend, the bad news is, that THAT>>> is BIGGER THAN US!

The Good News is that it's no where NEAR as big as God.

The question remains, will God choose to step in before we burn ourselves down?

My guess is that it's fairly unlikely. And that's because > WE < are the ones who let EVIL UP. So, at the end of the day, we richly deserve the world class ass beating we're about to get.

Of course, there's always hope... for a miracle. And the only chance of THAT, is that 'we' start embracing the principles that define America. Principles that had we adhered to in the first place, would have prevented us from being here in the first place.

God blessed the US... the US has departed from God and in so doing, we dam'd ourselves to life without God. And we're about to discover that THAT looks a LOT like HELL!

Yes, it knows, but the lurkers might not so I always iterate details to frame the counter for the deceit.

It isn't here to engage in open and honest debate. It is here to advance deceit.

But yet... there comes no indictment and no articles of Impeachment.

All of media has been tasked with altering the public world view.

This is a primary reason for the public to work towards a focus upon the purpose of free speech. No part of the government is fully lawful. Ironically, because they are comprised of so many people, they are not completely unlawful also.

When Americans focus on prime constitutional intent like the purpose of free speech, which is a brand new action, because that purpose is not directly defined, it is fully implied and the people as "the rightful
Masters of the congress and the courts" have every right, AND natural law duty to make that implication and define the purpose of free speech for their own purposes of altering or abolishing a generally unlawful government that is fast becoming destructive to unalienable rights.

Just the fact Americans make the implication and uniformly agree with it, and they already do, but they don't know that yet, is very newsworthy, so it's a great test for media. If they fail, we may possibly pit them against against each other, or begin a campaign to completely remove their credibility.

There is only the catch 22 which must be overcome. Simply that the purpose is abridged so getting the news out about it will require special action by those that understand the power that Americans will gain over all government by making an agreement upon something that is not defined directly, very much should be defined, then knowing that the purpose is abridged and has been since 1792 when the Bill of a Rights with the First Amendment was signed. .Just as you state here.

Of course, there's always hope... for a miracle. And the only chance of THAT, is that 'we' start embracing the principles that define America. Principles that had we adhered to in the first place, would have prevented us from being here in the first place.

Ironically in 1792 the purpose of free speech was working to significant degrees, so people had a hard time imagining that it could be set aside so easy by media.

Newspapers did it and I found A number of Jefferson quotes that show he knew it was happening. They are posted near the beginning of the thread.

Herein is the weakness of the written word. Lies can be written down then they are automatically treated like the truth 50 years later. What Americans do not know is that oral histories transmit lies poorly into the future. Basically a bearer of an oral history will not remember a lie they know of.

If we start with the most fundamental principles of the constitution, and the right to alter or abolish found through Article V with Americans controlling their states, because they have finally figured out that free speech has a purpose, AND that it's abridging is what key the major and minor principles of the republic from being practiced.

It's true, we let evil rise up in power, but it was only by deceit imposed over generations. Therefore, what we see is more hopelessness in ignorance than an embrace of evil. People do not know what to do, and if they did they couldn't share it.

Once they learn why, they will gain confidence in others seeing the simple truth just by knowing that free speech has a lawful, constitutional purpose.

Miracle? Perhaps, but Americans are at a point where they are questioning the entire system of politics, and none of the answers from partisanship are credible or comprehensive any longer.
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Reader, at the end of the day, the US is suffering the predictable consequences of tolerating Foreign Ideas that are Hostile to the soundly reasoned principles that sustain peace and freedom and which otherwise define America.

Yes, spelling it out is needed.

But what was the tolerance within the ignorance of the full extent of the soundly reasoned principles? What were the actual social mechanisms of the principles? That tolerance only was able to get established in an environment where there was a relative vacuum of the specificity of definition of the principles.

My assertion all along is that those foriegn ideas resided amongst the Americans with individuals compromised by unconscious, occult type activities which promoted foreign ideas. But further, the Church of Rome made it socially regrettable to even attempt to understand or document the methods by which the unconscious agendas were inculcated in those covert groups of individuals generation after generation.

This was despite the inherent opposition the church had to such activities. They were hypocritically allowed amongst these covert groups who kept pressing the foreign ideas within their persistent collusions upon all facets of American society.

Clearly, the activities cannot be repressed. They are themselves natural law, therefore reasonably they should be out in the open where there persistence can be scrutinized and made acceptably principled INSTEAD of a hidden activity which dismantles and destroys the principles.

The beliefs and unreasoned, indeed unreasonable fears promoted dogmatically by the church kept those foriegn ideas close and inside the American governmental system always empowering the same in society.

Whereas the sound reasoned principles were not even completely expressed in the framing documents let alone shared or impressed repeatedly with the needed comprehensiveness upon the American people.

Those principles that would have exposed the foreign ideas and reinforced their own reasonable and sound basis with the people ARE the principles at the core of the lawful and peaceful revolution we need to conduct.

They are imbued within the first parts of the Declaration of Independence. I interpret them to make them function for our society as mechanisms we can create for ourselves to kept the principles alive and dominant over the foriegn, destructive aspects tolerated for far too long.

Reader, at the end of the day, the US is suffering the predictable consequences of tolerating Foreign Ideas that are Hostile to the soundly reasoned principles that sustain peace and freedom and which otherwise define America.

Those core, specific and completely described principles that protect ALL of the principles ARE the right to alter or abolish government destructive to our unalienable rights with the power of the unity needed to effectively alter or abolish said government, created by the PURPOSE of free speech working amongst the people.
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The lawful and peaceful strategy described in this thread is completely verified as legal due process suited for constitutional defense and enforcement of it by simple virtue of the inability of anyone to show how the logical purpose of free speech to be to enable the unity needed to alter or abolish government destructive to our rights.

Based in the fact that the people are the final authority by their agreement upon prime constitutional intent, in a constitutional emergency no official who is not accepting of those intents can legally hold office if the people are assembled in rejection.

The final step, preparatory amendment, educates the populations to a degree where informed opinion is adequately uniform for democracy to function fully.
An action that parallels the lawful revolution, peacefully, has soldiers questioning the lawfulness of the military authority in command of them.

Soldiers have a special kind of lawfulness which can only be created by a constitutional civil government. The truth of the Towers core is the true rabbit hole justifying interior criminal legal action from the military which assures their command is a lawful military authority.

Since it is a peaceful action, big one also ending treason, returning justice for a start.

An action that parallels the lawful revolution, peacefully, has soldiers questioning the lawfulness of the military authority in command of them.
Seems I heard that Abe Lincoln actually did this.

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Wow! A lot of big words, high ideals and lengthy dissertations so far but little understanding of the common man. So long as the present is more comfortable (especially for those with money) than fighting the system we will be locked in the slow but inevitable spiral toward socialism or fascism. Either way the people will no longer be free.

At some point, and I do not pretend to know what that will be or when it will take place, about 3% of the population will stand up and squeak, "enough!". That 3% will fight for their lives and the concept of freedom and liberty and will find support from a few with money who have also been grievously wronged. The fight will increase in intensity in typical guerrilla fashion that will confound any effort to control it. The eventual outcome will be a new constitution that will avoid the errors in the first but likely contain new errors that will undoubtedly surface in the decades ahead.

It will, for a while, restore the dignity of mankind, his freedom, liberties and natural rights and the prosperity which is brought forth by free men.
Wow! A lot of big words, high ideals and lengthy dissertations so far but little understanding of the common man. So long as the present is more comfortable (especially for those with money) than fighting the system we will be locked in the slow but inevitable spiral toward socialism or fascism. Either way the people will no longer be free.

At some point, and I do not pretend to know what that will be or when it will take place, about 3% of the population will stand up and squeak, "enough!". That 3% will fight for their lives and the concept of freedom and liberty and will find support from a few with money who have also been grievously wronged. The fight will increase in intensity in typical guerrilla fashion that will confound any effort to control it. The eventual outcome will be a new constitution that will avoid the errors in the first but likely contain new errors that will undoubtedly surface in the decades ahead.

It will, for a while, restore the dignity of mankind, his freedom, liberties and natural rights and the prosperity which is brought forth by free men.

I do understand your perspective, and I also understand how you could think I do not understand the common man.

I also understand your perspective comes from inside the society that cannot see the purpose of free speech served from where it is currently. I know however that the common man actually knows about the Declaration of Independence and the prime principles it sets forth. The common man does not understand how those principles are to work together for his benefit, but easily can.

That understanding hinges more on the commonality of he common man, than even the common man knows.

My work is to educate, and such is not well done by participating in the dysfunction of misinformation or manipulation. It is best done by ignoring the dysfunction and presenting function.

Notice, all of the detractors to the purpose of free speech are gone. Notice not one has tried to state the framers did not intend for us to be able to alter or abolish.

I'm not so sure the "guerrilla fight" will go as well as you present. Which is why the peaceful and lawful aspect is so important. We are far more dependent for our daily sustenance now than we were in the past. Probably less than 0.05% could survive for 6 weeks without corporate product. And the comfort those with means enjoy is a fragile state, they know it too. Therein is the fear of losing it. Accordingly, if there were reasonable means to align with others, despite their economic standing, many would. However, to begin with, they do not even know of this strategy.

Consider your type skepticism as the largest barrier to a lawful and peaceful revolution. There is no sacrifice in believing it is possible, and none in participating in the knowledge that makes it possible. It is only the uncommonness of the concept that prevents most from adopting it immediately, because every single aspect of it is legally, philosophically and sociologically sound. If there were passion for freedom, rights and justice, you might awaken tomorrow to go find someone to discuss what you've learned tonight. Thus sharing and expanding the understanding.

What is it that makes a flock of birds or a herd of sheep? Do we really know?
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"Martin Luther King Jr had a dream; I have a vision. My vision is platformed on and because of his dream. My vision is the government of tomorrow. One adhering to all the wills of the people yet balancing interests of the founded corporations without bias. One with a strong universal equal access public educational system. I ask of you to take a look at my self-created new Government system linked bellow. I ask of you to dream with my vision and fully envision my dream. Thank you very much for all your time and I hope you can share my vision of the government of tomorrow.
Eleutherocracy The Key for a Balanced Government - Home
There is nothing in Eleutherocracy that would interfere with the current practice of corrupting representatives to vote a certain way. No amount of financial compensation can restrict the lust for power. Having representatives and an "overseer" just provides multiple avenues in which corruption can occur.
The best way to prevent corruption is to remove corporate interference in politics completely. That might require having the people represent themselves, the abolishment of congress, and a "constitutional court" put in place to prevent unconstitutional acts becoming law. The court would have to be made up of a number of citizens with no law background and the only information would be based on the written text of the constitution. No case law arguments, no lawyers, just "common sense". (enhanced by eduction and strict punishment for allowing an unconstitutional bill to be passed to a vote)

It would be difficult to entice a large portion of the people to initiate a bill and then get the court to allow an unlawful act to be voted on. Even if it was possible to get an unlawful act to the people for a vote it is unlikely that a large majority would vote for it.
There is nothing in Eleutherocracy that would interfere with the current practice of corrupting representatives to vote a certain way. No amount of financial compensation can restrict the lust for power. Having representatives and an "overseer" just provides multiple avenues in which corruption can occur.
The best way to prevent corruption is to remove corporate interference in politics completely. That might require having the people represent themselves, the abolishment of congress, and a "constitutional court" put in place to prevent unconstitutional acts becoming law. The court would have to be made up of a number of citizens with no law background and the only information would be based on the written text of the constitution. No case law arguments, no lawyers, just "common sense". (enhanced by eduction and strict punishment for allowing an unconstitutional bill to be passed to a vote)

It would be difficult to entice a large portion of the people to initiate a bill and then get the court to allow an unlawful act to be voted on. Even if it was possible to get an unlawful act to the people for a vote it is unlikely that a large majority would vote for it.
I really appreciate the critique. For last i heard people followed without questions or concerns are called dictators. I ask of you to look at my newly added precaution page on the site. It addresses a lot of the corruption problems and huge limitation 4 the overseer and corporations. Any more questions about this government hit me up on my contact page on the site where i can personally give u detailed responses.
Thanks for spending you time on my site,
Aside from the corruption issues the big fault with the system is that you are promoting corporations to the level of citizens. Corporate entities are not and should never be citizens. They are composed of citizens that already have the right to vote. Corporations should never be construed to have the rights of citizens.

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