A law I would like to see enacted -

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
We have the right to be safe from people who believe they must carry a gun everywhere they go. That in itself is most certainly a form of mental illness.

I would really like to see an end to "concealed carry". If some nut believes he/she/it must carry a gun, then the rest of us have the right to know that.

Think about it.

Say you're in a restaurant, the library, school, church, wherever - wouldn't it be nice to know if you're sharing your space with one of these froot loops?

It would give you the choice to take your family to a safe place.

Who would object to that?
I can't think of a recent incident or any incident where a person with CC permit responded in a manner that threatened others.

I am not a gun owner and realize I would probably never be able to use a gun properly in a situation where it might be required--but from the many discussions it seems gun owners are highly responsible and ethical. I am not really concerned about that.

Truthfully, it seems like a very small percentage of citizens abuse guns.

Once again I plan to 'listen and learn' --a ban on assault weapons doesn't seem unreasonable.
I can't think of a recent incident or any incident where a person with CC permit responded in a manner that threatened others.

I am not a gun owner and realize I would probably never be able to use a gun properly in a situation where it might be required--but from the many discussions it seems gun owners are highly responsible and ethical. I am not really concerned about that.

Truthfully, it seems like a very small percentage of citizens abuse guns.

Once again I plan to 'listen and learn' --a ban on assault weapons doesn't seem unreasonable.

Actually it happens almost every day. There are more than 30 murders every day and most of the murderers do hide the fact they have a gun right up until they use it.

But, whether or not a ccw plans to kill or rob or if he/she is one of these nutters who think they're gonna be Mighty Mouse and swoop in to save the day, which they don't actually do but they DO brag about what they plan to do, which makes them very dangerous people to sit next to at the cafe ...

Shouldn't I have the choice to NOT be there when they go off?

I'm not saying they can't carry their gun. I'm just saying I have the right to know if there's a froot loop having a hamburger next to me.

WHAT is objectionable about that?
Give it up you fuckin idiot

IOW, you can't argue against my right to know there is someone sitting nest to me who is carrying a gun.

The whole idea of ccw is sneaky and dishonest.

If you have nothing to feel sorry for, feel guilty for, then why not let those around you know you have a gun?

If you have that right, then why shouldn't I have the right to know you are there?

Just once, drop the baby name calling and just take part in a conversation.
I can't think of a recent incident or any incident where a person with CC permit responded in a manner that threatened others.

I am not a gun owner and realize I would probably never be able to use a gun properly in a situation where it might be required--but from the many discussions it seems gun owners are highly responsible and ethical. I am not really concerned about that.

Truthfully, it seems like a very small percentage of citizens abuse guns.

Once again I plan to 'listen and learn' --a ban on assault weapons doesn't seem unreasonable.

Actually it happens almost every day. There are more than 30 murders every day and most of the murderers do hide the fact they have a gun right up until they use it.

But, whether or not a ccw plans to kill or rob or if he/she is one of these nutters who think they're gonna be Mighty Mouse and swoop in to save the day, which they don't actually do but they DO brag about what they plan to do, which makes them very dangerous people to sit next to at the cafe ...

Shouldn't I have the choice to NOT be there when they go off?

I'm not saying they can't carry their gun. I'm just saying I have the right to know if there's a froot loop having a hamburger next to me.

WHAT is objectionable about that?

Just one question dear lady: What proof do you have that MOST of the murders are committed by those with concealed weapons permits? My research shows the very opposite; that those with permits are responsible gun owners who have no criminal agenda. It's those who possess guns illegally that are causing most of the problems.

I am patiently awaiting an answer I know will never come.

As for me, I don't care if those around me know I am armed; in fact, I prefer it. I would much rather have someone respect the fact that I am armed rather than to assume that I am not and try to cause me harm. If you want me to wear a sign around my neck saying I am armed, I can live with that. I don't mind giving illegal gun owners and other thugs fair warning.

But that's just me.
We have the right to be safe from people who believe they must carry a gun everywhere they go. That in itself is most certainly a form of mental illness.
Your paranoia is a serious sign of mental illness, I believe you need to speak to a counselor.
Remember: Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid......
We have the right to be safe from people who believe they must carry a gun everywhere they go. That in itself is most certainly a form of mental illness.

I would really like to see an end to "concealed carry". If some nut believes he/she/it must carry a gun, then the rest of us have the right to know that.

Think about it.

Say you're in a restaurant, the library, school, church, wherever - wouldn't it be nice to know if you're sharing your space with one of these froot loops?

It would give you the choice to take your family to a safe place.

Who would object to that?

The problem with that is: how in the hell would anyone be able to know who has a permit and who doesn't (of course criminals will not bother applying for a permit). I suppose one would be required to wear a shirt that says "I am armed," but this is ridiculous considering that there are many places even someone with a permit cannot go. I can carry concealed, but in the state of Florida if a wear a shirt that says "I am armed" and go onto a school grounds or in a bar or to a sporting event or a number of other places I would expect to be in a lot of trouble.

So, dear lady, how do YOU propose the average citizen be informed who is lawfully armed, who is unlawfully armed, and who is unarmed. Do you have a clue how this can be accomplished? Besides how in God's name could anyone know those who are unlawfully armed since they not inclined to advertise their criminal possession? I suggest that you have a good idea in principle; but one which is entirely unworkable in the real world.

My dearest sweetest lady, you aer worried about those with concealed weapons permits. I would strongly suggest you be a lot more concerned with those gun-carrying thugs who do not have such permits. Unfortunately, you will not know who they are until after the shots are fired. Hopefully there will be a decent, law abiding gun carrier around to protect your well-rounded anti-gun derriere.

Five words: Get fucking real, old gal.
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We have the right to be safe from people who believe they must carry a gun everywhere they go. That in itself is most certainly a form of mental illness.

I would really like to see an end to "concealed carry". If some nut believes he/she/it must carry a gun, then the rest of us have the right to know that.

Think about it.

Say you're in a restaurant, the library, school, church, wherever - wouldn't it be nice to know if you're sharing your space with one of these froot loops?

It would give you the choice to take your family to a safe place.

Who would object to that?

People like you.

We have the right to be safe from people who believe they must carry a gun everywhere they go. That in itself is most certainly a form of mental illness.

I would really like to see an end to "concealed carry". If some nut believes he/she/it must carry a gun, then the rest of us have the right to know that.

Think about it.

Say you're in a restaurant, the library, school, church, wherever - wouldn't it be nice to know if you're sharing your space with one of these froot loops?

It would give you the choice to take your family to a safe place.

Who would object to that?
i bet if you were in that Library and some disturbed asshole started shooting people and just as he turned his gun to blow you away,one of those "Fruit Loops" takes the guy out before he got you......i bet your attitude would be slightly different.....
I can't think of a recent incident or any incident where a person with CC permit responded in a manner that threatened others.

I am not a gun owner and realize I would probably never be able to use a gun properly in a situation where it might be required--but from the many discussions it seems gun owners are highly responsible and ethical. I am not really concerned about that.

Truthfully, it seems like a very small percentage of citizens abuse guns.

Once again I plan to 'listen and learn' --a ban on assault weapons doesn't seem unreasonable.

Actually it happens almost every day. There are more than 30 murders every day and most of the murderers do hide the fact they have a gun right up until they use it.

But, whether or not a ccw plans to kill or rob or if he/she is one of these nutters who think they're gonna be Mighty Mouse and swoop in to save the day, which they don't actually do but they DO brag about what they plan to do, which makes them very dangerous people to sit next to at the cafe ...

Shouldn't I have the choice to NOT be there when they go off?

I'm not saying they can't carry their gun. I'm just saying I have the right to know if there's a froot loop having a hamburger next to me.

WHAT is objectionable about that?
There are more than 30 murders every day
how many of those 30 are from Gangs shooting each other or just from them doing the shooting?....
What proof do you have that MOST of the murders are committed by those with concealed weapons permits?

What difference does that make?

Look, this is simple.

You have the right to carry a gun.

I'm saying I have the right to know if I'm sharing space with someone who is carrying a gun.

I have the right to know that so that I can take my family to someplace safe.

And, please stop calling me "dear lady" and/or "dearest sweetest lady" and drop the "well-rounded anti-gun derriere".

I am trying to be civil and open to other points of view. I would appreciate the same from others.
What proof do you have that MOST of the murders are committed by those with concealed weapons permits?

What difference does that make?

Look, this is simple.

You have the right to carry a gun.

I'm saying I have the right to know if I'm sharing space with someone who is carrying a gun.

I have the right to know that so that I can take my family to someplace safe.

And, please stop calling me "dear lady" and/or "dearest sweetest lady" and drop the "well-rounded anti-gun derriere".

I am trying to be civil and open to other points of view. I would appreciate the same from others.

My dear, dear, sweet, and slightly demented lady, the safest place you could ever be is in you father's arms or in my presence . Because I am armed, and I know how to deal with those who wish you harm.

Those who wish to hurt you are not those who have obtained LEGAL authority to bear arms.

Are you some kind of nut job who likes to be surrounded by those who carry guns illegally, wishing you harm?

Welcome to the REAL world, my darling, where there are good men and bad men. The good men are those who are armed for noble reasons, and the bad guys are those
who want to rob you, rape you and kill you. Tell me sweets, when you're confronted by someone who wants to rob you and kill you to prevent you from identifying him (it really does happen, you know), which would you rather have in your purse: (a) a pack of gum; (b) some old theater ticket stubs; (c) a spare Tampax; or (d) a gun?

Lady, get out of the fantasy world you're living in and get a dose of reality.

Once again my mentally challenged, but sweet dear lady, how in the hell do YOU propose you be alerted to those who legally carry guns, and what damn difference would that make if you will never know those who carry guns ILLEGALLY?

If you are not going to give my an answer - even a stupid one - I have better things to do. I am an old man and I reserve a portion of each day for drinking and debauchery. I will not waste my precious remaining time on drivel such as yours.

PS: You don't like what I call you? I served in the Marine Corps, madam and I know a lot more names, names that are equally appropriate but which I am sure you would find offensive. Let it go, sweet cheeks.

Baby doll, when you offend others, you can expect the same in return, unless you are a dimwitted, hypocritical asshole (dear lady).\

I will give you the last word.

I am through with you and this thread.

Buh bye dear lady, baby doll, sweet cheeks.

PS: I knew you couldn't answer my questions, and as expected you didn't even try. I must be psychic. Or maybe I am just a hell of a lot smarter than you are, you gun-hating, criminal-loving little old lady who is obviously anxiously awaiting to becoming a victim.
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Not surprising that no one can give a good answer to the very simple question of why I don't have the right to know that some armed froot loop is sharing my space.

I own guns and I have no intention of giving them up. But, for some, guns make up for what they lack.

Take guns away from some people and they are gutless cowards.
One last chance, loudly nuttiily:

How do you propose that you and your gun fearing friends be made aware of those who are legally armed; and what God damn difference does it make to you knowing (if you have at least a dozen fully functioning brain cells) that you will NEVER know about those who are ILLEGALLY armed.

Answer the question or admit you have an agenda without a legitimate purpose.

I admit that I am not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but whenever I encounter someone like you, I feel so much better, superior.

My dearest, sweetest lady, why can't you not answer my simple questions? I await your answer, sweet cheeks.
I'll wear a placard saying I have a gun if you''ll wear one that says your loaded with liberalism.
CHL rules most places don't permit carrying in schools or churches. I'm sure you knew that and just chose to ignore it, though. It helps to advance the agenda.

So have you had a chance to catch your breath from all this rejoicing you've been doing since Friday, you sick son of a bitch?

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