A Koran Older Than Muhammad!

I don't care. I think the Koran is piece of garbage no matter where it came from. People who think the Koran is the only source of wisdom are idiots. People who kill in the name of Islam will go to hell, not paridise. People who brainwash kids to become terrorists are so evil that they will suffer more in hell than anyone else.

ok you don't care------but there are lots of these people and they do nutty things-------sit tight-----it is getting worse
The Koran’s Contents—Not Carbon Dating—Cast More Doubt on Islam’s Origins

In fact, there is very little that Western scholars and scientists can do or say about Islam that would have much influence on the Islamic mindset.

With the huge majority of Muslims unschooled in anything outside their cult, there are no scientific findings that will ever shake their faith. They will blindly hold to the “truth” as they are taught in their Madras. Read more @ The Koran’s Contents—Not Carbon Dating—Cast More Doubt on Islam’s Origins | Human Events

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