A humble suggestion for the CDZ


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
When engaging in multiple discussions over many threads in several forums, it's sometimes difficult to remember when one is responding in the new Clean Discussion Zone. This is especially true when one uses the "New Posts" or "User CP" to follow up on posts. Since the introduction of the new forum, I've seen several folks comment as they normally would without realizing they're in the CDZ until someone points it out. I made that mistake myself and got a warning for it. It wasn't that I was flaunting the CDZ rules, it was because I hadn't realized I was several pages deep into a CDZ thread.

So, I'm wondering if it would be possible to program something to make it clear when a member enters the CDZ. A change of background color perhaps? Or maybe a friendly warning than one must click "OK" on to enter the CDZ. Something to remind us of the very different rules in this one forum.

What? You want rational behavior? Next you'll be thinking they should warn you before dropping a ban hammer on your ass.
When engaging in multiple discussions over many threads in several forums, it's sometimes difficult to remember when one is responding in the new Clean Discussion Zone. This is especially true when one uses the "New Posts" or "User CP" to follow up on posts. Since the introduction of the new forum, I've seen several folks comment as they normally would without realizing they're in the CDZ until someone points it out. I made that mistake myself and got a warning for it. It wasn't that I was flaunting the CDZ rules, it was because I hadn't realized I was several pages deep into a CDZ thread.

So, I'm wondering if it would be possible to program something to make it clear when a member enters the CDZ. A change of background color perhaps? Or maybe a friendly warning than one must click "OK" on to enter the CDZ. Something to remind us of the very different rules in this one forum.


i suggest 23 popups asking if you really really want to post in that zone.

or you could just suck it up and take some personal responsibility.
Or, just a thought, you could always post like you were in the CDZ, then you wouldn't get in trouble.

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