A Harsh Truth


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
The opponents of Obama have portrayed him as one of the worst, if not the worst, President in American history.

He is labeled a complete incompetent. Inexperienced. A socialist. Dictatorial. Unintelligent. A massive spender running up record deficits.

The list of his failures is quite long.

I happen to agree with this assessment.

But here is the harsh truth: If Obama is the biggest bungling bonehead to ever lurch into the job, then his opponents have to be one gigantic dysfunctional crop of screwups to lose to him.

If, and probably when, Obama wins, remember this.

You get the government you deserve.

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It's been proven that he has been the lowest spender since Regan.


The reality behind Obama and Bush’s ‘spending binge’ - The Washington Post


GM is alive
Osama is dead
We pulled out of Iraq
We stopped the economy from spiraling out of control
We are set to pull out of Afghanistan in 2014
Wallstreet has doubled
Obama the lowest spender? Haha! You really are a buffoon to fall for that one. That was disproven within about 24 hours.

No, every policy of his has been a failure. Crony capitalism, big regulation, high taxes, targeted incentives--all fails.

Nontheless, he was among the most popular presidents ever elected. He had and has a fawning media that lets him get away with things they would crucify a Republican for. When was the last time you heard that he still smokes?
Given the uphill battle the GOP candidate has, it would take a miracle to unseat Obama. Fortunately miracles happen daily. Romney is an excellent candidate with good experience. He is what the Dems assure us we need to win. He isn't a far right winger. He works with bipartisanship. Remember that word? Something Obama pledged but, og course, failed to deliver.
Obama is the most failed president since Robert Mugabe. He is the most failed president ever.
Obama just told an identical lie that he told during the 2008 campaign.

He said he will take the money that will be saved by ending the war and use it to pay down the debt and build lots of roads and bridges and stuff.

The lie is not that he will end the war. The lie is that we would have a surplus if we end the war.

Obama is running an annual $1.3 trillion deficit. The war is not costing $1.3 trillion a year.

QED, he is lying out of his ass.

But instead of that fact, the retards on the Right want to talk about his golf game!

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Obama just told an identical lie that he told during the 2008 campaign.

He said he will take the money that will be saved by ending the war and use it to pay down the debt and build lots of roads and bridges and stuff.

The lie is not that he will end the war. The lie is that we would have a surplus if we end the war.

Obama is running an annual $1.3 trillion deficit. The war is not costing $1.3 trillion a year.

QED, he is lying out of his ass.

But instead of that fact, the retards on the Right want to talk about his golf game!


WHo's talking about that? Lots of us talk about his poor grasp of economics, his gross over spending, his double counting of "savings" and non counting of expense.
Where the fuck have you been?
The opponents of Obama have portrayed him as one of the worst, if not the worst, President in American history.

He is labeled a complete incompetent. Inexperienced. A socialist. Dictatorial. Unintelligent. A massive spender running up record deficits.

The list of his failures is quite long.

I happen to agree with this assessment.

But here is the harsh truth: If Obama is the biggest bungling bonehead to ever lurch into the job, then his opponents have to be one gigantic dysfunctional crop of screwups to lose to him.

If, and probably when, Obama wins, remember this.

You get the government you deserve.


Don't disagree with you about the assessment of his opponents, but I still don't know why you and so many others think his win is probable when so many negative signs keep appearing for his campaign.
The opponents of Obama have portrayed him as one of the worst, if not the worst, President in American history.

He is labeled a complete incompetent. Inexperienced. A socialist. Dictatorial. Unintelligent. A massive spender running up record deficits.

The list of his failures is quite long.

I happen to agree with this assessment.

But here is the harsh truth: If Obama is the biggest bungling bonehead to ever lurch into the job, then his opponents have to be one gigantic dysfunctional crop of screwups to lose to him.

If, and probably when, Obama wins, remember this.

You get the government you deserve.


"To lose to him"? Come on. When the entire left wing media becomes an arm of democrat politics and you can't find a fair analysis of Barry Hussein it's a shoe in. Mush mouth McCain wasn't exactally a dynamic candidate.
It's been proven that he has been the lowest spender since Regan.


The reality behind Obama and Bush’s ‘spending binge’ - The Washington Post


GM is alive
Osama is dead
We pulled out of Iraq
We stopped the economy from spiraling out of control
We are set to pull out of Afghanistan in 2014
Wallstreet has doubled

Don't expect rw's to admit to these FACTS.

For reasons we can never understand, they will just keep repeating the same idiotic lies and vote to give more of their money to the one percenters.

One thing I would disagree with is that Wall Street has quadrupled!!

He saved us from the very depression we are watching develop in Europe.

OBAMA in 2012
I agree. If we do reelect Obama, we deserve the government we get. Especially when we have an extremely experienced leader running against him.

I tend to agree with the sentiment that we could survive an Obama reelection. However, Im not sure we could survive as a people who would be willing to reelect him.
Don't disagree with you about the assessment of his opponents, but I still don't know why you and so many others think his win is probable when so many negative signs keep appearing for his campaign.

Have you seen the polls? The best Romney can do is tie with Obama!

If you can't beat a total incompetent, what does that say about you?

"To lose to him"? Come on. When the entire left wing media becomes an arm of democrat politics and you can't find a fair analysis of Barry Hussein it's a shoe in. Mush mouth McCain wasn't exactally a dynamic candidate.

What a pathetic excuse.

We have the same left wing media that loved Gore and Kerry and Carter and Mondale.

Don't disagree with you about the assessment of his opponents, but I still don't know why you and so many others think his win is probable when so many negative signs keep appearing for his campaign.

Have you seen the polls? The best Romney can do is tie with Obama!

If you can't beat a total incompetent, what does that say about you?


The election is still far off. At this juncture polls showed Reagan tying with Carter. And Carter didnt have a fawning media that fell for the party line.
Romney is a strong candidate who has built an excellent campaign machine. They are well funded, well organized, and working well together. That says a lot about his managerial abilities.
Team Obama is in disarray. They have spent themselves silly on negative ads and the best they can do is tie. If you're the incumbent you have an automatic advantage in press. You look presidential because you're the president.
If the best Obama can do after spending millions on negative ads and having the power of the incumbent is tie then he's toast. We haven't even seen the debates yet.
It's been proven that he has been the lowest spender since Regan.


The reality behind Obama and Bush’s ‘spending binge’ - The Washington Post


GM is alive
Osama is dead
We pulled out of Iraq
We stopped the economy from spiraling out of control
We are set to pull out of Afghanistan in 2014
Wallstreet has doubled

Don't expect rw's to admit to these FACTS.

For reasons we can never understand, they will just keep repeating the same idiotic lies and vote to give more of their money to the one percenters.

One thing I would disagree with is that Wall Street has quadrupled!!

He saved us from the very depression we are watching develop in Europe.

OBAMA in 2012

It’s not a lie you twit.

The left wants to make every expenditure Obama makes and blame it on Bush. The wars are still going, Obama could have pulled us out but he didn’t. We are expanding our bombing campaigns. They are now the OBAMA tax cuts – he signed them back into law. He has been running this ship for 3 years and somehow you seem to think that the decisions that Bush made supersede any power Obama has. It does not. Obama passed the stimulus, spent TARP funds, is continuing and expanding military operations, the war in Iraq is ‘over’ yet we have personnel; all over the damn place there. Face it, he owns his spending and no amount of BOOOOOSH is going to get him off the hook for it.

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