A Great Screen Play, If Only It Were So Trivial


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
A Great Screen Play, If Only It Were So Trivial​

By: Skook

Obama’s existence is an ongoing euphemism waged by the apologists of American Media. Using the crude format of argument best described by the Greek term epiplexis (using shame and the threat of being labeled a dunce if you don’t accept the argument) we are in a constant barrage of nonsense designed to confuse and humiliate us for not grasping the illogic of Obama logic.

The Benghazi Debacle is the latest and perhaps the most flagrant example. For instance, we know Obama is fascinated with the mysticism of the enlightened east, not that he really wants to live under the tyranny and oppression of the Islamic State, but he is definitely lost to an adolescent romantic illusion of the dogma.

Thus he can be at war with al-Qaeda and supply them with weapons, he can decide on a whim that Ghaddafi needs to be deposed and send our most technical war machine to help with the assassination and anal rape of the ruler who once called Obama his son.

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