CDZ A Good Time For Reflection

The thing is, our experience generally dictates our attitudes about people. If time and time again, black people have negative experiences with cops, they are very likely to expect negative experiences with cops and relate to cops from that perspective. Most people know when they are dealing with hostility even if it isn't acted out.

Conversely, cops who have had mostly hostile experiences with black people are likely to expect hostility from black people and approach situations with that as their guide.

Which came first. The chicken or the egg? Who knows. But it is a situation that perpetuates itself.

So cops are given 'sensitivity' training to deal with it. It works better with some than others, but at least they're getting it. But who is training the young black people to get rid of those chips on shoulders and start expecting the best of people instead of the worst and treat people accordingly? It sure as hell isn't people like Barack Obama or Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton who are encouraging that.

And the beat goes on.
I dont like it when anyone tells me to do something in a disrespectful manner. Reflecting is not going to change that. You dont know most Black youth so your opinion is not relevant.

No one likes being told to do something in a disrespectful manner, Asclepias. That is not something unique to one race. That is across the board - no one likes being treated disrespectfully. Unfortunately we live in an imperfect world where many people are downright rude! Some are confrontational and looking for trouble. This again - is not a race oriented problem but rather a problem with the human race which is why Jesus came - to redeem us and restore us to our right image - how we should be - walking as He did when He was on the earth - you know? A soft answer turns away wrath. If a young person was rude to me I would feel compelled to not react because that is not going to be of any help to them. It is easy to react - it is harder to "act" and in that to act in Christ and not apart from Him. I find that the angriest people are usually suffering from a spirit of fear. Many are harboring unforgiveness over some deep hurt or memory of a wrong done to them in the past. So there is torment involved. Tormented people are not happy people and so we can all afford to be compassionate towards others realizing that we do not know what they are going through.

I do understand that police vary and some have abused their power, some have no business wearing a badge because they have unresolved issues, and it is up to the department to identify these people and remove them. We need to allow law and order to prevail though - no matter the situation - we have a court system and it does work.
I was with you until you said the court system works. In the case of Black people it works against us. Thats one of the systems used by whites to maintain their strangle hold on ownership of most of the resources. There is no reason Black people are put in prison at a higher rate than whites when whites commit the same crime.

conspiracy theory noted

In all fairness, unless a person was African American they would not fully understand the frustration and feelings of an African American about injustices that have taken place in the past. Have there been injustices against the African American people? Yes. There has. There has also been injustices done against other people groups for no other reason than for who they were. Be that Christian, Jewish, Muslim, African American and many other people groups besides. With that said, none of us have the right to destroy the property of others at random or commit acts of violence / lawlessness at random because of said injustices. That only makes things worse. Violence begets violence. Wrong is wrong and two wrongs do not make a right.
At what point does turning the other cheek make the person doing wrong this life time?

I do not know, Aceplias. But as a Christian - the rule should be - we should never seek to get justice but never fail to give it. The LORD is a Christian's defense. He is able to right a wrong far better than any earthly judge.

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