a good site with much information

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Coorelation between manmade GHGs and atmospheric warming.


Fiction:Greenhouse Effect Has Not Been Measured –Only Modeled
•Evans & Puckrin(2006) measured the downward radiative flux for several important greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect from trace gases in the atmosphere is real and adds significantly to global warming.
•Their data indicates that an energy flux imbalance of 3.5 W/m2has been created by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases since 1850. This compares favorably with a modeled prediction of 2.55 W/m2.
•They concluded: "This experimental data should effectively end the argument by skeptics that no experimental evidence exists for the connection between greenhouse gas increases in the atmosphere and global warming."
•Increased CO2is preventing LW radiation from escaping the atmosphereand this decreasing LW radiation is accurately being predicted by models.
•Wang & Liang (2009) estimated downwellingLW radiation under both clear and cloudy conditions at about 3200 stations from 1973 to 2008 were presented.
•Daily downwellingLW increased at an average rate of 2.2 W/m2per decade from 1973 to 2008.The rising trend results from increases in air temperature, atmospheric water vapor, and CO2concentration.
Coorelation between manmade GHGs and atmospheric warming.


Fiction:Greenhouse Effect Has Not Been Measured –Only Modeled
•Evans & Puckrin(2006) measured the downward radiative flux for several important greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect from trace gases in the atmosphere is real and adds significantly to global warming.
•Their data indicates that an energy flux imbalance of 3.5 W/m2has been created by anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases since 1850. This compares favorably with a modeled prediction of 2.55 W/m2.
•They concluded: "This experimental data should effectively end the argument by skeptics that no experimental evidence exists for the connection between greenhouse gas increases in the atmosphere and global warming."
•Increased CO2is preventing LW radiation from escaping the atmosphereand this decreasing LW radiation is accurately being predicted by models.
•Wang & Liang (2009) estimated downwellingLW radiation under both clear and cloudy conditions at about 3200 stations from 1973 to 2008 were presented.
•Daily downwellingLW increased at an average rate of 2.2 W/m2per decade from 1973 to 2008.The rising trend results from increases in air temperature, atmospheric water vapor, and CO2concentration.

These are much better!

Climate Depot

Watts Up With That?
Coorelation between manmade GHGs and atmospheric warming.

He establishes himself as a liar in the first sentence claiming that the present is the warmest period in the past 2000 years completely disregarding the MWP and ther Roman warm period which were clearly warmer than the present and global in nature.

There is so much peer reviewed data out there supporting the fact that both the MWP and the RWP were warmer than the present and global that anyone who disregards them on the basis of one proxy study that was found to use inappropriate proxies has to be just plain slow on the uptake.

I won't go into all the other errors in your blog masquerading as science as you would just cover your ears with your hands and scream LA LA LA as loud as you can anyway.
nobody cares about the science.......we have a bit of a debt crisis to worry about!!!

Oh.....and on the way home from work last night, I paid $4.39 a gallon at Shell. Trust me.........nobody is driving around thinking about CO2.:D:D

And check out the fcukking disaster has been in England with them going green...........shit.....the fcukking wind turbines are freezing up so..........THEY HAVE TO BUY HEATERS FOR THEM:lol::lol::lol:.

They consume more heat then they generate!!!

On Green Energy: Renewable Energy Fails to Green the U.K. Economy — The American Magazine

Not to mention that for every one green job gained, the country loses three jobs.:up::up::up::boobies:

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Coorelation between manmade GHGs and atmospheric warming.

When are you going to pull your head out of your hiney long enough to grasp the fact that coorelation does not equal cause. There is a coorelation between eating carrots and dying in a crash on an interstate highway, but eating carrots is not a cause of interstate highway death.

The published, peer reviewed data simply blows your goofball blog out of the water. I don't have time to bring peer reviewed data to sink every claim on that idiot blog, but maybe I can tear down the goofiest of them for you.

Claim: The climate record of the last 2000 years is fairly well-established. The last few decades have been the warmest in this time period and the rate of warming is unprecedented.

Reality: The record of the last 2000 years is failrly well established and the last few decades are most certainly not the warmest in the time period and the rate of warming is certainly not unprecedented. Your guy establishes himself as a liar in his first sentence.

Multi-Science Publishing - Journal Article

SpringerLink - Chinese Science Bulletin, Volume 53, Number 19


Evidence for a warmer period during the 12th and 13th centuries AD from chironomid assemblages in Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada

SpringerLink - Climatic Change, Volume 26, Numbers 2-3

SpringerLink - Climatic Change, Volume 26, Numbers 2-3

ScienceDirect - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology : Medieval climate warming and aridity as indicated by multiproxy evidence from the Kola Peninsula, Russia

ScienceDirect - Global and Planetary Change : Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and 20th century temperature variability from Chesapeake Bay

Claim: There is a consensus.

Reality: Consensus is politics, not science


Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #7073612

Multi-Science Publishing - Journal Article

Doran & Zimmerman (2009) - "Examining the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change"

Oreskes (2004) - "The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change"

Claim: It isn't the sun.

Reality: The claim is a joke.

[astro-ph/0503306] Ice Age Epochs and the Sun's Path Through the Galaxy

Inference of Solar Irradiance Variability from Terrestrial Temperature Changes, 1880-1993: An Astrophysical Application of the Sun-Climate Connection

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #4097463


SpringerLink - Climatic Change, Volume 2, Number 1

Sunspots, the QBO, and the stratospheric temperature in the north polar region


SpringerLink - Solar Physics, Volume 152, Number 1

Claim: It isn't cosmic rays.


Cosmic Radiation and the Weather

Solar Variability Influences on Weather and Climate: Possible Connections Through Cosmic Ray Fluxes and Storm Intensification

ScienceDirect - Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics : Variation of cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage—a missing link in solar-climate relationships

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy


ScienceDirect - Advances in Space Research : Meteorological characteristic changes in the high-latitudinal atmosphere associated with Forbush decreases of the galactic cosmic rays

Claim: CO2 doesn't lag temperature/

Reality: The reality is that I am lauging in your face for believing such tripe when the observed evidence and the peer reviewed materials clearly indicate otherwise.

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition


clip: "The lag was calculated for which the correlation coefficient of the CO2 record and the corresponding temperatures values reached a maximum. The simulation yields a lag of (1200 ± 700) yr."

Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations over the Last Glacial Termination

Clip: "The start of the CO2 increase thus lagged the start of the [temperature] increase by 800 ± 600 years."

Ice Core Records of Atmospheric CO2 Around the Last Three Glacial Terminations

Clip: "High-resolution records from Antarctic ice cores show that carbon dioxide concentrations increased by 80 to 100 parts per million by volume 600 ± 400 years after the warming of the last three deglaciations."

Southern Hemisphere and Deep-Sea Warming Led Deglacial Atmospheric CO2 Rise and Tropical Warming

ScienceDirect - Quaternary Science Reviews : The phase relations among atmospheric CO2 content, temperature and global ice volume over the past 420 ka

Clip: "Over the full 420 ka of the Vostok record, CO2 variations lag behind atmospheric temperature changes in the Southern Hemisphere by 1.3±1.0 ka"

Timing of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature Changes Across Termination III

Claim: It isn't water vapor.

Reality: Only a complete idiot would make such a claim. That one doesn't even require peer reviewed data to debunk although there is plenty. You can confirm that one is a lie on your own if you have the cojones to look at the truth.

Pick yourself two points on the map at the same lattitude and same general altitude. One a coastal area, one a desert. Compare the day time and night time temperatures. The coastal area will be cooler during the day as the result of higher humidity than the desert. The desert will cool much more quickly during the night as the result of lower humidity. Both have the same atmospheric CO2 concentration. It is the water vapor, or lack of water vapor, that accounts for the differences in temperature fluctuation.

Do feel free to describe a situation in which differences in atmospheric CO2 account for such stark temperature differences.

Claim: Climate models are reliable.

Reality: Here is a big old horse laugh just for you...HA HAAA HA HHHA HAAAH

Altitude dependence of atmospheric temperature trends: Climate models versus observation

Multi-Science Publishing - Journal Article

Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 028501 (2002): Global Climate Models Violate Scaling of the Observed Atmospheric Variability

Seductive Simulations? Uncertainty Distribution Around Climate Models

ScienceDirect - Applied Energy : Shortcomings of CO2-climate models raise questions about the wisdom of energy policy implications

Useless Arithmetic: Ten Points to Ponder When Using Mathematical Models in Environmental Decision Making - Pilkey-Jarvis - 2008 - Public Administration Review - Wiley Online Library

SpringerLink - Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 135, Number 1

Multi-Science Publishing - Journal Article


The bottom line is that your blog is a sham and you display a crippling lack of knowledge by believing the author.
Nobel Laureates Call for Action on Global Warming at the Kyoto Climate Summit

Selected Prominent Signatories to the World Scientists' Call for Action at the Kyoto Climate Summit
* Philip W. Anderson, USA. Physics 1977
* Kenneth J. Arrow, USA. Economics 1972
* Julius Axelrod, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1970
* David Baltimore, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1975
* Georg J. Bednorz, Switzerland. Physics 1987
* Baruj Benacerraf, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1980
* Hans A. Bethe, USA. Physics 1967
* J. Michael Bishop, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1989
* James W. Black, UK. Physiology/Medicine 1988
* Konrad E. Bloch, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1964
* Nicolaas Bloembergen, USA. Physics 1981
* Thomas R. Cech, USA. Chemistry 1989
* Stanley Cohen, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1986
* Elias James Corey, USA. Chemistry 1990
* John W. Cornforth, UK. Chemistry 1975
* James W. Cronin, USA. Physics 1980
* Paul J. Crutzen, Germany. Chemistry 1995
* Jean Dausset, France. Physiology/Medicine 1980
* Hans G. Dehmelt, USA. Physics 1989
* Johann Deisenhofer, USA. Chemistry 1988
* Peter C. Doherty, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1996
* Renato Dulbecco, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1975
* Christian R. de Duve, Belgium. Physiology/Medicine 1974
* Manfred Eigen, Germany. Chemistry 1967
* Gertrude B. Elion, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1988
* Richard R. Ernst, Switzerland. Chemistry 1991
* Leo Esaki, Japan. Physics 1973
* Edmond H. Fischer, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1992
* Ernst Otto Fischer, Germany. Chemistry 1973
* Val L. Fitch, USA. Physics 1980
* Jerome I. Friedman, USA. Physics 1990
* Donald A. Glaser, USA. Physics 1960
* Sheldon L. Glashow, USA. Physics 1979
* Herbert A. Hauptman, USA. Chemistry 1985
* Dudley Herschbach, USA. Chemistry 1986
* Antony Hewish, UK. Physics 1974
* Roald Hoffmann, USA. Chemistry 1981
* Godfrey Hounsfield, UK. Physiology/Medicine 1979
* David H. Hubel, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1981
* Robert Huber, Germany. Chemistry 1988
* Jerome Karle, USA. Chemistry 1985
* Henry W. Kendall, USA. Physics 1990
* John Kendrew, UK. Chemistry 1962
* Klaus von Klitzing, Germany. Physics 1985
* Aaron Klug, UK. Chemistry 1982
* Arthur Kornberg, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1959
* Edwin G. Krebs, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1992
* Harold Kroto, UK. Chemistry 1996
* Leon M. Lederman, USA. Physics 1988
* David M. Lee, USA. Physics 1996
* Yuan T. Lee, Taiwan. Chemistry 1986
* Jean-Marie Lehn, France. Chemistry 1987
* Wassily Leontief, USA. Economics 1973
* Rita Levi-Montalcini, Italy. Physiology/Medicine 1986
* Edward B. Lewis, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1995
* William N. Lipscomb, USA. Chemistry 1976
* Rudolph A. Marcus, USA. Chemistry 1992
* Simon van der Meer, Switzerland. Physics 1984
* R. Bruce Merrifield, USA. Chemistry 1984
* Hartmut Michel, Germany. Chemistry 1988
* Cesar Milstein, UK. Physiology/Medicine 1984
* Mario J. Molina, USA. Chemistry 1995
* Ben Mottelson, Denmark. Physics 1975
* Joseph E. Murray, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1990
* Daniel Nathans, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1978
* Louis Neel, France. Physics 1970
* Erwin Neher, Germany. Physiology/Medicine 1991
* Marshall W. Nirenberg, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1968
* Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, Germany. Physiology/Medicine 1995
* Douglas D. Osheroff, USA. Physics 1996
* George E. Palade, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1974
* Max F. Perutz, UK. Chemistry 1962
* John Polanyi, Canada. Chemistry 1986
* Ilya Prigogine, Belgium. Chemistry 1977
* Norman F. Ramsey, USA. Physics 1989
* Burton Richter, USA. Physics 1976
* Richard J. Roberts, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1993
* Martin Rodbell, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1994
* Heinrich Rohrer, Switzerland. Physics 1986
* Joseph Rotblat, UK. Peace 1995
* F. Sherwood Rowland, USA. Chemistry 1995
* Bengt Samuelsson, Sweden. Physiology/Medicine 1982
* Frederick Sanger, UK. Chemistry 1958, 1980
* Arthur L. Schawlow, USA. Physics 1981
* Glenn T. Seaborg, USA. Chemistry 1951
* Herbert A. Simon, USA. Economics 1978
* Richard E. Smalley, USA. Chemistry 1996
* Michael Smith, Canada. Chemistry 1993
* Jack Steinberger, Switzerland. Physics 1988
* Henry Taube, USA. Chemistry 1983
* Richard E. Taylor, USA. Physics 1990
* E. Donnall Thomas, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1990
* Samuel C. C. Ting, USA. Physics 1976
* James Tobin, USA. Economics 1981
* Susumu Tonegawa, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1987
* Charles H. Townes, USA. Physics 1964
* Desmond Tutu, South Africa. Peace 1984
* John Vane, UK. Physiology/Medicine 1982
* Thomas H. Weller, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1954
* Torsten N. Wiesel, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1981
* Robert W. Wilson, USA. Physics 1978
* Rolf M. Zinkernagel, Switzerland. Physiology/Medicine 1996
From page 46 of your pdf link:
Conservatives and libertarians abhor industry and personal regulation.
Not true, we support industry AND personal freedom. It's Liberals who are trying to destroy industry and personal freedom through the Global Warming scam!
Regulation of industry and personal carbon limitation are essential to mitigate global warming.
Now we see the Fascist Liberals REAL intent: Centralized Government Control of Industry and Total Control of Society through the Global Warming Hoax!

Communist leaders throughout history would be proud!
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From page 46 of your pdf link:

Regulation of industry and personal carbon limitation are essential to mitigate global warming.
Now we see the Fascist Liberals REAL intent: Centralized Government Control of Industry and Total Control of Society through the Global Warming Hoax!

Communist leaders throughout history would be proud!

The wait continues for some shred of observed proof that establishes an unequivocal link between the activities of man and the changing global climate. I keep asking for such evidence and warmists keep not providing it. Manmade climate change is a hoax.
Nobel Laureates Call for Action on Global Warming at the Kyoto Climate Summit

Selected Prominent Signatories to the World Scientists' Call for Action at the Kyoto Climate Summit
* Philip W. Anderson, USA. Physics 1977
* Kenneth J. Arrow, USA. Economics 1972
* Julius Axelrod, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1970
* David Baltimore, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1975
* Georg J. Bednorz, Switzerland. Physics 1987
* Baruj Benacerraf, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1980
* Hans A. Bethe, USA. Physics 1967
* J. Michael Bishop, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1989
* James W. Black, UK. Physiology/Medicine 1988
* Konrad E. Bloch, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1964
* Nicolaas Bloembergen, USA. Physics 1981
* Thomas R. Cech, USA. Chemistry 1989
* Stanley Cohen, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1986
* Elias James Corey, USA. Chemistry 1990
* John W. Cornforth, UK. Chemistry 1975
* James W. Cronin, USA. Physics 1980
* Paul J. Crutzen, Germany. Chemistry 1995
* Jean Dausset, France. Physiology/Medicine 1980
* Hans G. Dehmelt, USA. Physics 1989
* Johann Deisenhofer, USA. Chemistry 1988
* Peter C. Doherty, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1996
* Renato Dulbecco, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1975
* Christian R. de Duve, Belgium. Physiology/Medicine 1974
* Manfred Eigen, Germany. Chemistry 1967
* Gertrude B. Elion, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1988
* Richard R. Ernst, Switzerland. Chemistry 1991
* Leo Esaki, Japan. Physics 1973
* Edmond H. Fischer, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1992
* Ernst Otto Fischer, Germany. Chemistry 1973
* Val L. Fitch, USA. Physics 1980
* Jerome I. Friedman, USA. Physics 1990
* Donald A. Glaser, USA. Physics 1960
* Sheldon L. Glashow, USA. Physics 1979
* Herbert A. Hauptman, USA. Chemistry 1985
* Dudley Herschbach, USA. Chemistry 1986
* Antony Hewish, UK. Physics 1974
* Roald Hoffmann, USA. Chemistry 1981
* Godfrey Hounsfield, UK. Physiology/Medicine 1979
* David H. Hubel, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1981
* Robert Huber, Germany. Chemistry 1988
* Jerome Karle, USA. Chemistry 1985
* Henry W. Kendall, USA. Physics 1990
* John Kendrew, UK. Chemistry 1962
* Klaus von Klitzing, Germany. Physics 1985
* Aaron Klug, UK. Chemistry 1982
* Arthur Kornberg, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1959
* Edwin G. Krebs, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1992
* Harold Kroto, UK. Chemistry 1996
* Leon M. Lederman, USA. Physics 1988
* David M. Lee, USA. Physics 1996
* Yuan T. Lee, Taiwan. Chemistry 1986
* Jean-Marie Lehn, France. Chemistry 1987
* Wassily Leontief, USA. Economics 1973
* Rita Levi-Montalcini, Italy. Physiology/Medicine 1986
* Edward B. Lewis, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1995
* William N. Lipscomb, USA. Chemistry 1976
* Rudolph A. Marcus, USA. Chemistry 1992
* Simon van der Meer, Switzerland. Physics 1984
* R. Bruce Merrifield, USA. Chemistry 1984
* Hartmut Michel, Germany. Chemistry 1988
* Cesar Milstein, UK. Physiology/Medicine 1984
* Mario J. Molina, USA. Chemistry 1995
* Ben Mottelson, Denmark. Physics 1975
* Joseph E. Murray, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1990
* Daniel Nathans, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1978
* Louis Neel, France. Physics 1970
* Erwin Neher, Germany. Physiology/Medicine 1991
* Marshall W. Nirenberg, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1968
* Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, Germany. Physiology/Medicine 1995
* Douglas D. Osheroff, USA. Physics 1996
* George E. Palade, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1974
* Max F. Perutz, UK. Chemistry 1962
* John Polanyi, Canada. Chemistry 1986
* Ilya Prigogine, Belgium. Chemistry 1977
* Norman F. Ramsey, USA. Physics 1989
* Burton Richter, USA. Physics 1976
* Richard J. Roberts, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1993
* Martin Rodbell, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1994
* Heinrich Rohrer, Switzerland. Physics 1986
* Joseph Rotblat, UK. Peace 1995
* F. Sherwood Rowland, USA. Chemistry 1995
* Bengt Samuelsson, Sweden. Physiology/Medicine 1982
* Frederick Sanger, UK. Chemistry 1958, 1980
* Arthur L. Schawlow, USA. Physics 1981
* Glenn T. Seaborg, USA. Chemistry 1951
* Herbert A. Simon, USA. Economics 1978
* Richard E. Smalley, USA. Chemistry 1996
* Michael Smith, Canada. Chemistry 1993
* Jack Steinberger, Switzerland. Physics 1988
* Henry Taube, USA. Chemistry 1983
* Richard E. Taylor, USA. Physics 1990
* E. Donnall Thomas, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1990
* Samuel C. C. Ting, USA. Physics 1976
* James Tobin, USA. Economics 1981
* Susumu Tonegawa, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1987
* Charles H. Townes, USA. Physics 1964
* Desmond Tutu, South Africa. Peace 1984
* John Vane, UK. Physiology/Medicine 1982
* Thomas H. Weller, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1954
* Torsten N. Wiesel, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1981
* Robert W. Wilson, USA. Physics 1978
* Rolf M. Zinkernagel, Switzerland. Physiology/Medicine 1996

And? The Nobel Committee has proven itself a politically driven organization. It's opinion, and those who have been awarded don't trump actual science. Yet again you appeal to authority and yet again you fail.

What a sad pathetic loser.
it would be interesting to re-poll those nobels now that there has been more than a dozen years that have gone contrary to the AGW redictions. the case for AGW looked much stronger pre-2000 than afterwards.

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