a flash in the tea pot?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
The polls hadn't even closed Tuesday when "tea party" activists in Nevada started sniping at one another over whether Sharron Angle, the soon-to-be Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, was the best candidate to bring down Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid.

In Virginia, tea partiers vented on blogs and to reporters about the movement's inability to coalesce around a single, strong candidate in two House races, resulting in the nomination of establishment candidates instead.

The national tea party movement has never had a central organization or single leader; in fact, it has boasted the opposite.

'Tea party' hurt by lack of organization - Washington Post- msnbc.com

full story of why the tea party may be an epic fail. why are americans turning on the tea party?

anyone notice the good ole Washingtoncompost is coming out with a NEW Tea Party article every day now and they all say the same thing, the Tea Party is insignificant, a failure, blaa blaa blaa.
Sometimes I wonder whether, if we didn't have the media to 'splain everything to us, would we rediscover the ability to think for ourselves or would we be just as dumb?
just what "issues" are there to discuss in that article.

The compost should be writing about the "issues" facing the death of the Democrat party, but no, instead they focus on the Tea Party.:lol:
I am not a member of the Tea Party but I do support many of the ideas they say they stand for. I suspect their inability to back a single strong candidate is because of many reasons. As I understand it, the Tea Party is made up of a distinct group of people, both Democrat, Republicans and Independents that are not happy with politics and political leaders as it now exists. Because of the large number of semi-like-minded people, all with different ideas can't decide exactly who they want to back makes me think they have no real good established leadership steering the ship. If this is true, I think it might be a growth kind of thing and hopefully they can get their act together to be a real force come the next several elections. If not, they will simply be a loud group of people with some good ideas but with no real way to put those ideas into place.
i think there is a certain amount of mistrust brewing with americans about the tea party. esp after what paul said. seems right when the tea party achieved a bit of success..they got kicked in the teeth by paul's words. seemed they were riding a wave of success and then paul's words seemed to re inforce many of the stereotypes held about people about the tea party.

now i have not seen another tea party rally in this area....doesnt mean that their hasnt been one...
i think there is a certain amount of mistrust brewing with americans about the tea party. esp after what paul said. seems right when the tea party achieved a bit of success..they got kicked in the teeth by paul's words. seemed they were riding a wave of success and then paul's words seemed to re inforce many of the stereotypes held about people about the tea party.

now i have not seen another tea party rally in this area....doesnt mean that their hasnt been one...

I read a similar article at The Daily Beast. The Virginia issue is one that I am very familar with. The Lynchburg Tea Party refuses to support the GOP candidate Hurt, who is running against Perrielo in November. To add to the issue, there is a loser from the GOP Primaries who is going to run as a Independent. This can also be traced back to the Tea Party.

Tea Party Crippled by Disorganization - The Daily Beast

I honestly think that the Tea Party is removed any GOP chance of gaining control of either house in November.

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