A Few Notable Anniversaries on the Palestinians’ Big Day


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
A Few Notable Anniversaries on the Palestinians’ Big Day

November 29, 2012 By Caroline Glick

With the nations of Europe and the rest of the world lining up to support the PLO bid to receive non-member state status at the UN General Assembly, it is worth noting two anniversaries of related but forgotten events.

Of course, everyone knows the obvious anniversary – Nov. 29, 1947 was the day the UN General Assembly passed the plan to recommend the partition the British Mandate of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Jews accepted the plan. The Arabs — both local and regional – rejected it. The local Arabs who 25 years later became known as “Palestinians,” responded to the passage of UNGA resolution 181 by launching a terror war against the Jews. Their war was commanded by Iraqi and Lebanese terror masters and supported by the British military and its Arab Legion from Transjordan.

On May 15, 1948 five foreign Arab armies invaded the just-declared Jewish state with the declared aim of annihilating all the Jews.

Now for a couple less known anniversaries.

On November 28, 1941 the religious and political leader of the Palestinian Arabs and one of the most influential leaders of the Arab world Haj Amin el Husseini met with Adolf Hitler in Berlin. Husseini had courted the Nazis since just after the Nazis rose to power in 1933. Husseini was forced to flee the British Mandate in 1937 when he expanded his fourth terror war against the Jews, that he began in 1936 to include the British as well.

He fled to Lebanon, and then in October 1939 he fled to Iraq. In April 1941 he fomented a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq. As the British — with massive unheralded assistance from the Jews from the land of Israel — were poised to enter Baghdad and restore the pro-British government, Husseini incited the Farhud, a 3-day pogrom against the Jews of Baghdad that took place over the festival of Shavuot. 150 Jews were murdered. A thousand were wounded and 900 Jewish homes were destroyed.

It is fitting that yesterday, on the anniversary of Hitler’s meeting with Husseini, Germany announced that it would not oppose Husseini’s heirs’ bid to receive UN recognition of a Palestinian state that seeks Israel’s destruction.

A Few Notable Anniversaries on the Palestinians’ Big Day
There you go again -jihadi, getting your opinions from caroline glick and the zionazi frontpage .com website
Congratulations to the Pals defeating the Israelis, Americans and Canadians at the UN in a crushing and historic 138 to 9 vote.
A Few Notable Anniversaries on the Palestinians’ Big Day

November 29, 2012 By Caroline Glick

With the nations of Europe and the rest of the world lining up to support the PLO bid to receive non-member state status at the UN General Assembly, it is worth noting two anniversaries of related but forgotten events.

Of course, everyone knows the obvious anniversary – Nov. 29, 1947 was the day the UN General Assembly passed the plan to recommend the partition the British Mandate of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Jews accepted the plan. The Arabs — both local and regional – rejected it. The local Arabs who 25 years later became known as “Palestinians,” responded to the passage of UNGA resolution 181 by launching a terror war against the Jews. Their war was commanded by Iraqi and Lebanese terror masters and supported by the British military and its Arab Legion from Transjordan.

On May 15, 1948 five foreign Arab armies invaded the just-declared Jewish state with the declared aim of annihilating all the Jews.

Now for a couple less known anniversaries.

On November 28, 1941 the religious and political leader of the Palestinian Arabs and one of the most influential leaders of the Arab world Haj Amin el Husseini met with Adolf Hitler in Berlin. Husseini had courted the Nazis since just after the Nazis rose to power in 1933. Husseini was forced to flee the British Mandate in 1937 when he expanded his fourth terror war against the Jews, that he began in 1936 to include the British as well.

He fled to Lebanon, and then in October 1939 he fled to Iraq. In April 1941 he fomented a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq. As the British — with massive unheralded assistance from the Jews from the land of Israel — were poised to enter Baghdad and restore the pro-British government, Husseini incited the Farhud, a 3-day pogrom against the Jews of Baghdad that took place over the festival of Shavuot. 150 Jews were murdered. A thousand were wounded and 900 Jewish homes were destroyed.

It is fitting that yesterday, on the anniversary of Hitler’s meeting with Husseini, Germany announced that it would not oppose Husseini’s heirs’ bid to receive UN recognition of a Palestinian state that seeks Israel’s destruction.

A Few Notable Anniversaries on the Palestinians’ Big Day


Now that's some tasty irony
Congratulations to the Pals defeating the Israelis, Americans and Canadians at the UN in a crushing and historic 138 to 9 vote.

A seat at the kids table and the Pals do :redface:
krist, the Georgians got better

The Pals just proved that they don't need Israel's permission to advance their goals.:clap2:

Their goal is to destroy Israel and all jews.

I'm thinking, if the Pals get statehood, Israel will wait until those morons launch a missile then declare actual war and crush them once and for all. Nice and legal like.
A seat at the kids table and the Pals do :redface:
krist, the Georgians got better

The Pals just proved that they don't need Israel's permission to advance their goals.:clap2:

Their goal is to destroy Israel and all jews.

I'm thinking, if the Pals get statehood, Israel will wait until those morons launch a missile then declare actual war and crush them once and for all. Nice and legal like.

There already is an actual war going on. The Israelis are just too chicken to do it properly. And it's only SOME Pals who want to destroy Israel.
The Pals just proved that they don't need Israel's permission to advance their goals.:clap2:

Their goal is to destroy Israel and all jews.

I'm thinking, if the Pals get statehood, Israel will wait until those morons launch a missile then declare actual war and crush them once and for all. Nice and legal like.

There already is an actual war going on. The Israelis are just too chicken to do it properly. And it's only SOME Pals who want to destroy Israel.
Only the ones dancing in the street.
Their goal is to destroy Israel and all jews.

I'm thinking, if the Pals get statehood, Israel will wait until those morons launch a missile then declare actual war and crush them once and for all. Nice and legal like.

There already is an actual war going on. The Israelis are just too chicken to do it properly. And it's only SOME Pals who want to destroy Israel.
Only the ones dancing in the street.

Just to say, if Jews came to our town and kicked everyone out, took our land and houses... I'd probably want them all dead too.
More Evidence that Palestinians are Religious Nazis

August 20, 2013 By Itamar Marcus

As a major focus of its Ramadan activities, the Palestinian Authority chose to honor and glorify terrorist murderers.


In all, 22 terrorist murderers who killed 238 Israelis were glorified, along with numerous other terrorists who caused injuries. Those honored included suicide bombers, bomb makers, hijackers, snipers, stabbers, and planners of terror attacks. Palestinian Media Watch has reported that many of them have been honored numerous times in the past for their terror attacks.

Terrorists responsible for horrific attacks were honored, including Dalal Mughrabi, whose bus hijacking left 37 killed, Abdallah Barghouti, who planned and made explosives for suicide bombings that killed 67, Raed Al-Houtari, who recruited 2 suicide bombers for the Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing that killed 22 young people and others. The PA’s terror glorification during Ramadan was not related to Israel’s release of 26 terrorists from prison.

Most days during Ramadan, PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake and other officials made at least one publicized visit, sometimes televised, to the home of one of the terrorists. PA TV had numerous programs honoring terrorists and Fatah honored terrorists by posting their pictures on Facebook, glorifying the terrorists and their terror attacks.


More Evidence that Palestinians are Religious Nazis | FrontPage Magazine
More Evidence that Palestinians are Religious Nazis

August 20, 2013 By Itamar Marcus

As a major focus of its Ramadan activities, the Palestinian Authority chose to honor and glorify terrorist murderers.


In all, 22 terrorist murderers who killed 238 Israelis were glorified, along with numerous other terrorists who caused injuries. Those honored included suicide bombers, bomb makers, hijackers, snipers, stabbers, and planners of terror attacks. Palestinian Media Watch has reported that many of them have been honored numerous times in the past for their terror attacks.

Terrorists responsible for horrific attacks were honored, including Dalal Mughrabi, whose bus hijacking left 37 killed, Abdallah Barghouti, who planned and made explosives for suicide bombings that killed 67, Raed Al-Houtari, who recruited 2 suicide bombers for the Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing that killed 22 young people and others. The PA’s terror glorification during Ramadan was not related to Israel’s release of 26 terrorists from prison.

Most days during Ramadan, PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake and other officials made at least one publicized visit, sometimes televised, to the home of one of the terrorists. PA TV had numerous programs honoring terrorists and Fatah honored terrorists by posting their pictures on Facebook, glorifying the terrorists and their terror attacks.


More Evidence that Palestinians are Religious Nazis | FrontPage Magazine
Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

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