A fascinating story I heard once


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Some guy was allegedly bragging about the size of his member in a warehouse full of male workers. Another guy walked up and said "Let's see it." The guy whipped it out. The other guy ripped it off and threw it up the conveyor. The guy who got his member ripped off was put on suicide watch in the hospital and eventually did commit suicide.

Later, the assailant was in prison and he upset some other individuals in a totally unrelated incident. They took turns violating him in the shower, gouged his eyes out, picked him up and inserted the shower head into his rectum, and turned the hot water on. He passed out from the pain and when he fell, he broke his neck and he is now crippled from the neck down for the rest of his life.

The assailant eventually got out of prison and moved back in with his family. The son of the victim wanted revenge on the guy and his family because he had to grow up without a father. He didn't think it seemed fair that the attacker could simply go on living his life with his family like nothing happened and he wanted him to suffer. He drove to the guy's house with a gun and his girlfriend called the police after he left. The police arrived at the guy's house and the son was holding everyone at gun point. One member of the guy's family and the son of the victim were killed in the shoot out. It appears the blood feud ended prematurely because the attacker got to keep his member and there was no one else interested in furthering the pursuit of justice. That's the kind of story that really makes you think about things and I think about it from time to time.
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make sure you drink a big glass of water before you hit the sack, they say ones hangover, will not be as bad in the morning if you do! ;)
During World War I, a British flyer who was shot down lost his leg. He asked his German captors if they could fly his amputated leg over his home airfield and drop it to his comrades. The Germans did this.

Later, the man lost his other arm to an infection and he asked the Germans if they could do the same with his amputated arm. The Germans did this.

Later, the man lost his leg to an injury and implored his German captors to do the same thing a third time.

This time, The Germans said, "Nein! Dis ve cannot do! Ve think you are trying to escape!"
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The story also makes me sad in regards to our criminal "justice" system. The thugs in prison dished out more justice than the courts did.
make sure you drink a big glass of water before you hit the sack, they say ones hangover, will not be as bad in the morning if you do! ;)

Admit it, you're not going to be able to stop thinking about it for a while. A tale of revenge and a blood feud left incomplete leaves a person fixated on a topic.
make sure you drink a big glass of water before you hit the sack, they say ones hangover, will not be as bad in the morning if you do! ;)

Admit it, you're not going to be able to stop thinking about it for a while. A tale of revenge and a blood feud left incomplete leaves a person fixated on a topic.
not to be some holy roller preacher of some sort, but in a philosophical sense....

...that is why the Bible teaches in parables to turn the other cheek, or not only walk the mile you are forced to walk with your adversary, but walk an additional mile with him, of your own free will...or that it says 'the Lord sayeth, that vengeance is mine'.... (not yours to take).....

Evil begets evil, and there is no ending to the story.... it will go on and on like the Energizer bunny!

Sometimes ya just have to give it all up to the good Lord (and let him apply his vengeance if due), forgive, and move on.... ones life, will be better from it.... imo...
Another unverified urban legend. I remember when I was a kid there was a story of a killer with a hook for a hand preying on young lovers. A young couple was parked on lovers lane when the guy heard a noise and panicked and drove away quickly. When they got home they found a hook attached to the door handle.

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