A dose of truth:


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
What really matters is what the American people and those that represent them in the House and Senate think!

Support for Israel runs extremely strong across both parties and an overwhelming majority of American public.

House UNANIMOUSLY Stands Up for Israel Against Hamas

US Senate Passes Bipartisan Resolution In Support of Israel

Senate Resolution Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu - 02/28/2015

Gallup Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Continue To View Israel Favorably

New Poll Shows Strong American Support For Israel

Fuck Obama!
A lot of support comes from jews themselves and Evangelicals. Also any politician support for Israel is due to the fact being anti Israel is political suicide.

Its not so much people are pro Israel is they believe all the anti muslim propaganda put out by Fox news and Israel.
A lot of support comes from jews themselves and Evangelicals. Also any politician support for Israel is due to the fact being anti Israel is political suicide.

Its not so much people are pro Israel is they believe all the anti muslim propaganda put out by Fox news and Israel.

Ever thought that outside of the US we see it every day and don't need Fox or Israel to tell us about it.
A lot of support comes from jews themselves and Evangelicals. Also any politician support for Israel is due to the fact being anti Israel is political suicide.

Its not so much people are pro Israel is they believe all the anti muslim propaganda put out by Fox news and Israel.

Ever thought that outside of the US we see it every day and don't need Fox or Israel to tell us about it.

And how in the US do you see it? Yes you need Fox and Israel to tell you.
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.
A lot of support comes from jews themselves and Evangelicals. Also any politician support for Israel is due to the fact being anti Israel is political suicide.

Its not so much people are pro Israel is they believe all the anti muslim propaganda put out by Fox news and Israel.

Ever thought that outside of the US we see it every day and don't need Fox or Israel to tell us about it.

And how in the US do you see it? Yes you need Fox and Israel to tell you.

No I have many US friends that keep me informed of what is happening over there. And with the advent of the internet the news from Europe is available to all, and there is no Fox or Israel in evidence
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No mention of the many islamonazi brokered resolutions calling for action against Israel, or are they different because they attack the Jews.

Pre war and you would have been screeching for the Jews to go back to Palestine, now you screech for another holocaust because the Jews are so much better than you
Challenger, et al,

As impressive as you data is, the reason that Palestine should not yet be admitted is clear.

Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?

and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

When the Security Council favorably recommends a county for admission into the UN, they do so under a decision that "in its judgement that country is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter, and accordingly."
  • Peace Loving
  • Able to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
  • Willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
The State of Palestine has, what they call, a "Unity Government" [(HAMAS+Fatah)(whatever that means when applied to the West Bank and Gaza Strip)]. But there is also something else to consider:

In 1988, when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) declared independence, they did so with the clarifying stipulation that: "The Palestine National Council hereby entrusts the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization with the powers and responsibilities of the provisional Government until such time as the formation of the Government is declared." This was understood in 1988, when Palestine was recognized, and it has been understood all the way through the deliberations to decide "to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations, without prejudice to the acquired rights, privileges and role of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the United Nations as the representative of the Palestinian people, in accordance with the relevant resolutions and practice" (taking into consideration in the 4 December 2012 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly A/RES/67/19. Status of Palestine in the United Nations).

(DoS Extract from Archive) On April 24, 1996, the Palestinian National Council, convening in Gaza, voted 504 to 54, with 14 abstentions, as follows:

    • "The Palestinian National Charter is hereby amended by canceling the articles that are contrary to the letters exchanged between the P.L.O. and the Government of Israel 9-10 September 1993.
    • Assigns its legal committee with the task of redrafting the Palestinian National Charter in order to present it to the first session of the Palestinian central council." (24/04/96)
On December 14, 1998, the Palestinian National Council, in accordance with the Wye Memorandum, convened in Gaza in the presence of U.S. President Clinton and voted to reaffirm this decision. Draft Palestinian Constitution - March 2003

To this day, we cannot determine the true status of the Palestine National Charter. What we do know is that:
President Mahmoud Abbas told his Fatah movement's first congress in 20 years on Tuesday that Palestinians sought peace with Israel but "resistance" would remain an option. ---- ... "Although peace is our choice, we reserve the right to resistance, legitimate under international law," Abbas said in a policy speech opening the congress, using a term that encompasses armed confrontation as well as non-violent protests.
Palestinians to keep resistance an option: Abbas 4 August 2009 Reuters News Service by Mohammed Assadi

The relationship between HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) and Fatah is rather estranged. In April 2014 (a little more than year ago), President Mahmoud Abbas's Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)(defacto Head of State) announced a reconciliation agreement or "Unity Pact." Today, the relationship --- no matter what has been said historically, is somewhat dubious.

Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) 3 July 2015

He (Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri) also criticised the PA for its "security cooperation with the Israeli occupation."

Under 1993 peace accords, the PA coordinates on West Bank security with Israel, including by sharing intelligence.

The PA is dominated by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah party, which is Hamas's bitter rival. It regularly arrests members of the movement, but as many as 100 members in one swoop is rare.

In June 2014, Israel detained hundreds of Hamas members in the West Bank after blaming the group for the kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is unambiguous in its Covenant, and in its Official Policy Statement. HAMAS holds to its position: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad." This is an unequivocal statement.

  • Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors
  • Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem.
  • In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.

Putting this all together, it draws a line that sows-up all the data points which say: The current State of Palestine, in its current configuration and under its current leadership cannot possibly be a state with which could:
  • Peace Loving
  • Able to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
  • Willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
The HAMAS+Fatah Unity Government of Palestine is the very essence of the opposite of what a state should strip to be. Politically, it cannot stand on its own and it cannot strengthen Regional peace and promoting the rule of law.

It is incapable of settling of their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. The current State of Palestine cannot refrain from initiating war like action which aggravate the Situation and endangers the maintenance of peace and security.

Most Respectfully,
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

Colonies don't vote in the U.N. These were all independent states.
A lot of support comes from jews themselves and Evangelicals. Also any politician support for Israel is due to the fact being anti Israel is political suicide.

Its not so much people are pro Israel is they believe all the anti muslim propaganda put out by Fox news and Israel.
Nope....it means this is still a Christian nation.

We consider Israel our brothers.
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

Colonies don't vote in the U.N. These were all independent states.

Of course they are...just like Palestine is a free sovereign independant nation. :rolleyes:

Compact of Free Association - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Challenger, et al,

As impressive as you data is, the reason that Palestine should not yet be admitted is clear.

Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?

and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

When the Security Council favorably recommends a county for admission into the UN, they do so under a decision that "in its judgement that country is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter, and accordingly."
  • Peace Loving
  • Able to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
  • Willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
The State of Palestine has, what they call, a "Unity Government" [(HAMAS+Fatah)(whatever that means when applied to the West Bank and Gaza Strip)]. But there is also something else to consider:

In 1988, when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) declared independence, they did so with the clarifying stipulation that: "The Palestine National Council hereby entrusts the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization with the powers and responsibilities of the provisional Government until such time as the formation of the Government is declared." This was understood in 1988, when Palestine was recognized, and it has been understood all the way through the deliberations to decide "to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations, without prejudice to the acquired rights, privileges and role of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the United Nations as the representative of the Palestinian people, in accordance with the relevant resolutions and practice" (taking into consideration in the 4 December 2012 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly A/RES/67/19. Status of Palestine in the United Nations).

(DoS Extract from Archive) On April 24, 1996, the Palestinian National Council, convening in Gaza, voted 504 to 54, with 14 abstentions, as follows:

    • "The Palestinian National Charter is hereby amended by canceling the articles that are contrary to the letters exchanged between the P.L.O. and the Government of Israel 9-10 September 1993.
    • Assigns its legal committee with the task of redrafting the Palestinian National Charter in order to present it to the first session of the Palestinian central council." (24/04/96)
On December 14, 1998, the Palestinian National Council, in accordance with the Wye Memorandum, convened in Gaza in the presence of U.S. President Clinton and voted to reaffirm this decision. Draft Palestinian Constitution - March 2003

To this day, we cannot determine the true status of the Palestine National Charter. What we do know is that:
President Mahmoud Abbas told his Fatah movement's first congress in 20 years on Tuesday that Palestinians sought peace with Israel but "resistance" would remain an option. ---- ... "Although peace is our choice, we reserve the right to resistance, legitimate under international law," Abbas said in a policy speech opening the congress, using a term that encompasses armed confrontation as well as non-violent protests.
Palestinians to keep resistance an option: Abbas 4 August 2009 Reuters News Service by Mohammed Assadi

The relationship between HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) and Fatah is rather estranged. In April 2014 (a little more than year ago), President Mahmoud Abbas's Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)(defacto Head of State) announced a reconciliation agreement or "Unity Pact." Today, the relationship --- no matter what has been said historically, is somewhat dubious.

Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) 3 July 2015

He (Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri) also criticised the PA for its "security cooperation with the Israeli occupation."

Under 1993 peace accords, the PA coordinates on West Bank security with Israel, including by sharing intelligence.

The PA is dominated by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah party, which is Hamas's bitter rival. It regularly arrests members of the movement, but as many as 100 members in one swoop is rare.

In June 2014, Israel detained hundreds of Hamas members in the West Bank after blaming the group for the kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is unambiguous in its Covenant, and in its Official Policy Statement. HAMAS holds to its position: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad." This is an unequivocal statement.

  • Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors
  • Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem.
  • In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.

Putting this all together, it draws a line that sows-up all the data points which say: The current State of Palestine, in its current configuration and under its current leadership cannot possibly be a state with which could:
  • Peace Loving
  • Able to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
  • Willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
The HAMAS+Fatah Unity Government of Palestine is the very essence of the opposite of what a state should strip to be. Politically, it cannot stand on its own and it cannot strengthen Regional peace and promoting the rule of law.

It is incapable of settling of their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. The current State of Palestine cannot refrain from initiating war like action which aggravate the Situation and endangers the maintenance of peace and security.

Most Respectfully,

Oh please. Zionist Israel still has to abide by the conditions imposed by the UN for it's membership but that doesn't stop it being a member. Uncle Shmu'el makes sure no one gets in it's way.
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

Colonies don't vote in the U.N. These were all independent states.

Of course they are...just like Palestine is a free sovereign independant nation. :rolleyes:

Compact of Free Association - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No one is stopping them are they, so they only have themselves to blame
Challenger, et al,

As impressive as you data is, the reason that Palestine should not yet be admitted is clear.

Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?

and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

When the Security Council favorably recommends a county for admission into the UN, they do so under a decision that "in its judgement that country is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter, and accordingly."
  • Peace Loving
  • Able to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
  • Willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
The State of Palestine has, what they call, a "Unity Government" [(HAMAS+Fatah)(whatever that means when applied to the West Bank and Gaza Strip)]. But there is also something else to consider:

In 1988, when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) declared independence, they did so with the clarifying stipulation that: "The Palestine National Council hereby entrusts the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization with the powers and responsibilities of the provisional Government until such time as the formation of the Government is declared." This was understood in 1988, when Palestine was recognized, and it has been understood all the way through the deliberations to decide "to accord to Palestine non-member observer State status in the United Nations, without prejudice to the acquired rights, privileges and role of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the United Nations as the representative of the Palestinian people, in accordance with the relevant resolutions and practice" (taking into consideration in the 4 December 2012 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly A/RES/67/19. Status of Palestine in the United Nations).

(DoS Extract from Archive) On April 24, 1996, the Palestinian National Council, convening in Gaza, voted 504 to 54, with 14 abstentions, as follows:

    • "The Palestinian National Charter is hereby amended by canceling the articles that are contrary to the letters exchanged between the P.L.O. and the Government of Israel 9-10 September 1993.
    • Assigns its legal committee with the task of redrafting the Palestinian National Charter in order to present it to the first session of the Palestinian central council." (24/04/96)
On December 14, 1998, the Palestinian National Council, in accordance with the Wye Memorandum, convened in Gaza in the presence of U.S. President Clinton and voted to reaffirm this decision. Draft Palestinian Constitution - March 2003

To this day, we cannot determine the true status of the Palestine National Charter. What we do know is that:
President Mahmoud Abbas told his Fatah movement's first congress in 20 years on Tuesday that Palestinians sought peace with Israel but "resistance" would remain an option. ---- ... "Although peace is our choice, we reserve the right to resistance, legitimate under international law," Abbas said in a policy speech opening the congress, using a term that encompasses armed confrontation as well as non-violent protests.
Palestinians to keep resistance an option: Abbas 4 August 2009 Reuters News Service by Mohammed Assadi

The relationship between HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) and Fatah is rather estranged. In April 2014 (a little more than year ago), President Mahmoud Abbas's Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)(defacto Head of State) announced a reconciliation agreement or "Unity Pact." Today, the relationship --- no matter what has been said historically, is somewhat dubious.

Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) 3 July 2015

He (Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri) also criticised the PA for its "security cooperation with the Israeli occupation."

Under 1993 peace accords, the PA coordinates on West Bank security with Israel, including by sharing intelligence.

The PA is dominated by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah party, which is Hamas's bitter rival. It regularly arrests members of the movement, but as many as 100 members in one swoop is rare.

In June 2014, Israel detained hundreds of Hamas members in the West Bank after blaming the group for the kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is unambiguous in its Covenant, and in its Official Policy Statement. HAMAS holds to its position: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad." This is an unequivocal statement.

  • Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors
  • Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem.
  • In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.

Putting this all together, it draws a line that sows-up all the data points which say: The current State of Palestine, in its current configuration and under its current leadership cannot possibly be a state with which could:
  • Peace Loving
  • Able to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
  • Willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter.
The HAMAS+Fatah Unity Government of Palestine is the very essence of the opposite of what a state should strip to be. Politically, it cannot stand on its own and it cannot strengthen Regional peace and promoting the rule of law.

It is incapable of settling of their disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their choice. The current State of Palestine cannot refrain from initiating war like action which aggravate the Situation and endangers the maintenance of peace and security.

Most Respectfully,

Oh please. Zionist Israel still has to abide by the conditions imposed by the UN for it's membership but that doesn't stop it being a member. Uncle Shmu'el makes sure no one gets in it's way.

Still waiting for unbiased evidence that they are doing this, without that you are just spouting islamonazi propaganda
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

Colonies don't vote in the U.N. These were all independent states.

Of course they are...just like Palestine is a free sovereign independant nation. :rolleyes:

Compact of Free Association - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I learned something new (about that Association). No one is claiming that Palestine is a free sovereign independent nation yet. And that is mostly the Palestinians' fault. Israel is claiming that it's too dangerous to leave it entirely.
A lot of support comes from jews themselves and Evangelicals. Also any politician support for Israel is due to the fact being anti Israel is political suicide.

Its not so much people are pro Israel is they believe all the anti muslim propaganda put out by Fox news and Israel.

Wrong again asylum escapee, as the polls show, the American public overwhelmingly supports Israel.
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

Colonies don't vote in the U.N. These were all independent states.

Of course they are...just like Palestine is a free sovereign independant nation. :rolleyes:

Compact of Free Association - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I learned something new (about that Association). No one is claiming that Palestine is a free sovereign independent nation yet. And that is mostly the Palestinians' fault. Israel is claiming that it's too dangerous to leave it entirely.

It is the Palestinian's fault that people from Europe went to Palestine to settle there, evict them and create a state?
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

A stupid symbolic UN vote of absolutely no consequence. Ha ha ha.
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

Colonies don't vote in the U.N. These were all independent states.

Of course they are...just like Palestine is a free sovereign independant nation. :rolleyes:

Compact of Free Association - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I learned something new (about that Association). No one is claiming that Palestine is a free sovereign independent nation yet. And that is mostly the Palestinians' fault. Israel is claiming that it's too dangerous to leave it entirely.

It is the Palestinian's fault that people from Europe went to Palestine to settle there, evict them and create a state?

Well I'm happy to see that Monte concedes that support for Israel in the U.S. is strong and nothing will change that.

It is the Jews fault that they joined their brethren in their spiritual and ancestral homeland, land that they've been coming back to for 2000 years?
Stop the presses, The USA supports Zionist Israel! So what's new given that 40% of Jewish people live in the USA, 40% of Jewish people live in Zionist Israel?


The vote to admit Palestine to the UN


and even those 9 include 6 dependancie or colonies of the USA, meh, non topic. Next.

Colonies don't vote in the U.N. These were all independent states.

Of course they are...just like Palestine is a free sovereign independant nation. :rolleyes:

Compact of Free Association - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I learned something new (about that Association). No one is claiming that Palestine is a free sovereign independent nation yet. And that is mostly the Palestinians' fault. Israel is claiming that it's too dangerous to leave it entirely.

It is the Palestinian's fault that people from Europe went to Palestine to settle there, evict them and create a state?

It's time to move on. Time to get out of those refugee camps and build productive lives. My parents were also refugees a long time ago.

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