A Conquered People

What color (hue) determines if a person is white or black? You didn't answer this.
You aren't getting an RGB value out of me so quit it.

If you're going to determine races of people, you would need a pedigree and that alone still does not cover the penetrance and expressivity of the genes that determine pigment production.
Already covered, you're being assinine.

Moral character and work ethic are relative, so that isn't a determinate of race.
Observing the states of the people of the world, I disagree.

Why is the one drop hypothesis no longer valid?
I never considered it valid. The culture and people incharge of the Federal Government has changed, their standards are much more vague.

One last question, are Brazilians wrong in their way of determining races? If so, then why?
Never been there.
You aren't getting an RGB value out of me so quit it.

Why not? Maybe it's because your racist views only apply to people YOU consider to be black. Maybe it's because racism is an assinine approach to viewing the world and there are not any differences between races beyond physical features that only exist due to a short timespan of population seperation.

Already covered, you're being assinine.

You covered the genetic varibility in the expression of the genes that determine the minor visual differences between the races? I think not.

Observing the states of the people of the world, I disagree.

Well, for one, by your measure of race, white people are the laziest of all races in the world. Farming is the most labor intensive job. So much for that theory.
Haplogroups as expressed in the Y genes of men and as found in the maternally descended mitochondria DNA are a good start for classifying the descent of nations. The same means used to observe the descent of people genetically show the flurry of mutations throughout history.

200kya our common ancestor's people began dispersing from Eastern Africa into Euroasia. In the intervening years between then and 80kya the "Homo sapiens idaltu era" people developed into the predecessor families of modern peoples. The growth of distinctive populations was mentioned in the History and Education forum (http://usmessageboard.com/showthread.php?t=53778 read the link in the OP). The Toba eruption coupled with southerly migration of Neanderthals avoiding the northern glaciation caused a retreat from Euroasia back into Eastern Africa. Apparently specialized Neanderthals outcompeted the more intelligent Idaltu people in colder climates.

As discussed in the cited thread, this contraction coincided with a dangerous bottleneck. The bottleneck slowed genetic mutation. From this period emerges the "Cro-Magnon era" people and they begin to recolonize Euroasia. Cro-Magnon out competes the Neanderthal. Between 20 and 10 thousand years ago the exodus population and the native population of Humans outside of Africa equal the African Human population.

Is an article describing the work of research on genetic change 80kya to 5kya. Increased Human intelligence and a better climate did not enable Man to shelve Darwin. The opposite actually happened. East African populations were higher and so developed more genetic adaptations quicker, however Africa stops as other populations expand. The Black Sea floods sending out the Indo-European forbearers which increases population density increasing genetic mutation selection. Correspond this to attached chart 1 (Ascertained Selected Variants vs Age) in the PDF.

8kya Hunters and Gatherers begin making villages and agriculture. This trend continues in North Africa and Euroasia. Sub-Saharan African populations did not develop these things until 4kya. A good demonstration of the difference is how the Bantus displaced the Bushmen in the last millennium.

Increased cultural and industrial development leads to greater selective pressures on genetic mutations which were increasing because of the population growth. Agricultural Humans went about a K heavy selection strategy ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-selection ).

We were and are developing into subspecies because this increased genetic adaptations is exponential.

That problem for my people is that the smart Europeans (descended from the selective pressures of the last 1000 years) aren't reproducing! We've created these welfare states that breed the inept though.

CharlestonChad said:
Well, for one, by your measure of race, white people are the laziest of all races in the world. Farming is the most labor intensive job. So much for that theory.
Work smarter not harder. We've industrialized farming so that we can employ our labors in more profitable tasks.

Maybe it's because racism is an assinine approach to viewing the world
No, it is an extended family issue that was born out of the troop nature of our evolutionary ancestors. It is an effort to ensure our genes are expressed in the next generation and have as little endangerment to their resource supply as possible.

~"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children."

there are not any differences between races beyond physical features that only exist due to a short timespan of population seperation.
Refer to the above. The difference between 4.5kya and 8kya is 0.0016% of Human history; the difference is the Great Pyramid. If you place a Hunter-Gatherer in a modern state level society, he will self destruct.
What color (hue) determines if a person is white or black? You didn't answer this.

Chad, this is a terrifically stupid question. You're challenging me and Gungir on grounds that we can't tell who belongs to what race? That'll come as news to a great many. This just isn't a serious issue, really. It's like saying that because of the existence of homosexuals and hermaphrodites, "we just can't tell" the difference between men and women, and should ignore this dichotomy.
Are you allowed to write-in “human race” on government forms that cal on you to indicate your race? You have probably seen those things. They seem to be on every type of form. You fill in a box for white, black, or other. I’d like to say “none of your business. Evaluate me based on my own personal merit or personal history – not on my race.
Knock yourself out. Then go strolling in Harlem and tell everyone you're not white, you're a human. They'll knock you out.

Yeah yeah. And I think that there are segments in America, particularly in the South, where the same would happen to a Black man if he were to wander into a predominantly white neighborhood where he is not wanted.
Yeah yeah. And I think that there are segments in America, particularly in the South, where the same would happen to a Black man if he were to wander into a predominantly white neighborhood where he is not wanted.

Happens even in the north, as Michael Griffith found out when he and his friends made the mistake of going to New Park Pizza in Howard Beach, Queens.


or as Yusuf Hawkins found out when he made the mistake of going to Bensonhurst to look at a car on a night the cuzins were out waiting for a black guy they thought had the temerity to date a white girl


Now, I've been up in Harlem for business and for dinner... and no one's ever been anything but nice to me if they noticed me at all. Are there places I wouldn't go myself at night? Of course? But I wouldn't walk around my own neighborhood alone at midnight (though I'd get in the car and go to the store).
Absolutely -- matt and jillian make good points. EVERYBODY notices race. So to argue that "we can't really say what it is" is a very dubious proposition.
Absolutely. Whites have gone from being true "supremacists" to total capitulists. We can't seem to find a resting spot between being slaveholders and willing slaves. By supporting Obama, white after white seeks to absolve himself/herself of white guilt. It has nothing to do with his stance on the issues, which is imperceptibly different from Hillary's. It is fascinating to watch, and depressing. White people desperately need to recognize their own unique humanity, that they are not perfect but not responsible for all the world's ills, and that they deserve a patch of peaceful earth as much as any other group. Their children deserve a future.

If you feel any guilt for anything you did not personally do, you are conquered? If you can not speak you mind as freely as a member as any other race, you are conquered.
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All states who were former colonies. Your right, it is hard to recover after being enslaved, its a damned shame really.

And their black slaves. Forgot about that little tidbit, didn't you.

The northern states ended slavery early on; you do know that, right. That is why before the turn of the twentieth century they had very few blacks.
If you feel any guilt for anything you did not personally do, you are conquered? If you can not speak you mind as freely as a member as any other race, you are conquered.

Screw that. I never owned any slaves, nor do I condone slavery. You hold your breath waiting on ME to feel guilty for what was done before my time, with no consideration for me, and that I had absolutely no part in.

If you feel guilt, or act appropriately shameful in public to appease political correctness or someone else's racist accusations for such nonsense you're damned straight you're conquered.

If you speak your mind freely as a member of any race other than white and it includes trying to justify your inability to excel on whites then you're just looking for someone to blame for your failures other than yourself.
Disclaimer: my ass is white. As one of my mother's ancestors once ungracefully put it, "we're everything but **** and ******." I do have a small bit of Native American, but by any reasonable assessment I am a white boy.

My father's family owned slaves in the past (my mother's family was way too poor).

My grandmother had an old black servant that had been with the family for three generations. She was (in my childhood) a fantastic cook and supported many crime-favoring grandsons/nephews with her steady paychecks and occasional bonuses. It was, blatantly, an example of hold-over slavery; my family made sure she was taken care of, even sometimes exerting legal influence in favor of her family (it's a small town, and my grandparents are/were influencial there), in exchange for her absolute loyalty, and I must say the Thanksgiving/Christmas feasts she was instrumental in were superlative, exceeding any restaurant meals I've experienced.

I often felt that there was something inherently twisted in this arrangement. But I can't say I've ever felt guilty about it, despite having enjoyed some of its fruits. Why? Because I realized that most human business relationships are thoroughly fucked-up, and at least this one wasn't one-sided.

I also don't feel guilty about my more distant ancestor's slave-holding, despite the fact that I am, currently, getting a teeny bit of revenue directly from the land that those slave-holders aquired. Why? Because I recognize that success in business typically requires being a ruthless fucking bastard, and that some of my ancestors where just good at the game, and that at the time the game involved explicit human slavery.

At least it was fucking legal at the time. Not like slavery today - see most illegal-immigration debates. My ancestors weren't crooks; they just exploited the best fucking agricultural technology available at the time, and when it stopped being legal, they adjusted accordingly.

I'm not going to apologize for that.

I will acknowledge that blacks in this counrty got it up the ass for a very long time (and not just in the South, though it was explicit there for much longer). I'm not blind to the reprecussions of this.

I don't object to organizations seeking to remedy this delima; at least, I'm not going to go out and protest the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or similar organinizations. As a racial group, blacks got a raw deal in this country, and forming special-interest groups is totally the way to go, here.

But I'm not going to contribute money to such groups. I'm not going to volunteer for them. I'm not going to feel for them. Why? They're not in my interest. They're not for my family. I see reason for their existence, and I say, "fucking go for it, assholes; it's a free country, grope for your piece of the pie," but I'm not going to just fucking capitulate to it.

Yeah, you got fucked. You get to start on the bottom; I know full well that there have been times when I walked into a job interview conducted by another white male and felt a "yeah, what's up, Man" vibe, and played to it, and got the fucking job (in the North, btw). But guess what, you have no right to the pie. This ain't a communist shop. You gotta fight for it. So use the the NAACP. Use those minority scholarships. Use them like the cheap whores they are, get what you can out of them. Just don't expect some sort of emotional empathy from me about it. Fight me! Try and fuck me! That's the sort of attitude that made this country an overbearing global powerhouse; let's keep it up!
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We whites are the race that dare not speak its name.

Help I'm a White man and I'm being oppressed!

I live in the Whitest state in America. It's like living in a Yankee theme park to be honest.

Let me tell you it's no lily white picnic here in Maine.

Who can we blame for the grinding poverty that the Whites endure in this place?

The mud people who don't live here, or the dirt poor, WASP Mainers who settled lived here for generations and still who mostly haven't got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of?

Maybe should we blame the White politicians from MASSACHUSETTS who have controlled this land, and its politicians and used this place as their own private wood lot and private yachting summer vacation destination?

I am an American of various EURO nationalities, and I have like ZERO White guilt. I owe minorities nothing more than the same human respect and dignity that I give to anyone else who proves to me that they deserve it.

Still, I'll be voting for Obama because I find him marginally less repulsive than my other choices.

Hurrah for the shamocracy!

I get to choose between a woman whose classist arrogance makes me angry, an old flip-flopping White guy who panders to religious nuts that would like to take us back to the 15h century, or a Black guy who's selling us little more than an illusion of hope.

Get a clue, racists.

The people screwing Whites in America are all White AMERICANS

They don't give a crap about you, regardless of your skin color.

The only color that matters to them is GREEN.
Help I'm a White man and I'm being oppressed!

I live in the Whitest state in America. It's like living in a Yankee theme park to be honest.

Let me tell you it's no lily white picnic here in Maine.

Who can we blame for the grinding poverty that the Whites endure in this place?

The mud people who don't live here, or the dirt poor, WASP Mainers who settled lived here for generations and still who mostly haven't got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of?

Maybe should we blame the White politicians from MASSACHUSETTS who have controlled this land, and its politicians and used this place as their own private wood lot and private yachting summer vacation destination?

I am an American of various EURO nationalities, and I have like ZERO White guilt. I owe minorities nothing more than the same human respect and dignity that I give to anyone else who proves to me that they deserve it.

Still, I'll be voting for Obama because I find him marginally less repulsive than my other choices.

Hurrah for the shamocracy!

I get to choose between a woman whose classist arrogance makes me angry, an old flip-flopping White guy who panders to religious nuts that would like to take us back to the 15h century, or a Black guy who's selling us little more than an illusion of hope.

Get a clue, racists.

The people screwing Whites in America are all White AMERICANS

They don't give a crap about you, regardless of your skin color.

The only color that matters to them is GREEN.

I agree that the only color that matters is green. I disagree that is is whites that are screwing whites in America. It's green and whoever has it that is screwing EVERYONE that doesn't have it in America. The najority happens to be white but is nonetheless irrelevent to the green.

The sooner people figure THAT out maybe can focus on who's REALLY screwing them instead of blaming it on each other's freakin' suntans.
The najority happens to be white but is nonetheless irrelevent to the green.

The majority?

Remarkable understatement there, sport.

(hyperbole alert!)

99.9999999% of the ruling class in America are White.

But hey, that Willy Mays sure can play baseball, eh?
Lets say we have separated from each other.Then white people will have to learn to live amongst their own,which is no accomplishment as they cannot.Cause then they will be against the Italians,Jews,and all the other races in the white population.I feel this country will become a third world and then just disappear as white people non-exist,and devil spawned.

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