A civil war has been set in motion!


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

I am convinced he know's exactly what he is doing, President Trump KNOWS leftists will retake presidency eventually but is doing what he can to save America until then and when that does happen he is leaving it up to US the American people to defend our nation from the leftists.
you know you are using a GRU roooskie as the narrator in your OP?
I sure hope I am wrong but I think Trump is a wolf in sheeps clothing that is playing americans that he is different than Bush and Obama/ How do you explain him sucking up an dkissing Israels ass same as Bush and Obama did when he made this speech,his lies the CIA media always gives on Iran?:mad:

During the speech, the president hysterically denounced the Iranian government for purportedly fomenting chaos and destruction in the region—critiques that any honest observer of Middle Eastern affairs knows full well apply to America and Israel’s aggressive and criminal actions taken in the region over the course of the past two decades.

“Iran’s leaders sow chaos, death, and destruction,” Trump stated during the speech. “They do not respect their neighbors or borders, or the sovereign rights of nations.” In reality, it is not Iran but America and its Western allies that have sown “chaos, death, and destruction” in the region—all at the behest of the state of Israel.

amen to that last sentence there by that writer.:clap2:
No civil war

This is not men against men

This is women against men

When the men wakes up this game will be over

And pelosi now backtracking Is the first step in the rats start running and hiding in a stampede

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