A Big Beautiful Sea Of White People Show Up To See Patriot Donald Trump At Rally In Ohio Tonight


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
It makes you feel so patriotic to see such a crowd like this knowing Trump will return this country back to the people the founders originally created it for. Tonight has been such a privilege to witness such an event. He said so many great things tonight that will return this country to greatness.

Watch Live: Leading Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Speaks To Packed House In Ohio - Birther Report

Hey McRacist -- phone message. While you were in Ohio the Democratic Party called. All they said was "thank you".

Do people actually spend $95 on Birther Commemorative Coins that site peddles? :lol:
Be afraid Libs... Be very afraid. Your ilks, reign of insanity is coming to an end.

What will you do if the Democrats win the White House in 2016?
They wont. This campaign is already decided. The silent majority of White people of European heritage have awakened and will put Trump in.

Sure. You also thought Trump would reveal Obama's true citizenship years ago. He said he had evidence, but lied. He has been a joke for decades, and will not even get close to the nomination. He is a Democrat, and has officially been for years. He has supported only Democrats for decades. He is fucking with you, and you are retarded enough to believe it.
Trump won't be President....once the fat lady sings...

The majority of Americans are not THAT foolish when push comes to shove....

mark my words!
Be afraid Libs... Be very afraid. Your ilks, reign of insanity is coming to an end.

What will you do if the Democrats win the White House in 2016?
They wont. This campaign is already decided. The silent majority of White people of European heritage have awakened and will put Trump in.

So you want America to return to it roots?

You want the days when you could own a slave or have indentured servants?

Would you prefer Trump to repeal what Lincoln and the GOP had done?
Trump is riding high among outraged Americans, which have become a new majority comprised of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Democrats, Independents, and Republicans.

Trump is getting the same people who voted for Ross Perot in 1992.
What a bitch only about 10,000 people showed up...But to make you subhuman subversives feel batter a live report from the rally said....

"When he talked about beating Hillary, two chubby kids in front of us pulled out little 8 X 11 sheets of paper with Hillary's logo on it. I laughed and the twerp turned around. I said, "You're insignificant. The media can't show your stupid sign without getting the crowd in too." They just looked fat and clueless."

See there is hope for you, 2 brainwashed, apparently College kids, thought 8x11 pieces of paper in a field of 10,000 would make a difference!
It makes you feel so patriotic to see such a crowd like this knowing Trump will return this country back to the people the founders originally created it for. ...

This country was never intended for racist cowards like you, worm.
How do you know that there are no Blacks, Jews, Asians nor Hispanics in that crowd?

Well we don't see any raping going on so that's one down...
Don't see anybody counting his money, so that's two...
I don't even see any New Jerseyans celebrating 9/11...

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