A banty rooster crowng from atop a dung heap


Apr 9, 2009
(The dollar fell broadly in Asia on Wednesday as media projected U.S. President Barack Obama won a closely-fought election, ensuring that the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing will be in place. (Reuters, November 7, 2012)



I have just finished listening to a hubris filled Napoleonic Obama preen like a banty rooster and crown himself president for four more years

And after having compared his speech to the gracious, American and statesmanlike concession speech of Romney, I am suffering post-election remorse, especially because I long wavered between voting and not voting, and, having said I would not vote for either candidate, I weakened today and weasled by voting the straight democrat ticket.

Sleepy and tired, I have heard with regret Obama's delivery of a victory speech that boasts that (despite the fact it hasn't won a war since WW II) America's military is the strongest military in the world.

And I have listened with some amazement to his boast that today we are the greatest nation on earth,
and with suprise to his arrogant pretension that we are going to build on the progress already made by his administration,
and to his piddling pretension that we will free ourselves of dependance upon foreign oil, etc.

Having heard Obama once again pledge change,
and with four years of his leadership having gone by with almost no change,
I am challenged by the fear that we will not have change but will have four more years of the same carefully strung together pandering platitudes gilded with patent insincerity and filled with sound and fury and signifying nothing but a continuing decline in the status of America and ordinary Americans.

Obama's victory speech is important, however, for it marks the beginning of the end to a contest between AIPAC and JStreet that centered on the just completed presidential election.

J Street is the winner of the contest now, but I fear that the contest will continue unabated for at least four more years during which America and Americans will continue to be the losers.

We already know BIG MONEY is trying dominate America and they throw a fit when they don't get their way. Tonight was another win for average folks.
Nothing has changed.

Today, the USA is in the same death-spiral of suck it was in yesterday, as it was in a month ago, as it will be in a month from now.

Nothing has changed.

Today, the USA is in the same death-spiral of suck it was in yesterday, as it was in a month ago, as it will be in a month from now.



America is going to do well no matter who won.

We will just do better with Obama.
A REAL choice might have been nice.

But of the two real choices we had, Obama was marginally less bad.

Romney and his supporters obvious HATE for most Americans is what made the difference.

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