A Balanced, Reasoned Reaction to Obama's Win


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Many Republicans are reading too much into Obama's narrow win and are failing to see the positive aspects of the election results. Consider:

* Obama's margin of victory was cut by nearly 70% from 2008 (from 7.2 percentage points down to 2.3 percentage points--52.9% vs. 45.7% to 50.4% vs. 48.1%).

* Romney's share of the vote was 5.1% higher than McCain's in 2008 (48.1% vs. 45.7%).

* The above two facts are almost remarkable given the fact that most major news networks cast aside any pretense of objectivity and functioned as an arm of the Obama campaign. (See, for example, Five ways the mainstream media tipped the scales in favor of Obama).

* The GOP easily maintained control of the House, losing only a handful of seats. As of now, the GOP has won at least 234 seats, giving them a comfortable majority of at least 24.

* The GOP increased its control of governorships to 30. So 30 of 50 states now have Republican governors.

* The GOP only lost two seats in the Senate (they now have 45), so they have more than enough votes to block harmful legislation.

The exit polling also provides many encouraging results:

* Romney soundly beat Obama among every income group except the bottom two (under $30K and $30K-$49K).

* 23% of Obama voters said taxes should not be raised on anyone, not even on the rich.

* 49% of voters said Romney would do a better job on the economy, while 48% said Obama would! Go figure!

* 49% of voters said Romney would do a better job on the federal budget, while 47% said Obama would! Again, go figure!

* 24% of Obama voters said the government is doing too many things that should be done by individuals and local communities.

* 3% of voters were high-school dropouts, and Obama carried them by nearly 2 to 1. (This is more revealing than it is "positive.")

* 63% of voters said they had either positive or neutral views on the Tea Party movement.
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