97% Climate Scientists...

Yes there are similar ice caves at teh terminus of the Tasman glacier as well. I am very well aquainted with them.

I knew, YOU knew, and I can also see that You have man sized fingers too...watch out somebody surely will focus all the attention to
teh terminus
and disregard everything else You said!
Allow me to elaborate on Your reply:

"climatology" does not go beyond the buzz words or concept names of well known physics & chemistry. This "science" quotes books & publications without even going a few pages into the depth of it and then make the most outlandish cause and effect statements in the news media.
It`s been done with the DDT bird shell effect, mercury pollution, "acid rain", CFC`s where one <Cl>
radical can score 100 000 collisions in a row against .99 Million to 1 odds...and now with Carbon Dioxide on which the entire new "science" is based.
Yet water is the most common substance on this planet and without it life would not exist.
This "science" uses methods adults use when they want to put on a scary show for their kids using their hands in front of a candle behind a curtain to project 2 dimensional larger than life monsters on a screen.
Every scary over sized shadow they project for the frightened audience can be explained
with the properties of the most common substance on earth, water.

Both "Acid rain " was ...., but the CO2 boogerman could also be dealt with one single sentence which is in any chemistry book:

Water left exposed to air for any length of time will dissolve carbon dioxide, forming a dilute solution of carbonic acid, with a limiting pH of about 5.7. As cloud droplets form in the atmosphere and as raindrops fall through the air minor amounts of CO2 are absorbed and thus most rain is slightly acidic

And the "global warming" scare with these 2 statements:

Water has the second highest specific heat capacity of all known substances, after ammonia, as well as a high heat of vaporization (40.65 kJ·mol^&#8722;1)
The specific enthalpy of fusion of water is 333.55 kJ·kg^&#8722;1 at 0 °C. Of common substances, only that of ammonia is higher

These two unusual properties allow water to moderate Earth's climate by buffering large fluctuations in temperature. Per Josh Willis, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory the oceans absorb one thousand times more heat than the atmosphere (air) and is holding 80 to 90% of the stored heat.

Of course in the Internet/Wikipedia that is spin-phrased as "....and is holding 80 to 90% of the stored "global warming" heat.

And then there is the water vapor Infrared absorption spectrum:


Now Compare that with the narrow CO2 spectral line:


Where they tell You that this spectral line can "catch" enough Infrared to heat the planet...
Right, then You could also find shelter from the rain by standing under a hydro line.

So that leaves us with the "Melting glaciers"
Well that`s where this propaganda science has the advantage, that it does get a little bit more complicated and
You do need to have some physics semesters under Your belt to spot this fraud.
But that can also be boiled down to the key facts which are at play here:

Triple point
The temperature and pressure at which solid, liquid, and gaseous water coexist in equilibrium is called the triple point of water.


They partially explain that to high school kids why skates glide so easy on ice!
You don`t even have to get that complicated to understand that Steam, liquid Water and Ice can happily co-exist
given the pressure is large enought...which it certainly is under a thick layer of ice.

And that happens to the glacier, which slide off mountain sides "because of global warming":

Science Links Japan | Anisotropy of ice plasticity and dislocations in ice: anomalous properties of hexagonal ice Ih associated with cubic structure Ic

Anisotropy of ice plasticity and dislocations in ice: anomalous properties of hexagonal ice Ih associated with cubic structure Ic
Accession number;06A0418360
Pub. Country;Japan
Abstract;The plasticity of ice, which demonstrates the strongest anisotropy among the various properties of ice, is reviewed in terms of the characteristic nature of dislocations in ice. Ice is deformed as if all possible sliding systems except for basal sliding are forbidden; like a deck of cards in which the surface is parallel to a basal plane. This peculiar nature of ice plasticity is explained by the characteristic structures of dislocations in ice, or by the fact that it originates with cubic structure Ic embedded in hexagonal ice Ih. The dislocation in ice extends over the basal plane because there is a very small energy difference between Ih and Ic that restricts its movement on the basal plane. Even though only the basal system is active in ice plasticity, it is apparent in the text that non-basal systems are also important in the deformation mechanism

And Tourists are watching and filming "global warming evidence" at the Alaska pan handle coast where huge chunks of ice crash every other minute into the Pacific Ocean.

"Climatologists" plant Laser Targets higher up and "collect correlation data" between "average ice motion" and "average temperature".

And after that the astonished public gets a "science lesson" on Cable TV, both on the "Discovery Channel" and the "National Geographic" which conclude Your SUV is destroying the planet.
TV works even better than the shadow puppet theater, because with that one exaggeration is limited to the size of the canvas and the distance to the candle.

When I was getting my geology degree in the 1960's and 70's all was well with the world, then in the 1970's when I was getting my PhD we first heard of GW. And on its face the theory was sound and so we pretty much ignored it.

However as time went on myself and a bunch of other geologists started looking at the historical record and concluded that the hysterical doom mongering was ridiculous and started asking ourselves why they were getting so silly with their predictions, that is what caused us to start looking at their science. That's when we realised they really didn't have any.

It was quite a revelation I assure you. Back in the 90's we still didn't really care because we had no idea what their goal was. We figured they were twits and had figured out a wonderful gravy train and while we didn't like it we also realised that it allways happens in academia so once again pretty much ignored it. Then when I was actually teaching for a year between projects I had a student come up and fill me in on what they had been doing and what he thought was their goal. Needless to say at first I thought he was mad but I did the proper thing and actually looked at what he presented and after about a month of real serious work between the two of us I was astounded to find that he was correct.

Since that time I have been working against these bastards, and bastards is what they are.

And yes my fingers do frequently get in the way!:lol::lol: All those years of swinging a rock hammer has made them pretty callused!
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Since that time I have been working against these bastards, and bastards is what they are.

And yes my fingers do frequently get in the way!:lol::lol: All those years of swinging a rock hammer has made them pretty callused!

I read You 4 X 4...But You know what I may well be that You and I met once!
After all it is a small world! Have You been doing some research by any chance up top the Muncho Lake climb @ the Alaska highway?
There is a glacier field with all kinds of interesting minerals.
You are telling me here and now almost the same thing as the Geologist I met there once, quite by accident!
He was stuck for several hours and had a Mexican standoff with a very aggressive ram, that just lost one horn after a viscous fight with another ram.
This Geologist had his rock hammer as the only weapon in his fist and managed to hold off that ram with it. Every time he wanted to move, the ram reared up and began a charge, then the rock hammer was raised over the head and the ram broke off his attack.
He...may very well be YOU... came down the mountain after that to my van (which was also a Dodge RAM,red with a gray top ) and we had coffee and sandwiches...and the story he told me sounded EXACTLY what You have been telling me here just now!!!!

Maybe I should not be doing this, but what the hell...I came back to edit this to upload some pictures for this.


That`s the van.
Does that ring a bell?

I just finished another tour of duty and my wife and daughter picked me up at Edmonton airport, and we drove back home into the Yukon.
Then up top at the Muncho Lake climb, there was a Jeep with the top down just sitting there, so I stopped to see if somebody needs some Help...and there was the Geologist with a Rock hammer, holding off a killer ram, pretty tired he was when I showed up, but cool as a cucumber!
I`ll never forget it!

That other glacier top right is not far from where I lived then...it`s doing just fine!

Here is another "ice cave" better close up picture, same cave, going way up and under a Greenland glacier above it.
No way would I crawl in there and see how far....You are the Geologist, That`s YOUR JOB!
Just kidding! But there are many of these caves, this one was the easiest to get to.


These glaciers, especially the massive ones in the arctic can be an extremely dangerous
place to snoop around. Sometimes a huge water reservoir deep under the ice breaks
through and water roars down the mountain slope...Once I stood in a turbine outlet of
a power plant being built on the Nelson river up in Northern Manitoba which was built almost
exclusively to feed into the U.S. power grid.
This "ice cave" looks exactly like one of the turbine outlets, which were computer designed
to have the optimum shape for a torrent of water to exit with the
least resistance...well if water has it`s way it does that all by itself. A falling drop of water
takes on the optimal shape of least drag..
why would water use a different principle when it carves a shape as these "ice caves" when it wants to blast through the ice?

Well I guess as a pilot and a Geologist You took Your share of risks!
But not too many "climatologists" beg for security clearance to come to S.A.C. Thule or Alert. If the winds start howling and the snow blows that visibility is not just below IFR minimum but absolute Zero...they close Chicago O`Hare or divert to an alternate.
Here it`s do or die!...There is no alternate and You won`t have much more than the mandatory 45 minutes worth of fuel on board when You are on approach!
In the summer it`s not bad and just when the captain says, O.K. guys strap in, 2 minutes from touchdown and You look out the window You see wrecks of many makes below, that had to go for it, despite 150+ crosswinds gusting even higher and ZERO visibility.


So now I can ask a full fledged Geologist what he thinks of the answers we got from the "climatologists" about these ice caves.
They claim these caves are formed when a glacier slides downhill and can`t follow the contour, then simply bridges the gap...
totally disregarding the direction and Orientation of these caves...because for most, the glacier would have had to move sideways instead of downhill.
Then You were not around for a second qualified opinion, but now You are!
They could use a guy like You up there...check with USAF Strategic Air Command for security clearance, then You can have Your pick between Greenland and Ellesmere Island...or check with A.F.B. Trenton, they can issue clearance as well.
SAC Thule is far less hairy to land as Alert, and we visit each other all the time using Twin Otters.
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Since that time I have been working against these bastards, and bastards is what they are.

And yes my fingers do frequently get in the way!:lol::lol: All those years of swinging a rock hammer has made them pretty callused!

I read You 4 X 4...But You know what I may well be that You and I met once!
After all it is a small world! Have You been doing some research by any chance up top the Muncho Lake climb @ the Alaska highway?
There is a glacier field with all kinds of interesting minerals.
You are telling me here and now almost the same thing as the Geologist I met there once, quite by accident!
He was stuck for several hours and had a Mexican standoff with a very aggressive ram, that just lost one horn after a viscous fight with another ram.
This Geologist had his rock hammer as the only weapon in his fist and managed to hold off that ram with it. Every time he wanted to move, the ram reared up and began a charge, then the rock hammer was raised over the head and the ram broke off his attack.
He...may very well be YOU... came down the mountain after that to my van (which was also a Dodge RAM,red with a gray top ) and we had coffee and sandwiches...and the story he told me sounded EXACTLY what You have been telling me here just now!!!!

Maybe I should not be doing this, but what the hell...I came back to edit this to upload some pictures for this.


That`s the van.
Does that ring a bell?

I just finished another tour of duty and my wife and daughter picked me up at Edmonton airport, and we drove back home into the Yukon.
Then up top at the Muncho Lake climb, there was a Jeep with the top down just sitting there, so I stopped to see if somebody needs some Help...and there was the Geologist with a Rock hammer, holding off a killer ram, pretty tired he was when I showed up, but cool as a cucumber!
I`ll never forget it!

That other glacier top right is not far from where I lived then...it`s doing just fine!

Here is another "ice cave" better close up picture, same cave, going way up and under a Greenland glacier above it.
No way would I crawl in there and see how far....You are the Geologist, That`s YOUR JOB!
Just kidding! But there are many of these caves, this one was the easiest to get to.


These glaciers, especially the massive ones in the arctic can be an extremely dangerous
place to snoop around. Sometimes a huge water reservoir deep under the ice breaks
through and water roars down the mountain slope...Once I stood in a turbine outlet of
a power plant being built on the Nelson river up in Northern Manitoba which was built almost
exclusively to feed into the U.S. power grid.
This "ice cave" looks exactly like one of the turbine outlets, which were computer designed
to have the optimum shape for a torrent of water to exit with the
least resistance...well if water has it`s way it does that all by itself. A falling drop of water
takes on the optimal shape of least drag..
why would water use a different principle when it carves a shape as these "ice caves" when it wants to blast through the ice?

Well I guess as a pilot and a Geologist You took Your share of risks!
But not too many "climatologists" beg for security clearance to come to S.A.C. Thule or Alert. If the winds start howling and the snow blows that visibility is not just below IFR minimum but absolute Zero...they close Chicago O`Hare or divert to an alternate.
Here it`s do or die!...There is no alternate and You won`t have much more than the mandatory 45 minutes worth of fuel on board when You are on approach!
In the summer it`s not bad and just when the captain says, O.K. guys strap in, 2 minutes from touchdown and You look out the window You see wrecks of many makes below, that had to go for it, despite 150+ crosswinds gusting even higher and ZERO visibility.


So now I can ask a full fledged Geologist what he thinks of the answers we got from the "climatologists" about these ice caves.
They claim these caves are formed when a glacier slides downhill and can`t follow the contour, then simply bridges the gap...
totally disregarding the direction and Orientation of these caves...because for most, the glacier would have had to move sideways instead of downhill.
Then You were not around for a second qualified opinion, but now You are!

No the geologist in Alaska was not me but I know who it was! I would never wander around that area without a rifle or a shotgun! He and I had drinks one time in Fairbanks and he told me the story! I can't remember the buggers name right now but it gave me a hell of a laugh at the time! He was working on his dissertation at the time I believe and was quite annoyed at the critter:lol::lol: I was working on a project for a mining outfit just out of Minto and had gone into town for a bit of R&R.

Very small world indeed!
No the geologist in Alaska was not me but I know who it was! I would never wander around that area without a rifle or a shotgun! He and I had drinks one time in Fairbanks and he told me the story! I can't remember the buggers name right now but it gave me a hell of a laugh at the time! He was working on his dissertation at the time I believe and was quite annoyed at the critter:lol::lol: I was working on a project for a mining outfit just out of Minto and had gone into town for a bit of R&R.

Very small world indeed!

Wow this time it was me who almost scored a direct hit.
But serious, You should try in earnest to go up there. If You have on top an up to date multi-engine rating + IFR, they would use You as a "taxi driver" so the rest of us can enjoy a few drinks!
Neither base is stingy to give You a ride in a Griffon or Sikorksky if You want to explore Glaciers etc. Maybe You get lucky and find the nuke rumor has it still is missing!

But seriously, You could have fun with Your rock hammer there like no where else. Because in the middle of nowhere, where You are the first human to set foot You can find stuff like the branches and treestumps only 480 miles from the Pole:



Which makes nonsense about what "experts" are telling You about Greenland.
Same thing how these glaciers are melting, they don`t melt from the top down. They "melt" under their own pressure and slide more often than not as solid ice into a body of water below:

Much like a thick layer of snow & ice on a poorly insulated roof where the heat also comes from underneath.

And these water caves corroborate that as well. Of course one may argue that the heavier than ice top water would flow down the cracks and then do that, but very seldom do we spot "top water" on glaciers up there, and when it`s there it runs down top side all the way:


And these "disappearing Greenland glaciers", well like I said before here, the entire region is a low-precip region, almost as low as the Sahara. The snow that we do have very seldom falls here like a snow fall way south from here, but is blown in by the furious winter wind storms from the ice cap and is "cycloned" out at the lee side of the mountains..and if there is enough of it, it will eventually form a glacier. If Satellite Pictures of Greenland show You overall less white, it`s not that it has gotten warmer!
Wind velocities were lower! That is all!


And how would anyone correlate that with "climate change"?...while they uphold "Katrina" as an example of "climate change" and tell You, Your SUV exhaust will cause ever more severe storms?
And last not least if You rather explore farther south, that`s fine, but don`t let the idea, that we might not have any woman up there hold You back.
We have plenty!...and they do exactly what we tell them what today`s drill is!
What else could they do?...This mode of transportation would be their only way to escape:
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No the geologist in Alaska was not me but I know who it was! I would never wander around that area without a rifle or a shotgun! He and I had drinks one time in Fairbanks and he told me the story! I can't remember the buggers name right now but it gave me a hell of a laugh at the time! He was working on his dissertation at the time I believe and was quite annoyed at the critter:lol::lol: I was working on a project for a mining outfit just out of Minto and had gone into town for a bit of R&R.

Very small world indeed!

Wow this time it was me who almost scored a direct hit.
But serious, You should try in earnest to go up there. If You have on top an up to date multi-engine rating + IFR, they would use You as a "taxi driver" so the rest of us can enjoy a few drinks!
Neither base is stingy to give You a ride in a Griffon or Sikorksky if You want to explore Glaciers etc. Maybe You get lucky and find the nuke that went missing!

IFR but no multi engine I am afraid. Never needed it. Best A/C I've had fun in is a Turbo Porter and it was hell on wheels flying up to the cirque of the Tasman. But, you never know. In a couple of years when my little girl is big enough to go on an adventure with papa you just might see us up there!
Wow this time it was me who almost scored a direct hit.
But serious, You should try in earnest to go up there. If You have on top an up to date multi-engine rating + IFR, they would use You as a "taxi driver" so the rest of us can enjoy a few drinks!
Neither base is stingy to give You a ride in a Griffon or Sikorksky if You want to explore Glaciers etc. Maybe You get lucky and find the nuke that went missing!

IFR but no multi engine I am afraid. Never needed it. Best A/C I've had fun in is a Turbo Porter and it was hell on wheels flying up to the cirque of the Tasman. But, you never know. In a couple of years when my little girl is big enough to go on an adventure with papa you just might see us up there!

Never tried one of these, just something close to it a Turbo Maul. What`s the maximum range of a Porter? You could hop civilian airports all the way to Iqaluit and eat a CNN hype MacDonald`s grease burger there. But after that I think everything is out of range, except for a Herc or other long range multi-engine. No way would You want to stake Your life on single engine beyond that.
Iqaluit is "only" 63-44 North and You still have to fly to 76-31 North where SAC Thule is.
So that`s ~ 780 nautical miles.
Iqaluit was an ICBM site up to 1963, then when the DEW Line was obsolete and everything was switched to Mil-Sats it was handed over to civilians and we moved farther north. Just to get the perspective right, the "expert" who wrote the CNN article was in Iqaluit @ 63-44 North and CFS Alert is @ 82-29 North.
There is something really neat You can see if You fly direct from CFB Trenton to Thule bypassing Iqaluit. A huge perfectly circular crater which I have to date never seen mentioned anywhere in the meteor impacts that may have been responsible for mini ice ages. I wrote down the co-ordinates once but lost that piece of paper.....I had too many pockets and when I did my laundry on base, that was the demise of my notes.
Trenton to Thule is ~14 hours with a Herc C-130!!!...so it`s well out of range for aircraft most civilian pilots can lay their hands on. An Airbus can ...and they do land in Iqaluit and could easily land at SAC Thule...B 52`s do that all the time....but I`m pretty sure if a civilian charter decides to go sight seeing in Thule they wind up in handcuffs.
That`s too bad, because if there was untethered access a lot of the bullshit stories that are in the media about Greenland would have to be discontinued.
I have seen this country from many angles and altitudes and had my feet on the ground all over the place on Greenland, Ellesmere and the polar ice cap.
I know how seldom we get a "warm" front up there and that is the only time it snows the way it snows up there like it does at lower latitudes, because the air mass up there is way too cold and too dry.
So almost all the snow we do get is snow blown in over the polar ice cap by these furious winter storms...in a layer ~1200 feet a.g.l. which pilots call "ground roll" above that layer You have "CAVOK"...with almost unlimited visibility.
And if CO2 can have anything to do with how these winds howl up there in the winter and ultimately determine how white or how "brown" Greenland looks on Sat-pics or how thick the Glaciers are...I doubt it!....but if someone can prove beyond any reasonable doubt that it does I think the public deserves at least the same right as we afford even the worst criminals. They are all assumed to be innocent till PROVEN guilty!
But we have all been declared guilty of global destruction with "evidence" which is is everything but reasonable.
And the witch hunt starts as soon as anyone publicly voices reasonable doubt.
F@#< some day these bastards will apply this system to the legal system, which by the way the "Climate Chancellor" Angela Merkel already has done.
Just Google a little bit about "Stuttgart 21" + "Police brutality" or "water cannons" etc. and You can see where this leads to.
Oh Yeah in case You wonder why this fucking project, that wants to force You from your car into ICE trains is called S-21 and not S-whatever...check Wikileaks about the Bilderberg Group and check the U.N. what "Agenda 21" is all about!
Also check how the Forests are being clear cut and how what was left of Nature in Germany is tunneled like worm infested wood for this fucking "low CO2" transportation system, which is about to plunge all Europe into bankruptcy.
And that`s what`s really behind this crap. People buy cars, clothes, food...etc but not way over budget useless transportation systems that are no better than the existing rail lines...but hey, just watch the "Climate Chancellor" Merkel (I call her Ferkel" how it`s done, before dismissing that with this idiotic "conspiracy theory" worn out fuck all opposition phrase!





A lot of people have called ex President Bush a lot of things, including stupid. But he was not stupid enough to get taken in by Angela Merkel, the "Climate Chancellor" and the Bilderberg brain child, U.N. Agenda 21


Angela Merkel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Like most pupils, Merkel was a member of the official, Socialist-led youth movement Free German Youth (FDJ). However, she did not take part in the secular coming of age ceremony Jugendweihe, which was common in East Germany, and was confirmed instead. Later, at the Academy of Sciences, she became a member of the FDJ district board and secretary for "Agitprop" (Agitation and Propaganda).[6] Merkel herself claimed that she was secretary for culture.

And had an idea that U.N. Agenda 21 could be more accurately called
"From Russia with Love!"

So yes Westwall I have a pretty good idea what you heard from Your student when You had a heart to heart talk with him, and that`s why I replied with "I read You 4 by 4!
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@ Annie :
This one for You:

01-02-2011 07:07 AM Annie Thanks for posting all that, the 15 rule sucks, but glad D was able to help!

I got nosy and read Your profile:
When one becomes a liberal, he or she pretends to advocate tolerance, equality and peace, but hilariously, they're doing so for purely selfish reasons. It's the human equivalent of a puppy dog's face: an evolutionary tool designed to enhance survival, reproductive value and status. In short, liberalism is based on one central desire: to look cool in front of others in order to get love. Preaching tolerance makes you look cooler, than saying something like, “please lower my taxes”

So I risked a wild guess and figure You are a level headed (mom?)...could be a teacher?...which would be nice, because this post here would by right up your alley!
Use anything You want, pictures etc as if they were Yours and blog!

You don`t have to get into Infrared Spectroscopy, Thermodynamics, Entalphy of water
vapor, triple point and ice plasticity under huge pressure, wind eddies on the lee side of
mountains, the geology of cracked rocks that have undergone countless freeze thaw cycles
to show how outlandish these "climatologist" statements are.
You just can let the animals that are up close to the pole there speak for themselves.
They are very easily observed, because they do not fear man. since they have not encountered any.
They are curious and You can get on Your belly next to an arctic Rabbit summer or winter and watch what they eat. Foxes and arctic wolves, same thing.
They only animal I did not join for dinner were polar bears, because with them You never know if You are next!

This stupid film that Al Gore produced tugs heart strings with starving and drowning polar bears as a result of "global warming" and he got the Nobel Prize for that!
Sure polar bears do eat seal and so did grease-burger eating Eskimos before the ever
so properly concerned about environment issues MacDonalds showed up in Iqaluit.
But seal do not just live on "ice that is too thin" for Eskimos to hunt on, as one "scientist" of
some weird kind of science explained it to CNN. They like dry land too and if they
can sunbathe in the sand they use any opportunity to do just that!...:

But what the f.ck does Al Gore think a Muskox eats?....Meat?

It`s pretty easy to figure out and watch what the Wolves eat, they let You come up close and watch just don`t think You can just grab Your share for nothing like liberals do it!

Same thing with the foxes....:

I never did see any mice on Ellesmere or Greenland, but may be they do exist.
But I did see foxes eat rabbits...:

We have 2 kinds of arctic "bunnies" some do eat steak, I have seen them do it on many occasions..:

But the wilder bunnies up there eat vegetation, and so do the Muskox.
I am running a little low on storage space here and have hundreds of pictures of plants that grow there, but this one is very common....:

This vegetation + the muskox and the bunnies + the predators that eat bunnies and muskox did not just show up there after we started burning fossil fuel!
And if that area were a thick sheet of ice instead a region with sparse snow precipitation the entire arctic eco-system would COLLAPSE

Neither the muskox nor the bunnies have to dig deep to get to the roots of plants in the midst of long the arctic winters. The rabbits eat on the windward side of slopes where there hardly ever is any snow cover worth mentioning, and the wolves and foxes pick them off from there!
It`s as simple as that and anyone who has spent some time there can tell You the same thing. And after You have spent some time there You realize what kind of garbage is fed to the public and to schoolchildren.
Boy I wish someone who is a school teacher with common sense finds these pictures here.
I`m just about done here, but what need I add?...if that does not do it, nothing will!
So for the time being my best wishes to You all
I like the logo of the Yukon`s Whitehorse Star, and I`ll borrow it to conclude here:
Whitehorsestar.com - Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Roll Your mouse pointer up to the logo, top left and keep Your eye on their motto..:

"Illegitimus Non Carborundum"

It will change to:
"Don`t Let The Bastards Grind You Down"

And that is my message to all You "guys"....(not gays!) male or female further south of where polarbears like myself live.
We are all in this together!

I just wanted to add this. First I was bitching about the 15 post rule before links & pics were allowed, that was explained to me and I do understand.
But I do have this request to the Moderator of this forum.
All the pictures in my album which I used in my posts can only be seen by registered users, and that does suck. I want to make these public property, so that ANYBODY can see this.
It`s not just "my arctic" up there it belongs to ALL OF US...and so do the pictures.
Sure I could have put them into "photobucket" or such, but it`s not rocket science how an "OldRock" would have countered that...these pics were from a mainstream "climatologist" and I "stole them"...so I posted them here. I did upload 3 or 4 once to "photobucket" and around 2 dozen to a German newspaper, but that`s all.
If sysop or the Moderator could please edit my posts so that these pictures are visible to all, that would make me and a lot of other Northerners very happy.
Or if that can`t be done, please copy my album, upload the pictures anywhere You like and go public!...It`s more than fine by me!
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Came back here to add just one more thing. The pictures below can be found by anyone with Google. Arctic "experts" like Al Gore yap about starving and drowning Polar bears. This animal and many others rely on the fact that the Lincoln Sea ice breaks wide open in the summer time else they would perish.
Most of the Animals which migrate further North don`t do that to get away from the "high average temperature".
They do so because the arctic ice breaks up in the summer and has always done so!
This area is a feeding ground vital for their survival. Whales and seals have to come up and breathe air.They can`t punch a hole through the ice!
And even in the Summer when it`s a lot warmer in Churchill Manitoba @ only 58-46 than at 82-29 North the Polar bears are doing just fine!
There are probably more polar bears there than on Greenland & Ellesmere Island in the high arctic. There is a good reason why Churchill MB is called Canada`s polar bear capital!

They don`t just live off seal!!! Unlike Eskimos, that now like "fast food" to a polar bear around Churchill, anything that was not fast enough is food!


And all the other Animals that rely on the ice breaking up each summer in the high arctic would be wiped out, if Al Gore & "Climatologists" were in charge of the climate!





In Canada kids at the elementary school level are fully aware of that, and their teachers do not feed them a pack of lies as European "climatologists" + Al Gore & Hollywood, CNN , National Geographic and the "Discovery Channel" try to!
What they consider "normal" arctic climate would be a dome of death for all the animals that call that place their home!
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Came back here to add just one more thing. The pictures below can be found by anyone with Google. Arctic "experts" like Al Gore yap about starving and drowning Polar bears. This animal and many others rely on the fact that the Lincoln Sea ice breaks wide open in the summer time else they would perish.
Most of the Animals which migrate further North don`t do that to get away from the "high average temperature".
They do so because the arctic ice breaks up in the summer and has always done so!
This area is a feeding ground vital for their survival. Whales and seals have to come up and breathe air.They can`t punch a hole through the ice!
And even in the Summer when it`s a lot warmer in Churchill Manitoba @ only 58-46 than at 82-29 North the Polar bears are doing just fine!
There are probably more polar bears there than on Greenland & Ellesmere Island in the high arctic. There is a good reason why Churchill MB is called Canada`s polar bear capital!

They don`t just live off seal!!! Unlike Eskimos, that now like "fast food" to a polar bear around Churchill, anything that was not fast enough is food!


And all the other Animals that rely on the ice breaking up each summer in the high arctic would be wiped out, if Al Gore & "Climatologists" were in charge of the climate!





In Canada kids at the elementary school level are fully aware of that, and their teachers do not feed them a pack of lies as European "climatologists" + Al Gore & Hollywood, CNN , National Geographic and the "Discovery Channel" try to!
What they consider "normal" arctic climate would be a dome of death for all the animals that call that place their home!

What a lot of people don't understand as well, is a polar bear, if given a choice between eating a seal or a human will choose the human. The polar bear is one of the very few if not the only creature that actively hunts people.
What a lot of people don't understand as well, is a polar bear, if given a choice between eating a seal or a human will choose the human. The polar bear is one of the very few if not the only creature that actively hunts people.
Exactly right! Seals are no easy prey for a polar bear, although they are after as much fat as they can get,...but more often than nor they would not lack that with humans either.
Next You will see an article in CNN "Thin ice causes polar bears to eat obese Eskimos, because these poor buggers have to eat at MacDonald`s"
But You are right! Polar bears even take down the occasional muskox, and the time of year when they stroll right through downtown Churchill Manitoba, shortly after that city has no more stray dog problems!
Total silence over the CFC-ozone problem?!?! What are we supposed to do, gloat? The problem was identified; a solution was crafted; the results were positive; scientists were proven right. Problem solved! We're not living in the past. There's more work to be done, like debunking the Global Cooling hoaxers.

This "climate change" subject would not be complete unless one last little "minor detail" is pointed out.
I did not want to go into it at that time, but it`s a perfect item to draw a line under it and start adding up the data.

Here we have a typical "expert" in Chemistry who believed that Chlorine Radicals from CFC`s which are at the parts per billion level can collide 100 000 times with Ozone Molecules which are at the Parts per Million level in a cubic meter before encountering any other molecule with an un-paired spin Electron and terminate the chain reaction!!!
And if that was not stupid enough he thinks that the Ozone layer returned to normal because CFC`s were banned....after Dupont whose Patent expired wanted these banned.

Idiots like that can`t even see the elephant which is right in their face but point out a lone gnat on a gigantic billboard.

And here is the elephant:
Its called SO2, not "global warming" CO2. (...and forget about CFC`s)
Sulfur in SO2 has a valency of +4 and does not like it...it has an energy valley at + six and wants to roll down there like a soccer ball down the hill.
It will react with any Ozone molecule it encounters and do so.

Does SO2 absorb Infrared?....Of course it does and way better than CO2 can do it..so well that even for a short path length You have to dilute the Gas and set You Spectrophotometer to minimum sensitivity, else it goes tilt!

Sulfur dioxide


Too bad the scan does not show what is beyond the 400 cm^(-1) wavelength...but strictly speaking we are beginning to leave Infrared there...but it is an eye opener!

Of course if You Google "sulfur dioxide +ozone -php"...I put the -php there else You get a clutter of forum postings...but all You will get is "environment science" crap like this:
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) - Air quality fact sheet

About 99% of the sulfur dioxide in air comes from human sources. The main source of sulfur dioxide in the air is industrial activity that processes materials that contain sulfur, eg the generation of electricity from coal, oil or gas that contains sulfur. Some mineral ores also contain sulfur, and sulfur dioxide is released when they are processed. In addition, industrial activities that burn fossil fuels containing sulfur can be important sources of sulfur dioxide.

Throwing sand in Your eyes, because You added the "climatoligist" buzzword OZONE!
Now try it with just "Sulfur dioxide -php"...and the #1 hit, no surpize is in this case Wikipedia...not that the spin doctors haven`t mentioned to shit all over that one either, but at least You will be able to find this:
Sulfur dioxide (also sulphur dioxide) is the chemical compound with the formula SO2. It is produced by volcanoes and in various industrial processes. Since coal and petroleum often contain sulfur compounds, their combustion generates sulfur dioxide unless the sulfur compounds are removed before burning the fuel. Further oxidation of SO2, usually in the presence of a catalyst such as NO2, forms H2SO4, and thus acid rain.[2] Sulfur dioxide emissions are also a precursor to particulates in the atmosphere

And now we are getting somewhere:


Photograph by R. Clucas, April 21, 1990.

plume 9 miles high
Mount Redoubt erupts 5 times overnight; Alaska Air cancels 19 flights

This photo released by the Alaska Volcano Observatory / U.S. Geological Survey shows a webcam image of Mount Redoubt at 8:43p.m.Alaska Daylight Time Monday March 23, 2009 near Kenai, Alaska. The volcano starting Sunday night March 22, 2009, sending an ash cloud an estimated 50,000 feet into the air. (AP Photo/ Alaska Volcano Observatory / U.S. Geological Survey )
The Associated Press



Fine ash deposited on a windshield of the car during the 3/23/2009 ash fall in Healy, AK approximately 300 miles from Mount Redoubt. Image by Pavel Izbekov, Alaska Volcano Observatory / University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute.



(i.e. a common image format) data from the ozone monitor on the Aura satellite (which can track SO2 emissions as well). and it looks like at least one plume is over the contiguous 48 states, and Chicago in particular:

So here is the elephant, but we are supposed to watch the gnat!

And the sun is by far a bigger elephant than all volcanoes combined on earth:

Spectacular Aurora displays across Northern Hemisphere on 1st August 2010 due to SOLAR Storms. | NO BUNS NO LIFE

On 1 August, almost the entire side of the Sun that faces the Earth erupted in a blaze of activity known as a “coronal mass ejection”. These storms throw up to 10 billion tons of plasma – superheated gas – off the surface of the star and hurtling into space at around a million miles an hour. It covered the 93 million mile journey from the Sun to the Earth in just three and a half days.
The flare which caused the eruption was relatively small, described as a class C3 by astronomers. Other flares, known as X or M class, are much larger, and capable of doing damage on Earth. C-class flares rarely have much effect on Earth beyond auroras
In 1859, one huge flare burned out telegraph wires across Europe and the USA. The so-called “Carrington flare”, named after its discoverer, “smothered two-thirds of the Earth’s skies in a blood-red aurora a night later, and crippled all global navigation and global communication, such as it was at that time. Compasses spun uselessly and the telegraph network went down as phantom electricity surged through the wire,”
More recently, in 1989, a smaller but still enormous storm caused the power grids in Quebec to go down for nine hours, causing hundreds of millions’ worth of dollars in lost revenue.

So now take a wild guess if outbursts like these are totally silent in the infrared region...as if!...

That portion arrived at light speed 3+1/2 days earlier and no one cared to monitor it...that`s all.
So now let`s add up the data...first check the number of sunspots recorded, You can get the data for several decades here:
SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

"climatologists" assert that an increase of very weak IR absorbing CO2 3 places behind the decimal place can "heat the planet" and tell You at the same time that an increase 1 place behind the decimal place in solar activity of something this HUGE can[not amount to anything.

And after that call in the jury, as long as they are not comprised of 97% "climatologists"
I wonder what the jury verdict would be if the man "made global warming" Scheisster advocates would have to state their case in a court of law

But so far They are in fact right!...if we are talking about the effects on gasoline hyper-taxation increases instead of "average global temperature"
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What scares me the most about President Obama is his shrewd intelligence.

And how skillfully he exploits social engineering +his choice of current buss words like "change" that conjure up subconscious fears like climate change, and is smart enough not to mention that in the same sentence...else everybody would realize he is suggesting a connection.
He waits exactly the right delay time, till these thoughts have crystallized in the audience, which deludes his audience they have made their own logical connection and only then does he meander gradually into fossil fuel burning, climate change and "green energy"

After all, Gasoline hyper taxed at $6.00 would easily finance the Health care plan + Social Insurance.

He and his staff know also how gullible well meaning people can be, and that a huge number of people read papers like the "Inquirer" and Elvis Presley sightings and watch CNN "Eskimos have to trade raw seal for MacDonald`s Hamburgers, because the ice is too thin to go seal hunting"...

He watched Al Gore win the Nobel Prize, because he "discovered drowning and starving polar bears, as a result of our SUV driving"

And totally even more idiotic "correlations" between CO2, CFC`s, Ozone, acid rain etc and the environment...which are actually funnier than the "Conspiracy Theory" Movie with the correlation of earth quakes and the space shuttle launches.

I`m surprised Al Gore has not yet thought of that one!...
He might get back to back Nobel Prizes!

making yet another fantastic correlation, almost as good an the space shuttle and the earth quakes:
Solar Superstorm - NASA Science
5 Apr 2010 ... What happened in 1859 was a combination of several events ...
science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/.../23oct_superstorm/ - Cached

and then Google for earthquakes that followed right after that:

Showing results for 1859 earthquakes. Search instead for 1859 earth quakes
Search Results

San Francisco Earthquake History 1769-1879
August 10, 1859. Smart shock of earthquake today. Also felt in San Jose. ... December 24, 1859. Earthquake felt just before 1 a.m.. January 1, 1860 ...
San Francisco Earthquake History 1769-1879 - Cached - Similar
1859 Shamakhi earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 1859 Shamakhi earthquake was a tremor, that took place in December 2, 1859, in the Baku Governorate region of Azerbaijan (then part of the Russian ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1859_Shamakhi_earthquake - Cached
1859 Erzurum earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 1859 Erzurum earthquake occurred at 10:30 on 2 June. It had a magnitude ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1859_Erzurum_earthquake - Cached
Show more results from wikipedia.org
Historical Earthquakes Listing
A few months after the 1859 Padstow earthquake, a similar but stronger event occurred. There was minor damage, mostly to plaster, at Newquay, Ponsanooth, ...
www.earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/earthquakes/.../historical_listing.htm - Cached - Similar
Earthquake destroys landmarks in Quito, Ecuador — History.com This ...
Mar 22, 1859: Earthquake destroys landmarks in Quito, Ecuador; Mar 23, 1913: Tornadoes devastate Nebraska; Mar 24, 1989: Exxon Valdez runs aground in Alaska ...
www.history.com/.../earthquake-destroys-landmarks-in-quito-ecuador - Cached
ALEXANDER E. GATES, DAVID RITCHIE - 2006 - Science - 368 pages
Five earthquakes, one of them accompanied by a tsunami, occurred in June and July 1859. Earthquakes continued in August. One especially strong earthquake on ...
1859 Shamakhi Earthquake
1859 Shamakhi Earthquake - from WN Network. WorldNews delivers latest Breaking news including World News, U.S., politics, business, entertainment, science, ...
wn.com/1859_Shamakhi_earthquake - Cached
Begin manual download - GSA Bulletin
by MJ CARR - 1977 - Cited by 40 - Related articles
Major Earthquakes. The epicenters and focal areas estimated for several large Central. American earthquakes (1859, 1935, 1939, 1942, 1944, 1950, ...
bulletin.geoscienceworld.org/cgi/reprint/88/1/151.pdf - Similar
The 1859 eruption of Mauna Loa and its human impact.
1 Feb 2002 ... Map showing the lava flow from the 1859 Mauna Loa eruption ... Mrs. Lyman, of Hilo, reported a few earthquakes in the months preceding the ...
hvo.wr.usgs.gov/volcanowatch/2002/02_01_17.html - Cached - Similar
Laboratory Earthquakes: The Sub-Rayleigh-to-Supershear Rupture ...
by K Xia - 2004 - Cited by 78 - Related articles
19 Mar 2004 ... Vol. 303. no. 5665, pp. 1859 - 1861. DOI: 10.1126/science.1094022 ... The laboratory experiments mimic natural earthquakes. ...
Science › Science Magazine › 19 March 2004
With Statistics You can sell just about any hoax as "science"
He would have no trouble winning a Nobel Prize in Geo Physics with it, if he managed to pull it off with his "man made global warming"...!!!!

And the earthquake/solar out burst pseudo science would have a much better stats-weight in favor of the assertion, as the ESP Porno Professor could muster and yet...
just as long as You manage to find enough idiots who agree, then you qualify today as a "scientist" and as an "expert"...
Like the asshole who grandfathered this entire CO2 "global warming" crackpot idea...
the British "expert in steam technology" who shoveled coal into a boiler in a basement in England for a living...

....and later turned to amateur "Chemist/Astronomer" and then managed to pass himself off as being smarter about Spectroscopy and Carbon Dioxide than Professor Angstro(e)m, the grandfather of Spectroscopy!
....even though he did not know an Infrared Spectrometer if it bit him in the ass....exactly as our modern day "climatologists!

Nothing could be easier than that, no matter how idiotic the hoax is, especially when the media gets on the bandwagon:

Just look at how many gullible people there are:
Google for "esp porno experiment"

And You get : About 211,000 results (0.23 seconds)
With a relatively few dissenting opinions who agree that that was Science!

How's Your Porn ESP? | The Awl
4 Jan 2011 ... Do human beings have ESP? When porn is involved, Science says yes! ... great statistics teacher who did an experiment with us to demonstrate ...
How's Your Porn ESP? | The Awl - Cached
Porn and ESP, together at last | Weird Shit not Bullshit
13 Dec 2010 ... This may seem pretty bizarre, but experimenting with porn makes sense to me. The 'traditional' experiment for testing esp was through the ...
Porn and ESP, together at last | Weird Shit not Bullshit - Cached
Technology ESP and the Scientific Journal - EN World: D&D / RPG ...
7 Jan 2011 ... "Experiment 1 is just one example. The first 40 subjects were tested ... the porno test is one that could easily be written as a program, ...
www.enworld.org/forum/.../299213-esp-scientific-journal.html - Cached
Predicting the Future With Porn? | Fast Company
Predicting the Future With Porn? BY Neal Ungerleider Wed Nov 24, 2010 ... The most interesting of the nine experiments used pornography to test for ESP. ...
Predicting the Future With Porn? | Fast Company - Cached
Feeling the Future: has science proved that we're psychic about ...
6 Jan 2011 ... It later turned out that the experiment was badly flawed, ... I think that's a more likely explanation than that we have porn-specific ESP. ...
blogs.telegraph.co.uk/.../feeling-the-future-has-science-proved-that-were-psychic-no-bet-you-saw-that-coming-etc/ - Cached
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