911 who did it?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
On this 17th anniversary lets remember who killed over 3000 innocent americans and why they did it.

It was not Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Shintos, Wickens, or even atheists. It was Muslims and they did it in the name of their perverted religion.

We need to stop the PC bullshit about Islam and understand that at its most basic foundations, it is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of murder, intolerance, abuse of women, and hate of all non-muslims.

Now, having said that, there are many good peaceful muslims, but why do we not hear from them? why do they not condemn those who murder in the name of islam?

On this anniversary lets remember the innocents who died, the first responders and everyone else who was victimized by this heinous act, and lets never become so foolish that we forget who did it and why.
On this 17th anniversary lets remember who killed over 3000 innocent americans and why they did it.

It was not Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Shintos, Wickens, or even atheists. It was Muslims and they did it in the name of their perverted religion.

We need to stop the PC bullshit about Islam and understand that at its most basic foundations, it is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of murder, intolerance, abuse of women, and hate of all non-muslims.

Now, having said that, there are many good peaceful muslims, but why do we not hear from them? why do they not condemn those who murder in the name of islam?

On this anniversary lets remember the innocents who died, the first responders and everyone else who was victimized by this heinous act, and lets never become so foolish that we forget who did it and why.

The death cult did it and we all know why.
On this 17th anniversary lets remember who killed over 3000 innocent americans and why they did it.

It was not Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Shintos, Wickens, or even atheists. It was Muslims and they did it in the name of their perverted religion.

We need to stop the PC bullshit about Islam and understand that at its most basic foundations, it is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of murder, intolerance, abuse of women, and hate of all non-muslims.

Now, having said that, there are many good peaceful muslims, but why do we not hear from them? why do they not condemn those who murder in the name of islam?

On this anniversary lets remember the innocents who died, the first responders and everyone else who was victimized by this heinous act, and lets never become so foolish that we forget who did it and why.

Wow. What an original concept for a thread. So necessary.
Bbbbuuuttttt ...THE CRUSADES!!!!!!!!!!!!

an early attempt to rid the world of radical islam, too bad they didn't complete the job.

No no, the left will tell you the Christians were the aggressors and the peaceful Muslims were not at fault at all.

Think I'm kidding? I went to the mat with a teacher over this two years ago, she told me it was in the history book they used, I looked and sure enough it was. That book is no longer used
I can’t believe the assholes giving the flying lessons down here were fine with their students telling them they don’t need to learn how to land.

I hope they go to bed every night with the weight of 3000 souls on their minds.
On this 17th anniversary lets remember who killed over 3000 innocent americans and why they did it.

It wasn't 3000 Americans, though they did make a clear majority of the victims.

We need to stop the PC bullshit about Islam and understand that at its most basic foundations, it is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of murder, intolerance, abuse of women, and hate of all non-muslims.

Basic foundations? How many religious wars have been fought under the Cross? How many black folk hung from a tree by those wearing a cross? How many natives were slaughtered by those with a cross on their breast plates?

Be very careful with the 'basic foundations' argument. As Christianity has lakes of blood on its hands.
We were on a glide path to unimaginable prosperity and peace. We would have paid down debt; the Cold War was over. There's no way a bunch of camel fuckers living in a cave in Pashtun carried it out with a big assist from you know who.
We were on a glide path to unimaginable prosperity and peace. We would have paid down debt; the Cold War was over. There's no way a bunch of camel fuckers living in a cave in Pashtun carried it out with a big assist from you know who.

Ah, the Tinfoil Brigade has spoken.
On this 17th anniversary lets remember who killed over 3000 innocent americans and why they did it.

It was not Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Shintos, Wickens, or even atheists. It was Muslims and they did it in the name of their perverted religion.

We need to stop the PC bullshit about Islam and understand that at its most basic foundations, it is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of murder, intolerance, abuse of women, and hate of all non-muslims.

Now, having said that, there are many good peaceful muslims, but why do we not hear from them? why do they not condemn those who murder in the name of islam?

On this anniversary lets remember the innocents who died, the first responders and everyone else who was victimized by this heinous act, and lets never become so foolish that we forget who did it and why.
Nice generalization fallacy you have there, Grandma.

I guess we should judge all Christians on the behavior of the Klan.

Something the Tard News Feeds from which these parroting brainless rubes get their talking points never tells them: The majority of the victims of Islamic terrorists are...MUSLIMS.

These dumb fucks conflate the people who are FLEEING the terrorists with the terrorists themselves! And they will all burn in hell alongside those who refused entry to the Jews fleeing Hitler's Germany.
On this 17th anniversary lets remember who killed over 3000 innocent americans and why they did it.

It was not Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Shintos, Wickens, or even atheists. It was Muslims and they did it in the name of their perverted religion.

We need to stop the PC bullshit about Islam and understand that at its most basic foundations, it is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of murder, intolerance, abuse of women, and hate of all non-muslims.

Now, having said that, there are many good peaceful muslims, but why do we not hear from them? why do they not condemn those who murder in the name of islam?

On this anniversary lets remember the innocents who died, the first responders and everyone else who was victimized by this heinous act, and lets never become so foolish that we forget who did it and why.
Nice generalization fallacy you have there, Grandma.

I guess we should judge all Christians on the behavior of the Klan.


If any news report is the 'Media' and any statement by a left leaning individual is 'the Left', then any actions by any Christian is 'Christianity'.

And I get to pick which Christian we use as our benchmark.
Generalization fallacies, straw men, confirmation bias, lies of omission, massive ignorance, and hypocrisy.

These are the only tools the bigots have, and their hallmark.
If Alex Jones was a leftist agitator, rather than just a bullshit artist that is embraced by some on the right for reasons I can not comprehend, the bed wetters would still be insisting Bush did 9/11.

I noticed they stopped promoting than insane bullshit after their meat puppet was elected and Jones started ripping on him.

I can't hate the entire mooselimb population, but I don't trust most of them and I would prefer not to have any more of them allowed to immigrate here. They're not really contributing much in a positive way and the chances of just one out of millions going muhamed-shit (kinda like Ape-Shit, but with explosives and gun fire) in a crowd of innocent people is too much of a liability.


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