9 year old exercises his "freedom" by shooting his sister in the head.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
Boy, 12, stabbed baby brother to death | Daily Mail Online
A 12-year-old boy killed his six-month-old baby brother by stabbing him 17 times and cutting off his left hand as he lay in his cot, a court was told today.
I love how you are trying to make a point, but instead of being someone with a BRAIN, you prove once again, how much of a sheep you are.. The only thing missing from your picture is the swastika on your sleeve.

Same mustache just less hair.

US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
The only way to stop a bad boy with a gun is a good girl with a gun.

Was she armed? No? See?
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."

Every time people are like "This is unbelievable", how can it be, it happens all the time.

Will the right come out and say it's not the gun's fault? That without this gun this kid would just have used a chair and put it through her brain?
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
The only way to stop a bad boy with a gun is a good girl with a gun.

Was she armed? No? See?
So you are making a joke about this?
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."

Every time people are like "This is unbelievable", how can it be, it happens all the time.

Will the right come out and say it's not the gun's fault? That without this gun this kid would just have used a chair and put it through her brain?
Or the knife used in my response?
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."

How Venable of you.

Kids Who Kill: Jon Venables and Robert Thompson

US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."

Every time people are like "This is unbelievable", how can it be, it happens all the time.

Will the right come out and say it's not the gun's fault? That without this gun this kid would just have used a chair and put it through her brain?

It is the parents fault or do you and the OP'er refuse to understand this part?

For the child to be able to obtain the firearm and be able too shoot the sister the parent failed to secure the firearm.

So as you blame the firearm while ignoring reality the fact still remains the parent failed the two children but of course you will ignore this because guns are evil to those like you and the op'er!
Dozens of children are killed by siblings every year. FAR more children are killed by their Liberal parents every year. (True and provable)
RARELY...every once in a while a gun is involved.

Rather than focus on the real threat to children resulting in FAR more deaths, liberal asswipes who can't stand the fact that overall, guns give humans the ability to suppress government tyranny and potentially save millions of lives, they focus on the rare story like this.

Tommy also missed the 1000's of stories of the young mother saving her children from violent attacks BECAUSE they owned a gun.
Probably 100,000 saved by guns for every one killed by a sibling with a gun. But OH NO....let's ignore all those and focus on this RARE story.

Tommy is a flaming hypocrite, master jackass, Dictator boot kisser, supreme Hoplophobe and pacifier sucker.

In case you want to see the image version......(won't post it here)
Last edited:
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
I have over 20 years purchased plenty of firearms, and not ever has one accidently or purposely shot another human being. Why is that you ask? Because I keep my weapons secured where only I can get access to them. I have 3 children, let them handle the weapons, took them out so they can fire the weapons under controlled situations, and they respect those weapons.

Liberals on the other hand, tell children NO, don't touch that, yet then on TV they see people shooting up other people all the time.
Something tells me the boy was not exercising his freedom, that he was not free to shoot his sister. Not only did the law not allow it, but neither did his parents.

That's not really the point here is it?

The reason he was able to shoot his sister was because of the gun. Why was there a gun in the house? Why was he able to get a gun? Because of the 2A, the NRA, the attitude towards guns in the US.
Something tells me the boy was not exercising his freedom, that he was not free to shoot his sister. Not only did the law not allow it, but neither did his parents.

That's not really the point here is it?

The reason he was able to shoot his sister was because of the gun. Why was there a gun in the house? Why was he able to get a gun? Because of the 2A, the NRA, the attitude towards guns in the US.
Maybe it was the liberal parents who didn't abort the children, then realized their mistake so went out and stole a gun, or bought an illegal one, so then their children would find it, and then help the Marxist cause, by having one shoot the other? Hmmm? Want to continue speculating or just realize that the moronic parents didn't lock it up, and the parents are going to have to live with their mistake for the rest of their lives?
Something tells me the boy was not exercising his freedom, that he was not free to shoot his sister. Not only did the law not allow it, but neither did his parents.

That's not really the point here is it?

The reason he was able to shoot his sister was because of the gun. Why was there a gun in the house? Why was he able to get a gun? Because of the 2A, the NRA, the attitude towards guns in the US.


You refuse to acknowledge the failure of the parent and blame everyone else!

It is amazing how you just toss everyone into the same pot as the parent!

Why was the gun in the house?

Because the person passed the State requirements to own the firearm.

Why was the kid able to obtain the firearm to kill their sister?

The failure of the parent to secure the firearm properly to make sure that their son was not able to get to it without their knowledge!

Now explain to the good board how it is the NRA fault for the parent failure?

I am not part of the NRA but I will be damn if I will ever agree with those like you that put the blame on others for the failure of one or two people!

As a parent it is your job to secure the firearm and if you fail to do so then you are responsible for what your child has done with your firearm along with them!

Not me, not the NRA and not gun owners across this country but you are responsible for securing your firearm and if you do own any my advice to you is to sell them because if you fail to secure your firearm you will blame society and not yourself for your failure in life!
Something tells me the boy was not exercising his freedom, that he was not free to shoot his sister. Not only did the law not allow it, but neither did his parents.

That's not really the point here is it?
It's the thread title, Genius.

It's like talking to children when using sarcasm.

"His dick's fucking HUGE man, he's such a man."

"But daddy, his dick is really small."

"Yes, I know son, go sit down and play computer games."

"But daddy"


If you don't get it, it's not the OP's fault and it's not my fault.

Figure that cryptic clue out.
Dozens of children are killed by siblings every year. FAR more children are killed by their Liberal parents every year. (True and provable)
RARELY...every once in a while a gun is involved.

Rather than focus on the real threat to children resulting in FAR more deaths, liberal asswipes who can't stand the fact that overall, guns give humans the ability to suppress government tyranny and potentially save millions of lives, they focus on the rare story like this.

Tommy also missed the 1000's of stories of the young mother saving her children from violent attacks BECAUSE they owned a gun.
Probably 100,000 saved by guns for every one killed by a sibling with a gun. But OH NO....let's ignore all those and focus on this RARE story.

Tommy is a flaming hypocrite, master jackass, Dictator boot kisser, supreme Hoplophobe and pacifier sucker.

In case you want to see the image version......(won't post it here)

So you think your gun is going to stop government tyranny. Who are you trying to fool.

Give us some stats of these 1000's of stories that a young mother saved their children, from violent attacks.
Something tells me the boy was not exercising his freedom, that he was not free to shoot his sister. Not only did the law not allow it, but neither did his parents.

That's not really the point here is it?

The reason he was able to shoot his sister was because of the gun. Why was there a gun in the house? Why was he able to get a gun? Because of the 2A, the NRA, the attitude towards guns in the US.


You refuse to acknowledge the failure of the parent and blame everyone else!

It is amazing how you just toss everyone into the same pot as the parent!

Why was the gun in the house?

Because the person passed the State requirements to own the firearm.

Why was the kid able to obtain the firearm to kill their sister?

The failure of the parent to secure the firearm properly to make sure that their son was not able to get to it without their knowledge!

Now explain to the good board how it is the NRA fault for the parent failure?

I am not part of the NRA but I will be damn if I will ever agree with those like you that put the blame on others for the failure of one or two people!

As a parent it is your job to secure the firearm and if you fail to do so then you are responsible for what your child has done with your firearm along with them!

Not me, not the NRA and not gun owners across this country but you are responsible for securing your firearm and if you do own any my advice to you is to sell them because if you fail to secure your firearm you will blame society and not yourself for your failure in life!
Blaming the parents is a pretty pointless task. The child is dead and the will be another one next week. Guns is the problem. There seem to be no safeguards in place that protect kids from stupid parents.
US boy, 9, 'kills sister over video game'

Only in America.

A 13-year-old girl in Mississippi has died after allegedly being shot by her nine-year-old brother over a video game, police say.

They said the boy grabbed a gun on Saturday afternoon after his sister would not give up the controller.

He allegedly shot her from behind, and the bullet entered her brain.

A local sheriff announced on Sunday that the teen had died of her injuries in a Memphis hospital. It was unclear how the boy obtained the gun.

It is also unclear what consequences the nine-year-old will face.

"He's just nine," Monroe County Sheriff Cecil Cantrell told the Clarion Ledger.

"I assume he's seen this on video games or TV. I don't know if he knew exactly what this would do. I can't answer that. I do know it's a tragedy."
You're one sick fuck

Why because he posted it?

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