9 Lies Republicans Tell About Women's Bodies

I only know of one for sure.

That Coulter is a woman.
But if she is not a woman then they are not telling a lie about a womans body?
Never mind...
9 Lies Republicans Tell About Women's Bodies

The odds that a woman who is raped will get pregnant are "one in millions and millions and millions," said state Rep. Stephen Freind, R-Delaware County, the Legislature's leading abortion foe.

The reason, Freind said, is that the traumatic experience of rape causes a woman to "secrete a certain secretion" that tends to kill sperm.

9 Lies Republicans Tell About Women's Bodies

No, after they say it three times it becomes the truth ...
It certainly are lies that democrats claim that republicans tell. I have not actually heard republicans say these things.

Democrats come up with a few whoppers of their own.

Abortion doesn't kill babies.
You can't get an STD if you're on the Pill.
You're not normal if you're not homosexual.
There will be no more crime if we legalize drugs.
The only people who are truly productive aren't working.
Unemployment is good for the economy.
Global Warming
Global Cooling
An Inconvenient Truth is documentary and so is Day After Tomorrow
The lower the supply and the higher the demand the lower the price.
More regulation and higher taxes are necessary to attract companies to do business here.
Dust is a pollutant
The Delta Smelt is more important that thousands of acres of agriculture.
Algae mades great gasoline.
If you are not working and can't afford to go to the grocery store you can still buy a new car.
It makes perfect sense to have high food prices, high utility bills, high gas prices and high housing costs and STILL not have a rise in the cost of living index.

I could go on and on!

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