9/11 Commission, Where Right, Where Wrong


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Interesting article that certainly is pointing out something that has been missed in coverage I've heard:

...What is surprising is that an alternative defense system, one with no formal authority or security funding, did succeed, and probably saved our seat of government. The downing of United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania was a heroic feat executed by the plane's passengers. But it was more: the culmination of a strikingly efficient chain of responses by networked Americans.

Requiring less time than it took the White House to gather intelligence and issue an attack order (which was in fact not acted on), American citizens gathered information from national media and relayed that information to citizens aboard the flight, who organized themselves and effectively carried out a counterattack against the terrorists, foiling their plans. Armed with television and cell phones, quick-thinking, courageous citizens who were fed information by loved ones probably saved the White House or Congress from devastation.

The foremost strategic question we need to ask ourselves is not, "How did the government/CIA/FAA fail us?" Rather, we should ask: "How did the networked citizens on the ground and in the sky save us?"...
We are ultimately responsible for our own actions. That is why taking matters into ones own hands is accpetable in my eyes. Vigilante justice is not what im advocating. But self preservation through the citizens and not reliance on Government or Police to save us in the time of need.

That's why it always pains me to see the 2nd ammendment broken so often.

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