75% of American Society LIES including Lawyers - I don't


Righteous Robert
May 26, 2009
75% of American Society LIES including Lawyers - I don't

Thou I'm willing to bet 100% on the Lawyers.

I have no reason to LIE.

C0wards need to Lie to Protect their Lifestyle.
You people know who you are.

I get tired of a society that all they do is protect themselves
and really no others.

If you question something I wrote then post it here.
I answer all.

Baltimore Bob
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Quote: It's a proven fact that 100% of people who say that they do not lie, are liars.

It's also proven FACT that 58,000 plus died in Vietnam for no reason.

Also some Lies are innocent lies that don't put anyone in danger.
So I guess your right.

Lies that the President LBJ and Nixon told
probably helped them land in Hell.
And Those that go to their Libraries are C0wards.

Lies that my ex told probably earned her
Her spot in Hell.

People that hurt other people should be dealt with harshly by society.
But then again I practice Courage and Fairness.

Baltimore Bob
Quote: As usual.
No I'd say RARE.

It would be like saying 100% of Men
have a Penis or had a Penis.
Chastity Bono is not now a Man.
Because the Doctors gave her one.

Baltimore Bob
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Quote: As usual.
No I'd say RARE.

It would be like saying 100% of Men
have a Penis or had a Penis.
Chastity Bono is not now a Man.

Baltimore Bob

Your analogy makes absolutely no sense and is not similar in any way to my comment: "It's a proven fact that 100% of people who say that they do not lie, are liars"
They both come to 100%.

Come up with something say 50%.
I probably couldn't match that
other then 50% of all humans are Males.

Baltimore Bob

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