71% Of US Do NOT Want Debt Ceiling Raised

we have to raise it, that much is certain, the reps will make noise, they know they will raise it but want some plan ahead that will reduce spending. While I laud this, at the same time, we cannot screw ourselves.

now when it comes to the politics, do I really need to post the obligatory you tubes of obama beating up bush for asking for same ( and he DID vote against raising it btw) and harry reid doing same ( he voted for it however)?

so no hypocritical they are playing politics please.
So, continue the ponzi scheme and default even worse... as if that made any more sense.

If you live beyond your means, you live beyond your means. At some point the reality is going to come, and better earlier than later.

And BTW Obama had pretty good speech on why to vote for the ceiling back in 2006. (I mean why not to vote for the increased ceiling).

When Reagan and both Bush's raised the debt ceiling, we heard nothing from the Right. The issue never made the news. Yes, Republicans were widely derided for spending too much, but the specific debt ceiling issue was never circulated through talk radio. In fact, people still refuse to talk about the Reagan deficits, or the fact that Reagan was the first president who completely abandoned "pay as you go" (in order to fund crazy money-sucking monsters like Star Wars. America turned into debtor nation under Reagan. The American Middle Class started widely using debt (Master Cards) to fuel consumption under Reagan).

Reagan Tripled Carter's deficits . . . . (and we didn't hear a peep)

Bush was handed a surplus, but exploded the deficit . . . . (and we didn't see one Tea Party rally)

When Republicans created and included "end of life counseling" in their 2003 Medicare Bill, we heard nothing about "Death Panels". Rush Limbaugh did not say a word.

(we didn't hear a peep)

When Bob Dole created a stronger version of Public Health Care than Obama proposed....

(we heard nothing)

My point: we have a group of people that are literally getting their issues from a big government political machine, i.e., a network of interests which moves money from big business into think tanks, publishing houses, elections, and mass media (talk radio and television). The machine circulates issues in a completely Machiavellian fashion, i.e., with no other logic than to protect their power by waging a partisan war.

If the machine doesn't talk about wasteful defense spending, we don't hear a peep from the base. If the machine doesn't talk about the financial insanity of trusting incompetent government to rebuild entire Arab nations, we don't hear a peep from the base. When Republicans raise the debt ceiling over and over, we don't see the Tea Party march on Washington with posters of Bush dressed in Nazi garb. The base isn't even allowed to see or talk about history honestly, i.e., they are not allowed to know or speak about Reagan's love affair with debt and deficits. The base is living in a completely falsified echo chamber. This makes it impossible for them to control their own party, who tricks them into the voting booth with wedge issues, but gives them military adventurism instead, as they don flag pins and scream invectives at Muslims . . . without ever seeing the shell game)

It is perfectly "ok" to oppose raising the debt ceiling, but it is a tragedy when you have such deep loyalty to a political party who thrives on big spending and raising the debt ceiling. Do you understand what the cherry-picked intelligence War on Terrorism has done to the debt ceiling? No -- because the machine doesn't talk about it. This is the problem. We've lost the critically detached right wing voter to the machine.

Our problem is not that the Rightwing voter is anti-government, it's that he is anti-governemnt selectively, and that his critical faculties have been completely co-opted by government (movement conservatism).

We're begging you: Please start by truly reforming your own party next time you have the presidency -- and then we'll believe you've found religion. Until then, you are forcing us to watch the same bad movie.

The last people on earth that America should listen to about fiscal responsibility is the Republican Party. And I'm not saying the Left is better, because they too have been co-opted by the special interest machine.

FYI: I voted for Perot because I opposed NAFTA and the coming globalized war on the American worker. I am not defending the Democrats, who have been sheepishly running from the American Worker ever since Clinton sided with Wall Street over Labor.
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Bush hid the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles in "emergency spending", i.e., off the budget, so his base couldn't see what he was really borrowing from our grandchildren. Obama put these wars back in budget, so American could see how much debt they were really in. Do you think Sean Hannity talks about how dangerous it is for the Republicans to keep hiding their spending? At what point is the Republican base going to hold their party accountable? If you can't hold your party genuinely accountable, how can you begin to lecture the Democrats? This is beyond Jared Loughner insane.

You will never see an eruption of Tea Party rallies against a sitting Republican president.

The Republican base is a function of their government machine, which feeds issues to low information voters for the purpose of keeping their special interest orgy alive.

When Republicans created and included "end of life counseling" in their 2003 Medicare Bill, we heard nothing about "Death Panels". Rush Limbaugh did not say a word. Then, when Democrats adopted Republican language verbatim, we saw a Tea Party revolution
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I don't want the debt ceiling raised either, however, my silly grasp on reality tells me that we don't have much choice at this juncture.

True. But, you could vote for someone who's not gonna spend us into oblivion. Just an idea.

And that is who, exactly?

What I'm looking for is someone to come forward with a realistic plan of increasing revenue and reducing spending in all areas over the next couple of years until we are in the black and actually paying the debt down. Then once there, revisiting the issue and forming a plan to reduce overall taxes and spending simultaneously while still paying down the debt.

So am I. How about the first person to find a politician with the courage to tell the complete truth - including the fact that, in order to get this under control - we're all gonna have to suck up higher taxes. I'll pay higher taxes.... IF it is to a government that is practicing fiscal responsibility and saving the next generation from the idiocy of the previous one.

Obama said that increasing the deficit is the sign of failed leadership. We had eight years of failed leadership. We now have four more. Can we please stop electing idiots?
Bush hid the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles in "emergency spending", i.e., off the budget, so his base couldn't see what he was really borrowing from our grandchildren. Obama put these wars back in budget, so American could see how much debt they were really in. Do you think Sean Hannity talks about how dangerous it is for the Republicans to keep hiding their spending? At what point is the Republican base going to hold their party accountable? If you can't hold your party genuinely accountable, how can you begin to lecture the Democrats? This is beyond Jared Loughner insane.

You will never see an eruption of Tea Party rallies against a sitting Republican president.

The Republican base is a function of their government machine, which feeds issues to low information voters for the purpose of keeping their special interest orgy alive.

When Republicans created and included "end of life counseling" in their 2003 Medicare Bill, we heard nothing about "Death Panels". Rush Limbaugh did not say a word. Then, when Democrats adopted Republican language verbatim, we saw a Tea Party revolution

check your diatribe....:rolleyes:

The Medicare policy will pay doctors for holding end-of-life-care discussions with patients, according to the Times. A similar provision was dropped from the new healthcare reform law after Republicans accused the administration of withholding care from the sick, elderly and disabled.

However, an administration spokesman said the regulation, which is less specific than the reform law’s draft language, is actually a continuation of a policy enacted under former President George W. Bush.

“The only thing new here is a regulation allowing the discussions … to happen in the context of the new annual wellness visit created by [healthcare reform],” Obama spokesman Reid Cherlin told The Wall Street Journal.

In 2003, Medicare added a consultation visit for seniors new to the program, according to the Journal. Another 2008 law, enacted under Bush, said the visit can include “end-of-life” planning discussions.


However, what The Hill’s Jason Millman forgot to mention in his article was that President Bush VETOED the 2008 bill and the Democrats, along with some “good-willed” Republicans OVERRODE Bush’s veto forcing him to sign the legislation into law. The bill dealt with doctors’ reimbursements and more, but the Democrats slipped in the end-of-life planning by opening up the Social Security Act, which I have stated many times is dangerous. Once the act is changed, it is difficult to amend again and allows for tinkering with the Medicare fee schedule and covered services definitions and requirements

Actually, Bush Vetoed Bill with ‘End-of-Life’ Provisions - Big Government
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I strongly oppose raising of debt limit,the present situation is due to wrong policies of both the republicans and democrats,especially war in Iraq had costed us so much.

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