"70 Year-Old Stoned To Death Because The Bible Says To Stone Gays"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
70 Year-Old Stoned To Death Because The Bible Says To Stone Gays

"A 28 year-old Philadelphia-area man admitted he stoned to death a 70 year-old man because the Bible says to stone homosexuals. John Joe Thomas reportedly killed Murray Joseph Seidman, whom he knew, and told police, “I stoned Murray with a rock in a sock,” because he had read in the Bible that gays should be stoned.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, “The young man and Seidman were often seen together grocery shopping and going to church,” and “He then described how he placed batteries and rocks in a sock, and hit Seidman in the head at least 10 times.”

Think about this. Gays are being stoned to death in 21st century America. Actually, we don’t even know if the man who was stoned was gay, but his murderer thought he was."

Isn't just people advocating it, but it actually happens. But when ISIS does it all Islam's evil and needs to be banned. But when some Christian does it...Nothing.
70 Year-Old Stoned To Death Because The Bible Says To Stone Gays

"A 28 year-old Philadelphia-area man admitted he stoned to death a 70 year-old man because the Bible says to stone homosexuals. John Joe Thomas reportedly killed Murray Joseph Seidman, whom he knew, and told police, “I stoned Murray with a rock in a sock,” because he had read in the Bible that gays should be stoned.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, “The young man and Seidman were often seen together grocery shopping and going to church,” and “He then described how he placed batteries and rocks in a sock, and hit Seidman in the head at least 10 times.”

Think about this. Gays are being stoned to death in 21st century America. Actually, we don’t even know if the man who was stoned was gay, but his murderer thought he was."

Isn't just people advocating it, but it actually happens. But when ISIS does it all Islam's evil and needs to be banned. But when some Christian does it...Nothing.
He's not a Christian. He's trying to be a Jew and live under the law. That means he'll be judged and condemned by the law, not Christ's grace. Big difference.
70 Year-Old Stoned To Death Because The Bible Says To Stone Gays

"A 28 year-old Philadelphia-area man admitted he stoned to death a 70 year-old man because the Bible says to stone homosexuals. John Joe Thomas reportedly killed Murray Joseph Seidman, whom he knew, and told police, “I stoned Murray with a rock in a sock,” because he had read in the Bible that gays should be stoned.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, “The young man and Seidman were often seen together grocery shopping and going to church,” and “He then described how he placed batteries and rocks in a sock, and hit Seidman in the head at least 10 times.”

Think about this. Gays are being stoned to death in 21st century America. Actually, we don’t even know if the man who was stoned was gay, but his murderer thought he was."

Isn't just people advocating it, but it actually happens. But when ISIS does it all Islam's evil and needs to be banned. But when some Christian does it...Nothing.

Were are the last of the sane people in the world?
He's just doing God's will. What's the problem?

For starters the various death penalty sins all assume legal finding of fact at a religious trial. Can't just walk into a gay bar and start killing people.

Jewish law is where our own modern system of law as well as government comes from. It has its own system of checks and balances. Since while many things have a death penalty, they all assume you give these people a trial first. Are numerous safeguards built in to ensure madmen don't walk around dispensing what thei crazy minds think is God's will.
That a witness, who has testified in a capital case, shall not lay down the law in that particular case (Num. 35:30)

If you're the one bringing the charge of being gay for instance, you do not then mete out the penalty.

Not to decide a case on the evidence of a single witness (Deut. 19:15)

Makes it very difficult to even bring a gay person to trial if 2 or 3 witnesses to the deed(s) is required. Unless they have sex in public like.

Not to render a decision on one's personal opinion, but only on the evidence of two witnesses, who saw what actually occurred (Ex. 23:7)

Not to execute one guilty of a capital offense, before he has stood his trial (Num. 35:12)
Lots of nutcases in religion. Fundamentalist and those who take the bible and Quran literally are going to bring about the end of earth literally. Religion needs to come to an end, too many nuts out there.
First , why are you acting as though this is news when it happened four years ago?

Second, I happen to be personally acquainted with the case and the young man in question. He had severe mental health issues. His actions were not a result of hate but of illness.
First , why are you acting as though this is news when it happened four years ago?

Second, I happen to be personally acquainted with the case and the young man in question. He had severe mental health issues. His actions were not a result of hate but of illness.
First , why are you acting as though this is news when it happened four years ago?

Second, I happen to be personally acquainted with the case and the young man in question. He had severe mental health issues. His actions were not a result of hate but of illness.

That is the reason most Christians get when the kill someone, how many stories have been in the news about women killing their kids because they were possessed or because God told them to. These fundamental preachers are crazy as well and need to be stopped. No better than radical Islam.
what happened to common sense? Throw the bible away, it was written by superstitious ignorant men 3000 yrs ago

God didn't stone the gays in the bible.............he favored some of them

Judge not lest thee be judged?
The Bible's condemnation of homosexuality can be seen as 'you shouldn't do this' but not 'you should kill them.' All the requirements to mete out religious law make doing so incredibly unlikely. In fact I'm not aware of any homosexuals in history who were tried and executed under the Law. It's meant to discourage at best. Not actually be carried out.

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