7% of California Drivers Test Positive for Marijuana, but Are They Impaired?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Maia Szalavitz


For the 20 states in which marijuana is legal, either for medicinal or recreational purposes, there’s a new challenge for law enforcement: judging whether stoned users are too impaired to drive.

Read more: 7% of California Drivers Test Positive for Marijuana, but Are They Impaired? | TIME.com

Wouldn't you feel secure looking over to see this guy driving next to you? :confused:
by Maia Szalavitz


For the 20 states in which marijuana is legal, either for medicinal or recreational purposes, there’s a new challenge for law enforcement: judging whether stoned users are too impaired to drive.

Read more: 7% of California Drivers Test Positive for Marijuana, but Are They Impaired? | TIME.com

Wouldn't you feel secure looking over to see this guy driving next to you? :confused:

I see drivers obviously impaired who are smoking pot, you can smell it if you are behind or beside them. The only thing to do is drop back far enough that you won't be involved in the accident they will cause.
Based on my years of experience when i smoke it i would say that it depends. it depends on how much they smoke. I recall that If I was sharing a joint with others in the care, it would take more than one for me to get to where I might be impared. It's the same as alcohol, one drink won't make most people impared, but two three or four?
The point isn't just that he's smoking the stuff - but is being so brazen about it. If he cares so little for the law, what does it say for his obeying traffic laws and consideration for the rights of others?
Coast Guard Member Killed By Mexican Drug Smugglers...
Federal Agent Killed When Drug Smuggler Rams Coast Guard Boat
Dec 2, 2012 - A federal law enforcement officer was killed when a dope smuggler’s small craft rammed a Coast Guard boat in a midnight intercept of a marijuana load off the California coast, law enforcement sources told ABC News.
Four suspects are in custody and a manhunt is under way for at least two others who may have escaped to a coastal island. According to sources, the incident took place early this morning, at approximately 1 a.m., when the Coast Guard intercepted two boats — a pleasure craft and a panga boat, which is a small, fast launch — near San Clemente Island, in Santa Barbara County.

The Coast Guard, according to initial reports, took the pleasure craft into custody and detained two occupants. The Coast Guard cutter crew then lowered their smaller boat into the water in order to take custody of the individuals on the panga boat. At that point the operation turned deadly. As the Coast Guard small craft approached the panga, the driver of the panga rammed it and actually drove over the top of the boat, striking two agents and killing one of them.

Other members of the Coast Guard team took the occupants of the panga into custody, making for a total of four suspects in custody — two from the pleasure craft and two from the panga. Sources said that authorities believed that two additional suspects were dropped off on Santa Cruz Island just before the interception of the two boats. The Santa Barbara Sheriffs SWAT team was working with the U.S. Border Patrol today, searching Santa Cruz Island for additional suspects. The small Coast Guard Boat that was rammed was taken to Oxnard.

Coast Guard officials said they planned to transport this boat, as well as the pleasure craft and panga boat to the Coast Guard Base in the Port of Los Angeles. According to sources, the Coast Guard Investigative Services are requesting assistance from the Los Angeles Police Department Scientific Investigation Division forensics unit and photo unit. Arrangements are under way to secure the vessels at the Port until Monday morning, when SID can respond. The panga was operated by Mexican nationals, and the cargo was marijuana, law enforcement sources said.

Federal Agent Killed When Drug Smuggler Rams Coast Guard Boat - ABC News
Meanwhile, in the laid back California town of sunny San Rafael...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVfE_-ZJAxc"]The Great Smoke Off - YouTube[/ame]

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