666 - What does it mean?

USViking said:
Why we don't get rid of this yahoo bozart stormtrooper
combination of the union of urine and feces I dunno.

Administration thinks we need a pet Nazi here?

Has this douchebag ever said anything not fucked up?
Sift through his words... He really does make some good points sometimes! ;)
What does it mean?

It means my friend is getting married today at 6pm. Game Over.
Abbey Normal said:
Matthew 24:36 But no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

You know, while I think that scripture still apply its never says that no one will ever know. It just says that at the time Christ said it only the Father knew when He will be returning.

I am sure by now Christ knows. And I know at some point everyone is going to know. Cause the second He shows up people will know what time it is.
Joz said:
As a young girl in grade school, I used to wonder out how all of this would take place. Not until now have we had the technology to make those Bible predictions come to fruition.

The ironic thing is the more we have the capability to see the prophecies fulfilled the less people believe that they will be.

Which again is ironic because by ignoring the prophecies people will walk right into fulfilling them.
Avatar4321 said:
The ironic thing is the more we have the capability to see the prophecies fulfilled the less people believe that they will be.

Which again is ironic because by ignoring the prophecies people will walk right into fulfilling them.

Yes. And the thing about how the controllers work, is every form of bondage will come incrementally as solutions to other problems, also created by the controllers.
Avatar4321 said:
The ironic thing is the more we have the capability to see the prophecies fulfilled the less people believe that they will be.

Which again is ironic because by ignoring the prophecies people will walk right into fulfilling them.
I guess that's true. I never really tho't about it like that. But Pharoah didn't believe God when Moses prohesied to him. And even some of the Children of Israel doubted God's word.
But it's coming; a time like there has never been.
Bullypulpit said:
You've obviously never read Robert A. Heinlein's "<i>The Number of the Beast</i>". 666 is 6 to the 6th power to the 6th power...the number of alternate universes based upon the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

You are such a floccinaucinihilipilificator! ;)

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